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1、成都理工大学 硕士学位论文 英汉句法中体现的中西方思维模式差异对比 姓名:张远 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:罗亦君;郑欢 20090401 英汉句法中体现的中西方思维模式差异对比 摘 英汉句法中体现的中西方思维模式差异对比 摘 要要 语言和思维的关系在全世界语言学家和学者们间一直是共同关心的话题。 目前,全世界最有代表性的两个理论观点是萨丕尔-沃尔夫假设的语言决定论和 J. Piaget 的思维决定论。无论是思维决定语言还是语言决定思维,不可否认,语 言和思维是相辅相成、 互相制约的。 思维和语言不能独立存在, 没有语言的表述, 人类的思维不能被他人所了解,同样

2、,没有思维,语言失去本身的意义。思维的 发展加速语言的进步,反之,语言的发展丰富了人类思维的内容。 然而,不同的地理位置、社会历史,环境特色,心理倾向,传统经济和政 治体系促使中西方民族形成了截然不同的思维方式。 迥异的思维方式也使得语言 学习者在学习外国语的过程中受到母语的惯性思维方式局限, 造成一定的语言使 用错误。例如:中国学生在学习英语期间所犯的典型语言错误中式英语。即 用汉语句法的思维来构成英语句子。尽管不会影响读者的理解,但中式英语影响 了语言的表达,对于语言学习者来说,不利于他们掌握地道、标准的英语。 本论文通过系统地总结和分析中外语言学家们探索语言和思维关系后得出 的一系列结论

3、, 其中, 包括语言决定论、 思维决定论等代表性理论。 并从整体性、 分析性、论理性、认知性、具体性、抽象性等方面总结不同的思维模式的主要差 异体现,从语言学中的句法角度入手,通过对比中英句法的显著差异,找出其所 体现的不同思维方式特征,从而探讨其对语言学习者学习外语的影响,并试图寻 求解决该问题的方法和途径。 本论文包括六章。第一章是全篇论文的简要介绍;第二章追溯理论根源和 目前该课题的研究现状,以及句法、思维和思维模式的概念介绍;第三章描述思 维和语言及思维和思维方式的关系;第四章对比中西不同的思维方式:其中,最 显著的差异是:整体性思维和分析性思维;伦理性思维和认知性思维;具体性思 维和

4、抽象性思维;螺旋型思维和直线型思维;主观性思维和客观性思维。根据这 些不同的思维方式,第五章从句法角度对比不同的思维方式在英、汉语言中的体 现,例如:汉语具有非屈折性、意合、简单和偏重人称的显著特点,而英语具有 屈折性、形合、复杂和偏重物称的显著特点;根据句法与思维方式结合对比,第 六章从文化角度诠释了造成中国学生学英语时出现“中式英语”错误的原因,罗 列出中式英语的典型错误特点, 并在实际范例分析基础上从语言教育者和语言学 习者的角度分别给出解决该问题的方法建议, 力求给广大英语爱好者和中国从事 英语教学的教师们提供如何从句法角度有效写出地道英语的建议;在总结中,作 者提出本论文的研究目的即

5、通过对比英汉句法中体现的中西方思维模式差异, 挖 掘其文化差异根源,并针对目前中国学生学习英语语言过程中遇到的主要问题 - 中式英语错误,提出建议和改正方法。同时总结研究该课题中存在的不足并 对今后的研究工作做出进一步展望。 关键词关键词:语言;思维;思维模式;句法结构;中式英语 A Contrastive Study of Thinking Modes Reflected in English and Chinese Syntaxes Abstract The relationship between language and thinking has been a hot argument

6、 among linguists and scholars. Among them, Spair-Whorf Hypothesis( Linguistic Determinism Theory) and J. Piagets Thinking Determinism Theory are two representative ones. No matter whether thinking determines language or language determines thinking, linguists, scholars and philosophers admit that la

7、nguage and thinking are complementary and restrained to each other. The development of thinking accelerates the development of language and the development of language riches the contents of thinking. However, different thinking modes between Chinese and the Westerners are resulted from different so

8、cial histories and geographic, environmental features, ideological tendencies, traditional economical and political systems. This thesis systematically analyzes the theories of the linguists and scholars about the relationship between language and thinking, summarizes the different thinking modes, a

9、nd analyzes how these differences influence foreign language learning from the aspect of syntax. The thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter One is the brief introduction to the whole thesis. The author introduces the research background of this thesis, and the significance of this research; Chapte

10、r Two is related literature review and presents the previous and current achievement of research in this field and the definition of thinking and thinking modes are listed as well for better understanding; Chapter Three tells the relationship between thinking and language and clarifies the concepts

11、of theories of Thinking Determinism and Linguistic Determinism and typical ideas of Chinese linguists.; Chapter Four tells the differences between Chinese thinking modes and Western thinking modes: among them, the dominant differences are: holistic thinking vs. analytic thinking; ethical thinking vs

12、. cognitive thinking; figurative thinking vs. abstract thinking; gyre thinking vs. linear thinking and subject conscious thinking vs. object conscious thinking. According to these different thinking modes, Chapter Five makes comparison with different thinking modes embodied in English and Chinese sy

13、ntaxes,after comparison, the representative differences between Chinese and English are: Chinese is regarded as non-inflectional language, parataxis, simple and personal language; While, English is regarded as inflectional language, hypotaxis, complex and impersonal language. On the basis of the dif

14、ference, in Chapter Six, the thesis explains the reasons why Chinese students of English make such Chinglish mistakes while writing in terms of the comparison of the different syntactic structure characteristics between Chinese and English and on the other hand, lists the typical mistakes made by Ch

15、inese learners of English and neglect of teachers teaching in writing. The implications of this contrastive study for teaching and learning English have been also contained in this chapter. In Conclusion at the end of the thesis, the author expresses the intention of this research: try to solve this

16、 problem and give suggestions to the Chinese students and teachers of English on how to use idiomatic English and write effectively. Meanwhile, the author sums up the limitation of this thesis and makes future prospect. Key words: language; thinking; thinking mode; syntactic structure; Chinglish 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的 研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其 他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果, 也不包含为获得 成都理工大学 或其他教 育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。 与我一同工作的人员对本研究所做的任何 贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。 学位论文作者签名: 年



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