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1、 XX年韩国总统朴槿惠就职演说稿(中英文) XX年韩国总统朴槿惠就职演说稿(中英文) 尊敬的各位国民、700万海外侨胞们: 我今天站在这里,满怀开创希望新时代的决心与憧憬,正式就任大韩民国第十八任总统。 感谢各位国民赋予我如此重大的历史使命,感谢出席就职仪式的李明博总统、各位前任总统,以及世界各国的恭贺使节和海内外来宾们。 作为大韩民国的总统,我将顺应民意,实现我国经济复兴、国民幸福、文化昌盛的伟大梦想,为建设一个国富民安的大韩民国而不懈努力。 尊敬的各位国民!今天的大韩民国是各位用鲜血与汗水孕育而成的。各位以坚强的意志与魄力完成了我国工业与民主化建设,实现了伟大的历史变革。“汉江奇迹”的出现

2、正是因为有你们,那些在德国矿山里,在中东沙漠中,在零下几十度的战争前线坚守的人们,千千万万为家庭与祖国奉献一生的我国国民。感谢你们! 尊敬的各位国民!在风云激荡的近代史中,大韩民国在苦难与逆境中奋发崛起,走向现代。然而当前全球经济危机余波未平,朝鲜核问题悬而未决,资本主义市场面临新的挑战。克服危机需要努力开拓新的道路,这谈何容易!但是我相信我们的国民,相信我国国民在困难时期所迸发出的坚强、勇气与活力。 让我们携手面对挑战,共同开创希望的新时代,创造我国“第二个汉江奇迹”!在希望的新时代里,个人的幸福推动国家综合实力的提升,而一个强大的国家则永远属于建设她的国民。 尊敬的各位国民!新一届政府将通

3、过经济复兴、国民幸福、文化昌盛三大梦想的实现开创一个新的时代。首先,为实现经济复兴,政府将大力推进创造经济和经济民主化的建设。其次,为实现国民幸福,政府将进一步增加社会福利,确保人人老有所养、少有所乐。最后,在文化昌盛方面,将加强精神文化建设,营造一个文化气息浓郁的社会环境。 尊敬的各位国民!从今天起,我将正式履行大韩民国第十八任总统的职责。总统肩负着治理国家的重任,而国民是国家命运的真正主宰。希望各位国民与我一起,为祖国的建设献计献策。 新一届政府即将扬帆起航,国家发展与国民幸福紧密相连。唯有政府与国民相互信任、相互扶持,未来的路才能越走越好。我将全力打造一个公开透明、务实有为的政府,坚决维

4、护民众对政府的信赖。 尊敬的各位国民,希望各位在做好本职工作的同时,对他人、对社会多一份温情与责任。这是我们不变的传统美德与民族精神,也是资本主义社会迷失途中的指向标。 尊敬的各位国民!希望各位与我一起,与政府一起,共同开创希望的新时代,重现新时代的“汉江奇迹”! Inauguration Address by President Park Geun-hye Feb 25, XX my fellow Koreans and seven million fellow compatriots overseas, As I take office as the 18th-term President

5、 of the Republic of Korea, I stand before you today determined to open a new era of hope. I am profoundly grateful to the Korean people for entrusting this historic mission to me. I also thank President Lee myung-bak, former Presidents, dignitaries who have come from abroad to celebrate this occasio

6、n, and other distinguished guests for their presence. As President of the Republic of Korea, I will live up to the will of the people by achieving economic rejuvenation, the happiness of the people, and the flourishing of our culture. I will do my utmost to building a Republic of Korea that is prosp

7、erous and where happiness is felt by all Koreans. Fellow citizens, The Republic of Korea as we know it today has been built on the blood, toil, and sweat of the people. We have written a new history of extraordinary achievement combining industrialization and democratization based on the unwavering

8、“can do” spirit of our people and matching resolve. The Korean saga that is often referred to as the “miracle on the Han River” was written on the heels of our citizens who worked tirelessly in the mines of Germany, in the torrid deserts of the middle East, in factories and laboratories where the li

9、ghts were never turned off, and in the freezing frontlines safeguarding our national defense. This miracle was only possible due to the outstanding caliber of our people and their unstinting devotion to both family and country. I pay my heartfelt tribute to all fellow Koreans who have made the Repub

10、lic of Korea what it is today. Fellow citizens, Throughout the vortex of our turbulent contemporary history we always prevailed over countless hardships and adversities. Today, we are confronted anew with a global economic crisis and outstanding security challenges such as North Koreas nuclear threa

11、t. At the same time, capitalism confronts new challenges in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. The tasks we face today are unlike any we have confronted before. And they can only be overcome by charting a new pathway by ourselves. Forging a new path is seldom an easy task. But I have fait

12、h in the Korean people. I believe in their resilience and the potential of our dynamic nation. And so I pledge to embark on the making of a “Second miracle on the Han River” premised on a new era of hope hand-in-hand with the Korean people. I will usher in a new era of hope whereby the happiness of

13、each citizen becomes the bedrock of our nations strength which in turn is shared by and benefits all Koreans. Economic Revival my fellow countrymen, Today, I would like to propose a new way forward fostered on a mutually reinforcing cycle of national advancement and the happiness of our people. The

14、new administration will usher in a new era of hope premised on a revitalizing economy, the happiness of our people, and the blossoming of our culture. To begin with, economic revitalization is going to be propelled by a creative economy and economic democratization. Across the world, we are witnessi

15、ng an economic paradigm shift. A creative economy is defined by the convergence of science and technology with industry, the fusion of culture with industry, and the blossoming of creativity in the very borders that were once permeated by barriers. It is about going beyond the rudimentary expansion of existing markets, and creating new markets and new jobs by building on the bedrock of convergence. At the very heart of a creative economy lie science technology and the IT industry, areas that I have earmarked as key priorities.


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