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1、bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the partys principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandable. Collectors see Vulgaris, Gong Lian first diffic

2、ulties, said was probably associated with the human. But for party members and leading cadres, and not swayed by personal considerations, fairness, should be the most basic requirements. Over the years, some leading cadres are only emotions, not principled, even put people above all else, above all,

3、 human above the interests of the people and the party discipline and state laws. On spouse, and children, and relatives and side staff proposed of not reasonable requirements, due Yu sensibilities, knows not, also not refused to; on they of errors not criticism, and not education, discipline not st

4、rict; on they using himself of status and power effect seek illegal interests, blind, stop poor, even allowed asylum, last even himself also on has illegal crime of road, to party of career caused bad of effect. As leading party cadres, we must bear in mind that treatment of officers not in private,

5、 accept private party likes and dislikes, are trapped in evil and other ancient writings, testimonies, and good and keep their own, love for the people, in the face of family friendship when you want to provide convenient and be able to public lured to an abrupt end. To strictly enforce the influenc

6、e of leading cadres are not allowed to take advantage of their positions and duties, relevant provisions seek illegal benefits for spouses, children, and managing their families, children and staff effectively manage everything around. Good leisure, and firmly establish a correct concept of taste. S

7、exy view is about personal hobbies and interests in view of peoples lives. Mao Ze-Dongs life has a wide range of interests, he has a passion for nature, reading, passion poems, like calligraphy, favorite sport, swimming rivers, like walking, like snow, bamboo, plum blossom, and prefer Opera, as well

8、 as making friends and so on. He has diverse tastes, there is a wealth of emotions, a noble sentiment. In memory of Norman Bethune, Mao Ze-Dongs early in an article called on us to do a noble man, a pure person, a moral person, a man above vulgar interests, a person who is useful to the people. Howe

9、ver, in our party members and cadres, but there are some people on some vulgar things in society, not vulgar, but as fashion, love and trying to pursue careers, seriously damaged the partys image, it must arouse a high degree of attention. Currently, some of our party members and cadres in the crude

10、 mainly has following several aspects: Lake habits, buddy loyalty. Gay not gay, but commensurate with the guys, wine and meat on the table of friends, friendship on the Mahjong table; found cousins, and nominal kinship, clique, cliques, water park juyiting children moved into a Socialist family. Thi

11、s Lake habits and buddy loyalty, go on is sectarianism, and sectarianism. Say dirty, said Huang. Toasts are flushed, when gossip chat chat chat and travel drive, talk dirty, talk about Huang电子电器应用与维修专业电子电器应用与维修专业教学大纲 一、专业名称、学制电子电器应用与维修,学制三年。二、招生对象与毕业生就业方面招生对象:初中毕业生或具有同等学历。三、培养目标与培养规格培养目标:培养德、智、体、美全面


13、理及初步市场营销。9、掌握电子信息、计算机方面的基本技能和方法。10、具有专业外语水平,能借助字典阅读本专业英文资料。11、通过计算机等级考试,取得初级证书。12、取得家用视频设备维修工、家电维修、无线电调试、维修电工等工种中,一项以上的中级职业资格证书或技术等级证书。13、具备健康的体魄和健全的心理,具有一定的审美意识和能力。四、学时结构与比例 类别 学时数 学时比例 总学时 讲课 实践技能训练 必修课 2276 1890 386 72.3% 限选课 342 210 132 10.9% 任选课 288 180 108 9.2% 技能考核 3周 1周 2周 2.9% 实习 5周 5周 4.8%

14、 总计 3146 2310 836 五、主干课程电路基础、电子线路、电子测量及仪器、音响设备原理及维修、电视机原理及维修、电话机原理及维修、移动通信原理及维修、程控交换技术、计算机应用基础、微机原理、单片机、电子制作、家用电器原理及维修。电工/电子技能(158课时)讲授安全用电、照明电路、变压器、无线电基础知识和电子元器件标号、识别、检测、仪器仪表使用及电动机等内容,使学生注重节约用电,安全用电,掌握常见元器件测试,熟练使用万用表,掌握焊接技术,培养学生质量意识和努力降低生产损耗的思想。2、电路基础(108课时)讲授简单直流电路、复杂直流电路、正弦交流电路等主要内容,使学生掌握电工技术的基本概


16、换,了解微机硬件一些基本知识。掌握磁盘操作系统的基本概念,熟练掌握英文输入和五笔字型中文录入,掌握Windows操作系统、Word文字处理与排版方法、Excel知识与网页网络知识,熟练掌握文本文件的编辑和输出打印。 6、音响设备原理与维修(108课时)讲授典型的家用音响设备的基本结构和工作原理及其安装检测和调试方法,使学生能对典型电路进行分析,能排除常见故障,达到音频设备维修初级水平。7、黑白电视机原理与维修(140课时)讲授黑白电视机原理,电路结构、各单元电路工作,整机分析和各部分电路测试,整机调试以及主要元器件对整机性能影响等。使学生理解其工作原理,掌握调试和维修方法,达到视频设备维修工中级水平。8、彩色电视机原理与维修(90课时)讲授彩色电视机原理、电路结构、单元电路工作,整机电路分析和各部分电路测试,整机调试等主要内容,结合当代


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