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1、山东省济宁市附中2015-2016学年七年级第二学期期末考试英语试卷(第一卷50分)一、听力(15分) 略二、单选(10分)16. Did you take our son to get _ X-ray,Bill? - Yes ,and I also told him _ importance of keeping safe in P.E.class .A. a ; an B.a; the C.an ; an D.an ; the17. Students shouldnt go to school _ breakfast .It s bad for their health. A.with B

2、.without C.for D.by18. They didnt go to bed_ they finished the work.A.when ; B.while C.until D.after19.The old man lives _ ,but he doesnt feel_.A. alone;alone B. Lonely; lonely C.lonely; alone D.alone ; lonely 20.How does Jake usually go to work? He _ drive a car ,but now he_ walking there to keep h

3、ealth.A. used to ; is used to B.was used to ; is used toC.was used to ; used to D.used to ; was used to21. Lets help Jim _ this bike. It seems to be broken. Good idea. But what will we do first?A. Take up B.clean up C.fix up D.set up22. What _ if we dont work hard?A. is happening B.happens C.happene

4、d D.will happen23. We had to put off_ the museum because it was closed. A.visiting B.to visit C.visit D.visited24. Whats the matter with you ?I _ a headache.A. have B.take C.make D.like25. Can you go to the concert with me this afternoon? Yes, _.A. Id like B.Id love to C.I would love D.I love to 三、完

5、形填空(10分) Sallyiseighty-sixyearsold.Shehasnosons 26 daughters.Herhusbanddiedtenyearsago.Butshedidntmoveintoanursinghome.Shewouldliketo 27 herselfeveryday. Everynightshespendstwohours 28 kidswithmathfortwentyyears.Allkidslivingonherstreetcangetherhelpwithoutpayment(酬).Shewasafamousmath 29 beforesheret

6、ired(退休)fromamiddleschool. Shegetsupearlyinthismorning,thendoessports,goesshoppingorhelpscleaners 30 thestreet.Andshedoesthesehappily. Whenthekidscomeforhelp,sheisalways 31 andtriesherbest.Peopleaskedher 32 .Shesaid,Iloveit.Itmakesmehappytohelpthem. Sheisalwayshappyeverydayandalwayssayshellotopeople

7、aroundher 33 asmile.Ivedecidedtoloveeverythingaroundme.SoImhappytodo 34 .Imthankfulforthosekidswhocometomeforhelp.Eachkidismy 35 .Iloveeachdaytohelpthem.shesaid.Really,agooddecisiondecidedonwhatonedoesinlife.Sam, Thank you for asking me to play soccer with you. But Im afraid I cant. I have a piano l

8、esson on Tuesday. Maybe another time.Nancy26.A: and B: or C: but D: so27.A: look like B: look at C: look after D: look for28.A: helping B: working C: studying D: teaching29.A: teacher B: nurse C: worker D: cleaner30.A: do B: run C: sweep D: play31.A: sad B: happy C: tired D: boring32.A: why B: where

9、 C: when D: how33 .A: for B: on C: with D: in34.A: anything B: nothing C: something D: everything35.A: example B: gift C: teacher D: helperLucy,Thanks a lot for your invitation. Id love to go to your house for dinner on Thursday. But I have to get my things ready(准备) for traveling(旅行). How about com

10、ing to my house with Lily? My mother cooks fish very well. I think youll like it. I hope to see you before Im leaving.Nancy四、阅读理解(15分) Rose,Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight? Lucy and Lily will come.NancySandy,Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party on Friday.

11、Id love to come, but I have to go to New York that day. I hope you will have a happy birthday party.Nancy36. How many invitations does Nancy refuse ? A、Two. B、Three. C、Four. 37. will have a birthday party. A、Sam B、Sandy C、Lucy 38.Nancy will go to New York on . A、Tuesday B、Wednesday C、Friday 39.What

12、does Nancy have to do on Thursday? A、To get her things ready for traveling. B、To cook fish for Lucy and Lily. C、To play soccer with Sam. 40.Which of the following is TRUE? A、Nancy is coming to Lucys house for dinner. B、Nancy invites Rose to come to her house for dinner. C、Lucy and Lily cant come to Nancys house for dinner. BSide B Card Number. 293083Thank you for travelling withIf the card is found, please return (归还)to any Stagecoach driver.Side A



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