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1、Go for it!七年级上册 期末复习 Unit 1 My names Gina. 功能 U1 如何介绍自己、问候他 U2 人谈论如何介绍他人 话题 U1 人际交往 U2 介绍他人 知识目标 U1询问或介绍他人 U2 this is 的用法和家庭成员 的名词 情感目标 U1 学会在生活中交朋友 U2 礼貌待人 复习检查,明确目标 Unit 2 This is my sister. 单元教学内容 Unit 1 My names Gina. New names: Gina, Jenny, Mary, Linda, Jane New words: Sentences: name, nice, me

2、et, his,name, nice, meet, his, her, zero, telephone, number,her, zero, telephone, number, first, last, friend, China,first, last, friend, China, middle, schoolmiddle, school Whats your name ? My names Gina. Alan, Tom, Mike, Jack Brown, Miller First name名字 Last name姓 Whats your telephone number? My t

3、elephone number is123. 单元教学内容 Unit 2This is my sister. family members: sister, brother, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, cousin, uncle, aunt, daughter ,son New words: Sentences: Who, family, those , Who, family, those , these, they, have , photo , these, they, have , photo , next, picture ,

4、 girl , dognext, picture , girl , dog This is my friend Jane. Whos she? Shes my sister. Whore they? Theyre my grandparents. 1. Here are two nice photos of my family. 2. In the next picture are my brothers. Unit1 Revision词汇: 1名词(n.):name telephone number friend China school 2动词(v.):meet 3代词(pron.): y

5、oure his her she he 4.形容词(adj): nice first last middle 5.数词: zero one two three four five six seven eight nine 1名词(n.):sister mother father parent brother grandmother grandfather family grandpa grandma aunt uncle picture photo girl dog 2动词(v.):thank 3代词(pron.): who they this that these those 4.形容词(a

6、dj): next Unit2 Revision Remember them!Remember them! 1.am/is (复数) 2.hello (同义词) 3.nice (同义词) 4.you (形容词性物主代词) 5.two (同音词) 6.four (同音词) 7.her (主格) 8.his (主格) 9.first (反义词) 10.China (形容词) are hi good your too for she he last Chinese 同伴互助,词汇过关 11.sister (对应词) 12.father (对应词) 13.grandfather (对应词) 14.th

7、is(对应词) 15.that (复数) 16.aunt (对应词) 17.daughter (对应词) 18.here (对应词) 19.girl (对应词) 20.picture(同义词) brother that mother grandmother uncle those there son boy photo 短语专练: 1.我的名字 2. 你的名字 3.他的名字 4. 她的父母 5. 电话号码 6. 我的朋友 7. 在中国 8. 中学 9.姓氏 10.一张身份证 my name your name his name her parents telephone number my f

8、riend in China middle school last name an ID card 11.名字 12.我的钢笔 13.她的祖母 14. 我的一张全家福 15. 那些字典 16. 她的两个女儿 17. 为-而感谢 18.度过愉快的一天 19.在我的家庭里 20.在第一张照片里 21.在下一张照片里 22.我的狗的名字 first name my pen her grandmother a photo of my family those dictionaries her two daughters thank you for have a good day in my famil

9、y in the first photo in the next photo name of my dog Hello, Im Spiderman. Whats your name? Hi, Spiderman! My name is Superman. Spiderman Superman Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you,too! 角色扮演,互相问候 口语交际,梳理语法 Whats his name? His names Yao Ming. Whats his name? Is he Jack? His names Harry. He is Yao Mi

10、ng. He is Harry. A: Hello! Im. Whats your name? B: My name is Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too. Whats his name? B: His name is A: And whats her name? B: Her name is A: Is he/she ? B: Yes,/No, Introduce yourself and your friends. (介绍自己和小组成员) U1 If you areIf you are Mary, Mary, Hello!Im Mary

11、. This is my family. This is These are I love my family. Mary U2 If you areIf you are Jack, Jack, Hello!Im Jack. That is my family. That is Those are I love my family. Jack U2 能力提升训练 Unit 1 . 词汇专练 (A) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1. Hello! My n_ is Lucy. 2. Nice to m_ you. Im Bob. 3. My telephone n_ is 3324567. 4

12、. His f_ name is Wang. 5. My best f_ is Eric. 6. My fathers mother is my g_ 7. My uncles children are my c_. 8. My parents d_ is my sister. 9. This is my f_ photo.These are my parents 。 10. T_ for your letter (来信)! ame eet umber amily riend 典题引导,点拨深化 randmother ousins aughter amily hanks Lets practi

13、ce!Lets practice! (B) 根据括号内所给的汉语提示补全句子 1. _ (他的名字) is Wang Li. 2. My _ (电话号码) is 4468899. 3. My _ (朋友) is Li Ming. 4. His _ (姓) is Smith. 5. His _ (名字) is Lin. 6. These are my two _(哥哥) 7. Are those your _(朋友)? 8_ (谢谢)for the photo of your family. 9. Those arent his _(父母亲) 10. Here are my family _ (

14、照片) telephone/phone_number friend family_name first_name His_name brothers friends Thanks parents photos (C):根据汉语意思完成英语句子 1. 你叫什么名字? _your_? 2. 我是玛丽。 _ Mary. 3. 遇见你很高兴。 _ to _ you. 4. 她的电话号码是多少? _ her _ number? 5. 她姓什么? _ her _ name? Whatsname Im Nicemeet Whats telephone/phone Whatsfamily 6这是你的父母吗? _ _ your _? 7那是我的堂弟,我婶婶的儿子。 _ is my _, my aunts _ 8这是我的全家福。 This is a _ _ my _ 9谢谢你的英语字典。 _ _ your English dictionary. 10这些是我的钥匙。 _ _ my keys. Aretheseparents Thatcousinson photooffamily Thanksfor Theseare 一:按要求完成下列句子 1.


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