听歌学英语——youraise me up资料

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1、听歌学英语 You raise me up 听歌学英语 You raise me up you raise me up raise up: 原指lift (举起) encourage or inspire. raise VS rise:提高、上升、增加 1.He_his voice so that everybody could hear him.他提高嗓门让大 家都能听见。 2.Steam_from very hot water.蒸汽从 热的水里冒出来 答案:1.raised, 及物动词,接了宾语 voice 2.rises 其后没有任何宾语, 是不及物动词 different: raise

2、 是及物动词,发出此动作的通常是人 ,可用于被动语态,意为“举起、提高”,如抬头 、举手(目、帽、石头、重物等),还可用作比 喻,如提高政治觉悟(生活水平、地位、名誉、 声音等)。 rise 是不及物动词,不能用于被动语 态,意为“上升”、“升起”、“起身”、“起 立(此时主语是人)”、“上涨”,以及“(日 、月星等)升起到地平线上”。 raise VS rise: You raise me up When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; when troubles come and my heart burdened be; I am still a

3、nd wait here in the silence, until you come and sit awhile with me. you raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; you raise me up. to more than I can be. background You Raise Me Up,中文意思为你鼓舞了我,创 作者是爱尔兰组合Secret Garden(神

4、秘园)。是 少有的励志和感恩音乐。这首歌曾被多次翻唱 。 You Raise Me Up is 你鼓舞了我 in Chinese. It created by Secret Garden from Ireland. It is a inspirational and grateful song and this song has been covered for many times 风靡全世界的爱尔兰男子歌唱团体Westlife(西城 男孩)在专辑Face To Face中收录了他们所翻 唱的You Raise Me Up。Westlife是第100个翻唱 这首歌的艺术家。西城的翻唱让这首爱

5、尔兰经典歌 曲红遍英国焕发出全新的生命力。 the worldwide popular Ireland boy group, Westlife, collects You Raise Me Up in their album Face To Face gave the song a new life. You raise me up When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; when troubles come and my heart burdened be; I am still and wait here in the silence, unti

6、l you come and sit awhile with me. you raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; you raise me up. to more than I can be. 值得学习的用词 I am feeling down today. I love you more than I can say. down : low in spirits; depresse

7、d(情绪低 落的,沮丧的) more than I can be more than 在这里相当于over(超过, 超越) eg: 我今天情绪低落 eg: 爱你在心口难开 You raise me up When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; when troubles come and my heart burdened be; I am still and wait here in the silence, until you come and sit awhile with me. you raise me up, so I can stand

8、 on mountains; you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; you raise me up. to more than I can be. Sit awhile: sit for a while or moment burdened: bearing a heavy burden of work or difficulties or responsibilities still: free from disturbance , agitation, or co

9、mmotion(安宁的,不受干扰的) Sit awhile: sit for a while or moment burdened: bearing a heavy burden of work or difficulties or responsibilities still: free from disturbance , agitation, or commotion(安宁的,不受干扰的) 虚拟语气可分为虚拟现在(Subjunctive Present)和虚拟过去(Subjunctive Past)两种 这是基督教圣诗里面的倒装句。就 是 when my heart be burdene

10、d。这里是 用 present subjunctive (虚拟现在)。现代 英语是这样说的:when my heart is burdened。 when my heart burdened be这句 话怎么解释为什么后面有一个be 虚拟过去 它的动词无论在什么情况之下都要 用过去复数形式。如:动词 be,在 虚拟过去中要用were。 he works - he work she is working - she be working it has worked - it have worked it has been working - it have been working 虚拟现在的句

11、子,在任何时候都要用动 词的原形(root form),就算是第三人称 (he, she, it)也是如此。 You raise me up When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; 当我消沉之时 灵魂如此疲惫 when troubles come and my heart burdened be 烦恼来袭之时 心情无比沉重 I am still and wait here in the silence, 孤寂中 我只有静静等待 until you come and sit awhile with me. 直到你前来 与我小坐片刻 you raise

12、me up, so I can stand on mountains; 你激励了我 我才能屹立在山顶 you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; 你激励了我 使我成风破浪一路前行 I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; 依偎在你的肩膀 我变得无比坚强 you raise me up. to more than I can be.你鼓舞了我 让我超越自我 发音技巧 第一,完全或不完全失去爆破音 1.完全失去爆破:前词尾和后词头都是 爆破音,在词,词组或句子中朗读时 ,第一个只摆姿势不送气,第二个才 真正爆破发音。该

13、情形由6个爆破音组 成:t d k g,任何两个相邻时,便 遵循以上原则。“假前真后”。 如:burdened be You raise me up When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; when troubles come and my heart burdened be; I am still and wait here in the silence, until you come and sit awhile with me. you raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; you raise me

14、 up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; you raise me up. to more than I can be. 2.不完全爆破: 在词、词组或句子中朗读时,爆破音t d k g,中任一个音与其他辅音(摩 擦音、破擦音、鼻辅音、舌边音)相邻时 前一音摆姿势,稍作停顿,只能听到一 点轻微的爆破声,“轻前重后”。 如:and wait here 第二,连读 1.词末辅音+词首元音的连读 如:when I 读为 nai More than I 读为 nai 2.字尾元音+字首元音,加入w或j

15、首先,在词尾以 u: 等接元音时可以加 w 如:so I can stand on mountains 读为 wai You raise me up When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; when troubles come and my heart burdened be; I am still and wait here in the silence, until you come and sit awhile with me. you raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; you raise me

16、 up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; you raise me up. to more than I can be. 其次,在词尾以 i: ai ei 等接元音 时可以加 j。 如:you raise me up jp 另外,摩擦音r与其后面的首元音连读 如:wait here in the silence 读为 rin 第三,新式浊化 有时单词词尾的辅音连缀可以和后面的某 个元音开头的单词形成一种新的浊化现象 。 如:Sit awhile 读为 dail You raise me up When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; 当我消沉之时 灵魂如此疲惫 when troubles come and my heart burdened be; 烦恼来袭之时 心情无比沉重 I am



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