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1、秀洲现代实验学校初三备课组 书面表达题型的特点和解题技巧 对近三年中考书面表达题的分析 2009中考复习的书面表达题设计 综观近几年全国各地的中考书面表达题 ,所涉及到的有应用文、记叙文和议论文。 应用文有书信、日记、启事、电子邮件等; 记叙文则有记人和记事两种;议论文所占比 例不大。 书面表达试题中涉及到的话题非常广, 但大都是考生比较熟悉的话题。 、提示作文(情景作文) 提示作文 中文提示 中英文提示英文 提示 ()明确中心思想 解题技巧:()把握要点内容 ()表达符合逻辑 ()语法准确 .图表作文 图表作文一般是在表格中给出一定的内 容和情景,要求写一篇词的 短文,属于控制型写作。 解题

2、技巧 审题 拟订提纲,布局谋篇 词汇大搜索 四确定 体裁格式人称内容要点时态 ()良好的开端 ()丰富多彩的叙述 ()巧妙适当的过渡 ()自然完美的结尾 注意“参考词汇”,谴词造句,行文成篇 .看图作文 考查学生的英语语言表达能力、观察能力、 分析能力和想象能力。 解题技巧 ()结合文字提示,正确理解图意 ()从图画的细节出发:人 物、 事件、地点、环境、时间等。 、话题作文 话题作文就是用一段提示语,限定写作 范围、启发思考、激活想像的一种命题 形式。 结构包括材料、提示语、话题、要求四 部分。 对近三年中考书面表达题的分析 近几年嘉兴的中考英语书面表达的特点 基本相同:分值分,分为小作文(

3、分) 和大作文(分)两部分,且这两部分是 紧密相连的。 从内容来看,都是学生非常熟悉的话题。 且要求适当发挥,表达自己的观点,具有半 开放性。 从形式上看,都有大、小作文,都有图或 中文提示,且开头都已给出,字数都在80词左 右。 主要错误(08中考题为例): 1、审题不清 2、单词拼写 3、语法 4、行文 落要点 跑题 字数不够 The hero in my heart As we know, most people have heroes in their hearts. For me, Dr. Norman Bethune is the hero in my heart. He was

4、a great doctor from Canada. Dr. Bethune was good at performing operations. And taking photos was his bobby. In 1938, he came to China. He opened hospitals and invented medical tools. He worked so hard that he saved thousands of Chinese people. He didnt stop to take care of his own injured hand and d

5、ied. Im deeply moved by his stories. So Ill work hard today and do my best to help others.(85) The hero in my heart As we know, most people have heroes in their hearts. For me, Dr. Norman Bethune is the hero in my heart. He was a great doctor from Canada. Dr. Bethune was good at performing operation

6、s. And taking photos was his bobby. In 1938, he came to China. He opened hospitals and invented medical tools. He worked so hard that he saved thousands of Chinese people. He didnt stop to take care of his own injured hand and died. Im deeply moved by his stories. So Ill work hard today and do my be

7、st to help others.(85) is was work 2009中考复习的书面表达题设计 书面表达A: 假如你要接受一家英文报社的采访, 记者提出的问题是“How can you be a Good child?”请你先按要求完成下面的 调查表。(分) How many people are there in your family? _ Who do you love best?_ What should you do at school? Study hard,_ What can you do to give help at home? Clean the house, _

8、 How do you show your love to your parents? Listen to them, _ 2 请根据上表内容写一篇短文回答记者的 问题“How can you be a good child? ” 要求:).包含表格中的所有内容;).可适当拓展, 表达自己的想法;).不能出现表明你身份的信息; ).词数80左右,不含已给出部分。 Well, to be a good child, I _ _ _ Well, to be a good child, I should study hard at school. I must listen to the teach

9、ers carefully. I should also be friendly to others and take part in all kinds of activities. At home, after I finish my homework, I can help my parents clean the house, wash the dishes and clothes. I should always be polite to them and talk to them often. And on their birthdays, I will give them pre

10、sents or do something special to show my love. 书面表达B: 临近毕业了,假设你是王强正在筹备毕 业生聚会,请你给李老师发一份邀请函。 具体安排为:5月30日下午2点在学校 礼堂,并要求带一样物品(发挥想像,可任 意用途)。(分) Invitation _ You are invited to the_ at _on_ in_ Bring_ Dear Mr.Li, School Leavers Party 2pm May 30th the school hall a photo of you 2 假如你被选为代表在毕业生聚会上发言, 请写一段发言稿

11、。 要求:).表示对老师的谢意;).展望未来的学校和 生活;).可适当拓展,表达自己的想法;).不能出现 表明你身份的信息;).词数左右,不含已给出部分。 Teachers and classmates, Im very proud that I have been chosen to speak to you all today._ _ _ First, I want to thank my teachers for your love, you have taught us so much during these three years. Then, Im also very happy

12、 to get on well with my classmates. Im sure we all hope to study in a beautiful high school. In the new school, we will learn more knowledge and make more new friends. We will have enough time to do after-school activities as well. So come on, everyone! Lets try our best to improve ourselves, I beli

13、eve We will be better and better.(89) .审清题意 .找要点,列提纲 句子要正确 句子要平行 句意要连贯 要避免过多重复 要尽量套用已学句型 注意灵活表达 .做好检查 .正确翻译句子 lXp#s&v)y0C3F6IaLdPgSjVnYq!t*w-A1D4G8JbMeQhTlWoZr%u(x+B2E6H9KcOfRiUmXp!s&v)z0C3F7IaMdPgSkVnYq$t*x-A1D5G8JbNeQhTlWo#r%u(y+B2E6H9LcOfRjUmXp!s&w)z0C4F7IaMdPhSkVnZq$t*x-A2D5G8KbNeQiTlXo#r%v(y+B3

14、E6I9LcOgRjUmYp!mYp!t&w)z1C4F7JaMePhSkWnZq$u*x+A2D5H8KbNfQiTlXo#s%v(y0B3E6I9LdOgRjVmYp!t&w-z1C4G7JaMePhTkWnZr$u*x+A2E5H8KcNfQiUlXp#s%v)y0B3F6IaLdOgSjVmYq!t&w-z1D4G7JbMePhTkWoZr$u(x+A2E5H9KcNfRiUlXp#s&v)y0C3F6IaLdPgSjVnYq!t*w- A1D4G8JbMeQhTlWoZr%u(x+B2E6H9KcOfRiUmXp#s&v)z0C3F7IaLdPgSkVnYq$t*w-A1D5G8Jb

15、NeQhTlWo#r%u(y+B2E6H9LcOfRjUmXp!s&w)z0C4F7IaMdPhSkVnZq$t*x-A1D5G8KbNeQiTlWo#r%v(y+B3E6H9LcOgRjUmYp!s&w)z1C4F7JaMdPhSkWnZq$u*x-A2D5H8KbNfQiTlXo#s%v(y0B3E6I9LdOgRjVmYp!t&w)z1C4G7JaMePhSkWnZr$u*x+A2D5H8KcNfQiUlXo#s%v)y0B3F6I9LdOgSjVmYq!t&w-z1D4G7JbMePhTkWoZr$u(x+A2E5H8KcNfRiUlXp#s%v)y0C3F6IaLdOgSjVnYq!t*w- z1D4G8JbMeQhTkWoZr%u(x+B2E5H9KcOfRiUmXp#s&v)z0C3F7IaLdPgSjVnYq$t*w-A1D4G8JbNeQhTlWoZr%u(y+B2E6H9KcOfRjUmXp!s&v)z0C4F7IaMdPgSkVnZq$t*x-A1D5G


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