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1、<p>Unit4 Seeing the doctor (story time) 红旗小学沙莎 1.guess(猜一猜) vThere is a place, When you are ill, You will go there. Where is it? hospital 1.guess(猜一猜) vWhen you are ill, you will go and see him, he helps sick people. Who is he? Doctor 2.Brain storming(头脑风暴) vA.When will you see the doctor?(你什么

2、时候 会去看医生?) vHave a headache vHave a toothache vHave a fever vHave a cold vHave a backache(背疼) 2.Brain storming(头脑风暴) vB. When you have a cold or toothache, what should you do?(当你感冒了或者牙痛,你应 该做什么?) vHave a rest vTake some medicine vDrink some water vBrush your teeth Today Su Hai is ill, what should sh

3、e do?(今天苏 海生病了,她应该做什么呢?) She should see a doctor. So she wants to go to the hospital, but she doesnt know how to get to the hospital. She needs help, can you help her?(所以她想去医院 ,但是她不知道怎么去医院,她需要帮助,你能 帮助她吗?) 2.How does SuHai get to the hospital? Su Hais home hospital park street Sun street M Zoo statio

4、n M Park station First, Su Hai gets on the metro at Zoo Station and gets off the metro at Park Station.Then, she goes along Park street and turns right at the traffic lights.She can see the hospital on her right. Now Su Hai is in the hospital, what is she doing? (现在苏海在 医院了,她正在干什么呢? She is seeing the

5、 doctor. Learn part 1 vA. Watch and circle(看动画,回答问题) ?Q1.Whats wrong with SuHai? A. She has a headache B. she has a toothache ?Q2.What should she do? A. Have a rest B. Take some medicine C. Drink some warm water D. All of ABC Learn part 1 vB.read and write(读一读,填写) headachefever have a rest take some

6、 medicine drink some warm water Learn part 1 vC. Read in group(小组读) va. listen and read v(听录音,跟读) vb. read and act v(读第一部分,并分角色朗读) Learn part 2 vA. listen and judge(听一听,判断,对(T), 错(F) ( )Mike has a toothache, he can eat anything. ( ) Mike eats too many sweets. ( ) Mike should brush his teeth in the m

7、orning and before bedtime. F T T Learn part 1 vSu Hai is ill .She goes to see the doctor. :Whats wrong with you? : I have a headache. I feel cold. :Let me check. You have a fever.: : What should I do, Doctor? : You should have a rest at home. You should take some medicine and drink some warm water.

8、: Thank you, Doctor. 同义句:Whats the matter with you? Should用法: Should 是一个情态态词 ,后接动词的原形,表示 “应该做某事”。 Learn part 2 vB. Read and write toothache eat anything eat too many sweets brush my teeth Learn part 2 vC. Read and learn. va. read one group by one group v(每组读一句,点到哪组,哪组读下一句,比一比, 谁最棒) vb. read and find

9、(读第二部分,找出答案) v(1)tooth 的复数形式是_ v(2)should not的否定形式是_, 表示什 么意思_ v(3)“睡觉之前”怎么说_ teeth shouldnt before bedtime 不应该 Consolidation(巩固) Think and write(选择should或shouldnt填空 ) 1.He feels hot. He _ take off his jacket. 2.She feels cold. She _put on her coat. 3.He feels tired. He _ watch TV. 4.They are in lib

10、rary. They _ speak loudly.(大声说话) should should shouldnt shouldnt Homework v1.listen to the video, and act the dialogue with your partner (听录音,和你的小伙伴表 演story time的对话) v2.make a dialogue about seeing a doctor and act in your group(编一则关于看医生的对 话,并在小组里进行表演) An apple a day, keep the doctor away. 一天一个苹果,疾病远离我。 </p>


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