高三一轮复习 集体备课body language.

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高三一轮复习 集体备课body language._第1页
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《高三一轮复习 集体备课body language.》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三一轮复习 集体备课body language.(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Book 4 Unit 1 Body language 高三英语组 亲,欢迎参加英语组集体备课 三年考情调研 课标解读: 直通高考: 高考预测: 本单元话题性较强 ,是新课标教学的 重点,也是高考的 高频考点。 , 2011湖北卷;2011 , 山东卷;2012, 四川卷;2012,辽宁 卷都涉及本话题。 本单元话题 性虽强,但 是难度不高 失分较少。 教学目标 1.熟记本单元中的重点单词和词组的汉语意思 2.学习分析学案中重点单词和词组的用法,并且 会用它们完成相关练习。 3.能概括总结本单元所学的重点难点。并且前挂 后连完成拓展练习。 4.分析学案上的高考题,体会怎样把握考点,学 会迅速排

2、除干扰项,确定正确答案。 5.完成单元检测题,学以致用。 复习目标复习目标 第一课时: 课前:自习完成三维设计“自检”和“师说”部分 。 课中:步骤一:用学案“预习案”检查基础知识。 步骤二:完成预习检测(见PPT)。 步骤三:完成探究案以及单词短语点对点。 步骤四:完成学案“练习案”单选部分。 第二课时: 步骤一:基础知识检查 步骤二:自学三维设计的第三板块重点句型。 步骤三:跟踪检查完成句型对点集训。 步骤四:拓展其他句型,(见学案)。 步骤五:学习学案探究点三,完成训练案2 步骤六:能力提升:完成学案上的写作训练。 学时安排 第一课时: 课前:自习完成三维设计“自检”和“师说”部分 。

3、课中:步骤一:用学案“预习案”检查基础知识。 步骤二:完成预习检测(见PPT)。 步骤三:完成探究案以及单词短语点对点。 步骤四:完成学案“练习案”单选部分。 教学策略 1.在学案上默写“预习案”单词及词组(5分钟) 2.老师出示答案(PPT),学生核对(2分钟) 老师提问(5) 1.学生自主学习,完成相关练习。(10分钟) 2.合作探究,项目合作组迅速讨论,解决重难点 3.B类同学展示,A类同学补充。(8分钟) 4.老师核对答案,课代表点评。(1分钟) 学生独立完成(5分钟)老师解疑答惑。(2分钟 ) 第二课时: 步骤一:基础知识检查(见PPT) 步骤二:自学三维设计的第三板块重点句型 。

4、步骤三:跟踪检查完成句型对点集训。 步骤四:完成学案探究点二句型补充训练。 步骤五:学习学案探究点三,完成训练案2 步骤六:能力提升:完成学案上的写作训练 。 教学策略 同桌互查老师抽查(参照PPT)(5分钟) 1.自主学习,总结归纳重点句型中的考点. (5分钟) 师生互动,教师解疑答惑(8分钟) 1.自主学习 2.抢答(5分钟) 1.学生展示,教师点评,出示答案.15分钟 ) 同桌互助,生生互动 (7分钟) 感谢 亲们的参加, 欢迎提出 宝贵意见哦! 高三外语组 单词自检 1_adj.主观的 2_vi.& vt.拥抱 3_n等级;军衔 4_vt.& vi.迎接;问候 5_vt.代表;象征 6

5、_n社团;联系;联想 _vt.联系; 联想 7_adj.好奇的 _adv.好奇地 _n 好奇;好奇心 8_vt.& vi.接近;靠近;走近 n接近;方法; 途径 subjective hug rank greet represent associationassociate curiouscuriouslycuriosity approach 9_vt.保护;保卫 _n防御;保卫 10_vt.误解;误会 _n 误解;误会 11_vi.猛冲;突进 12_n成人;成年人 adj.成人的;成熟的 13_adj.口语的 _adj.未说出口的;非 口语的 14_n作用;功能;职能 vi.起作用;运转 1

6、5_n安逸;舒适 vt.减轻(痛苦、忧虑) 16_adv.真实地;真诚地;真正地 _adj. 真的;真正的 17_adj.错误的;假的 18_n怒气;怒火 _adj.发怒的;生气的 defend defence misunderstand misunderstanding dash adult spoken unspoken function ease trulytrue false angerangry .重点短语 1_保卫以免受 2_很可能;有希望 3_总的来说;通常 4at ease_ 5lose face_ 6turn ones back to_ defend against be l

7、ikely to in general 舒适;快活;自由自在 丢脸丢脸 背对对 预习检测 1People often g_each other with “Hello” or “Hi” when they meet by chance in the street. 2As you know,smoking is one of the m_causes of cancer,so youd better give it up. 3To d_their country,many young people of that village joined the army. 4.I have to reg

8、ret to tell you that your answer to the question is not true but f_ 5The_(用途) of a hammer is to hit nails into wood,walls and other places. 6Suddenly Alice_(猛冲) into the room,grabbed her bag and ran out again. 7The judge did not question the truth of my_(陈述) 8Some students in that university formed

9、an_(社团) to help each other. 9_(好奇地) enough,he seems to have known what we will do next. 10“There must have been some_(误解)I didnt order all these books,” the old man said. curious about;approach to;defend against;be likely to;in general;at ease;lose face;turn ones back to 1As far as I know,most of th

10、em _return to work because of the pressure of losing their jobs. 2Hearing the news,she_his husband and sobbed. 3_her work has been good,but this essay is dreadful. 4The boy was so _what gift his parents bought for him that he opened the little box without their permission. 5The lawyer _his client(当事

11、人) _the charge of attempted murder. 6I was surprised to find that the little girl was quite _among strangers as if she had known them for a long time. 7To our disappointment,her reply _an absolute denial. 8Being afraid of_,she left the party after they found that she had told lies. are likely to tur

12、ned her back to In general curious about defended against at ease approached to losing face 基础回扣 1.be curious to do sth. out of (ones) curiosity with curiosity 2.approach to. the approach to (doing) sth. the way to do/of doing sth. the means of (doing) sth. the method of (doing) sth. 3.defend sb./st

13、h. from/against. defend oneself against in defence of 3.be likely to It is likely that. 4.in generalgenerally (speaking) in peace in surprise 5.lose heart lose weight lose ones way lose ones life lose ones temper 1associatewith 2. be curious about 3approach to 4.保卫以免受 5.major in 6.很可能有希望 7.总的来说;通常 8

14、.舒适快活;自由自在 9.with anger 10.丢脸 11.背对12.be subject to 14.statement 15.greet 16simply 17.funtion 18.false 19.rank 考点对接 (1)At the beginning of the new term,the teacher asked several students to help_the new books to the students in the class. Apublish BDistribute Crepresent DTreasure (2)People have always been_about exactly how life on earth began.(2010天津卷,5) Acurious Bexcited Canxious Dcareful (3)The children were warned of not being too_about things they are not supposed to know.(2012


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