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1、Lesson 91 Three men in a basket Have you ever travelled by hot air balloon? hot air balloon Have you ever travelled in a basket fastened to balloon? Have you ever taken a plane? Have you ever heard about the control tower? 塔台或称控制塔(control tower),是一种设 置于机场中的航空运输管制设施,用来监看 以及控制飞机或其他航空器起降的地方。 the contro

2、l towel of XiNing Airport the control towel of TaiYuan Airport 完整的塔台建筑,最高的顶楼通常是四面皆为透明的窗户,能保持360度的视野。 staffs in the control tower of ShenZhen Airport 塔台的工作席 塔台上的信号枪 能发出强光的“光枪”,当无线电损坏或失效时,即可用飞航管 制灯光信号与飞机驾驶员沟通 Denton机场的空管员 There is an interesting story “Three men in a basket”, three men flew over an ai

3、rport without being known by the control tower! Do you believe it? Lets watch the short movie and answer the questions. 1.What did a pilot notice? 2. What did the officer in the control tower say after he heard the news? 3. What did the pilot see when he circled the balloon? 4. Who did the basket co

4、ntain? Now please answer the questions: 1.What did a pilot notice? 2. What did the officer in the control tower say after he heard the news? A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby. He said that someone might be spying on the station . 3. What did the

5、 pilot see when he circled the balloon? 4. Who did the basket contain? He could see three men in a basket under it and one of them was holding a pair of binoculars. The basket contained two Members of Parliament and the Commanding Officer of the station. balloon n. 气球 royal adj. 皇家 spy v. 侦侦察 track

6、n. 轨轨迹,踪迹 binoculars n. 望远镱远镱 New words and expressions 1spy (1)vi暗中监视监视 ;侦侦察(通常与 on,upon 连连用): Someone is spying on the station. 有人正在对对基地进进行侦侦察。 I noticed some policemen spying on the foreign tourists. 我注意到一些警察在暗中监视监视 那些外国游客。 Word study (2)vt发现发现 ,看见见: He spied a stranger in his garden. 他在花园里发现发现 了

7、一位陌生人。 She spied a cloud of smoke in the distance. 她发现远处发现远处 有一团团烟。 (3)n间谍间谍 ,密探: He was once a spy for the police / British government. 他曾是警方英国政府的密探。 They have arrested three spies. 他们们逮捕了3名间谍间谍 。 2动词动词 make 的短语语(make out, make up, make up for) make out 除了表示“辨出”、“听出”的含义义外,还还可 以表示“理解”、“弄清”: I cant m

8、ake out what this picture is about. 我看不出这这幅画的意思。 Can you make out what the child wants? 你能弄清那孩子想要什么吗吗? Jane is angry again. Sometimes I cant make her out at all. Her moods change quickly. 简简又生气了。有时时候我根本不能理解她。她情绪变绪变 化 很快。 make out 的另一个含义义是“写出”、“填写”(相 当于 write out): He made out a long list of all the

9、foods which were forbidden. 他写了一张长长张长长 的单单子,上面列了所有禁吃 的食物。 He made out a cheque of 1, 000 dollars and gave it to the secretary. 他开出一张张1, 000美元的支票并将其给给了秘书书 。 make up 的含义义之一是“编编造”、“捏造”、“虚构” : Every time he played truant, Tom would make up an excuse. 汤汤姆每次逃学都编编个借口。 Jane made up a story about a child and

10、 a monster. 简编简编 造了一个有关一个孩子和一个妖怪的故事。 make up 也可以表示“(给给)化妆妆化装” : She always makes herself up / makes up her face before going out. 她出门门前总总要化妆妆。 Making up takes up a lot of her time. 化妆妆占了她很多时间时间 。 She was made up as a boy. 她被化装成一个小男孩。 make up for 的含义义是“补偿补偿 ”、“弥补补”: I had to walk faster to make up fo

11、r lost time. 为为了补补回失去的时间时间 ,我不得不加快走路的速 度。 She managed to make up for her mistake. 她设设法补补救了她的过错过错 。 1A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby. 一个 飞飞行员发现员发现 了一只气球,它像是正飞飞往附近的一 个皇家空军军基地。 (1)to be making for为为不定式的进进行式,表示正 在进进行的动动作: They seem to be talking a

12、bout something important. 他们们似乎正在谈论谈论 某件重要的事情。 She seems to be looking for somebody/something. 她似乎正在找人/什么东东西。 Further notes on the text (2)make for为为固定短语语,其含义义之一为为“(匆 匆)走向”、“向前进进”: While the thief was making for his car, a policeman stopped him. 当小偷偷匆勿走向他的汽车时车时 ,一位警察拦拦住了他 。 After leaving Calais, the

13、 ship made for Dover. 离开加来后,那艘船便驶驶往多佛。 2He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object. 他说说有可能有人正对对基地进进行侦侦察, 因此命令那个飞飞行员员跟踪那个奇怪的飞飞行物。 (1)might be doing sth表示对对正在进进行的动动作的 推测测 (2)keep track of 为为固定短语语,表示“追踪”、“保持 联联系”、“记录记录 ”等(其反义词为义词为 l

14、ose track of): Keep track of the man wearing a grey hat. He looks suspicious to me. 跟踪那个戴顶顶灰帽子的人。我觉觉得他看上去可疑。 She managed to keep track of her friends. 她设设法保持了与朋友们们的联联系。 3He could make out three men in a basket under it他看清了气球下面有3个人呆在一只筐里 make out是固定短语语,它在这这里的含义义是“(勉强 )看出”、“辨认认出”、“听出”: In the darkness

15、 of night, he could just make out three men coming toward them. 在黑夜中,他只能看出有3个人在向他们们走来。 Can you make out what they are talking about? 你能听清他们们在谈谈什么吗吗? I cant make out the bosss handwriting. 我辨不出老板的字迹。 4The police were called in警察被召来了 call in 在这这里表示“召来”: Sam has a temperature. Wed better call in a doct

16、or. 萨萨姆发烧发烧 了。我们们最好请请医生来。 When he discovered that some important things were missing in his room, he called the police in. 当他发现发现 屋子里少了一些重要东东西之后,他便把警 察召来了。 make for,走向,飞飞向 at once,立即 the control tower 塔台 spy on 侦查侦查 ,窥窥探 order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 keep track of 跟踪 manage to do sth. 尽力做成某事 make out 看出,辨认认出 take photographs 拍相片 call in 召来 Useful phrases: can do和be able to do和manage to do区别别 1. can could 表示能力;可能 (过过去时时用could), 只用于


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