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1、仁爱版八年级下册英语unit-topic教案 作者: 日期:10 Unit 7Topic 1Section ASection A 需用1课时。重点活动是1a、2 和 3。教学目标:1. 培养学生乐于助人的品质。2. 谈论筹集资金的方法。3. 谈论如何为食物节做准备。教学过程:第一步:复习回答下列问题, 讨论如何帮助别人。老师问:If someone is in trouble, what will you do?If someone needs money,what will you do?If someone needs much money, what will you do?老师引导学生

2、用下面的句式回答这些问题。学生回答:I think I will.第二步:呈现1. 教师向学生出示一张Daniel 的照片,学习新单词和短语:hear of, Olympic wrestling champion, university, village, successful把这些单词写在黑板上。2. 老师把Daniel的故事讲给学生听。Daniel Igali is a Canadian athlete. He was born in Nigeria.He is an Olympic wrestling champion. Now, he is still a university stu

3、dent. He wants to build a school for his poor village in Nigeria.But he needs money.3. 播放录音,学生听1a回答下面的问题。Will Kangkangs classmates help Daniel Igali?What will they do?第三步:巩固1. 播放录音,让学生跟读并模仿。2. 读1a对话,完成1b。3. 两人一组活动,老师把重点句型写在黑板上,让学生看着表演1a的对话。完成1c。第四步:练习1. 做第2部分,小组活动。让学生讨论问题:What do you think the child

4、ren should prepare for the food festival?然后教师询问:Do you think (that) the children need to write a song?学生1:No, I dont think so.学生2:Yes,I think so.学生一个一个回答问题,练习宾语从句。2. 做第3部分,小组活动。教师:How can you make money to help Daniel?分组讨论,将结果写下来并向全班汇报。学生1:What do you think you can do to make money?学生2:I think I can

5、 sell newspapers.What about you?学生3:I think I can wash dishes.然后学生像这样进行问答。(链式问答)第五步:综合探究活动1. 在班里做一个调查,搜集学生们赚钱的方法。NameThe ways of making moneyNameThe ways of making moneysell newspaperscollect and sell waste papercollect and sell old cansdo the housework and ask parents for money2. 写一则关于准备美食节的短文。写出你自

6、己的建议,尽可能多地用上宾语从句。I think they will need to learn to cook dishes.Section BSection B需用1个课时。重点活动是1a和2。教学目标:1.学习几种外国的代表性食物。2.复习邀请以及学习如何有礼貌地拒绝别人的邀请。教学过程:第一步:复习1.复习一些中国食物的名字。老师和学生像这样进行问答:Teacher:Whats your favorite food?Student 1: My favorite food is dumplings.Student 2: My favorite food is noodles.Studen

7、t 3: 让学生一个接一个回答问题,然后老师问下一个问题。Teacher:Do you know any foreign food?Student 1: Yes, hamburgers.Student 2: Chips.Student 3: 第二步:呈现1. 老师向学生出示几幅外国食物的图画,教授新单词,然后再把新单词写在黑板上。cookie pizza curry sushi 接下来,运用相同的方法,学习几种外国国旗,在课文中1b部分。2. 练习:学生讨论。例如:A: Whats this?B: Its a pizza.A: Which country is it from?B: Its f

8、rom Italy.3. 完成1a,掌握下面的句子:I have a sweet tooth.I think Chinese fried rice and Japanese sushi are easy to cook.But please tell me whether I should serve the South African beef curry or Russian black bread.4. 两人一组练习1a的对话,注意新单词。 第三步:巩固1. 再读一遍1a的对话,完成1b。2. 让学生记住那些国家名称及它们的代表性食物。3. 学生独立完成1c,注意食物的名称。第四步:练习

9、1. 学习2,听录音回答下列问题:How many people are there in 2? Who are they?What are Kangkangs classmates going to do for Daniel Igali?Is Daniel coming to their food festival?老师让学生读2后,检查学生的答案,然后把重点句型写在黑板上。A: Thank you very much.B: Its a pleasure.A: May I invite you to our food festival?B: Id love to, but Im afrai

10、d I have no time.2. 播放录音,学生跟读这段对话。3. 两人一组练习,分角色朗读2。第五步:综合探究活动1. 两人一组活动,一个学生说一种食物的名称,另外一个学生猜它来自哪个国家。填写下面的表格。FoodCountriesFoodCountriesChocolate cookiesJapanGreece(希腊)Beef curryCurriesRussiaPizzaDumplings2.选择一个你最喜欢的食物,用自己的语言进行描述,你可以像这样开始:I like pizza.It comes from Italy.It looks like a pancake, but it

11、s made of eggs,flour and other.Section CSection C 需用12个课时。重点活动是1a、1b和2a。教学目标:1. 继续学习打电话时的常用语。2. 学习怎样写邀请函。3. 总结个人信息。教学过程:第一步:复习让学生说出他们所学过的有关打电话的常用语,然后让他们写在练习本上。例如:Hello! May I speak to Tom?Is that Liu Ying speaking?Can I leave a message?He/She isnt here right now.Can I take a message?Sorry,Im afraid

12、you have the wrong number.第二步:呈现1.阅读1a,找出有关打电话的新单词和常用语,然后老师把它们写在黑板上,要求学生掌握。extension Hello! Extension six zero zero six, please.second OK. Hold the line,please.(A few seconds later.)Whats up?2.再听一遍1a,记住对话的主要意思,然后在全班同学面前进行复述。例如: Kangkang is inviting Uncle Yang to their food festival on telephone.They

13、 will cook and sell delicious international food on the playground of their school on June 15.Uncle Yang promises to come that day.第三步:巩固1. 练习1a的对话。2. 阅读1b,学习怎样写一个邀请函,注意它的结构和句式。第四步:练习1. 学习2a的e-mail,了解有关Daniel Igali 的情况。先读,然后听一遍录音,接着回答下面的问题。Who did Daniel write to?When did Daniel Igali win a gold medal?What is his favorite food?2. 再次阅读2a的e-mail,完成2b的表格。第五步:综合探究活动1. 根据下面的表格,填写你所喜欢的人的有关情况。Chinese nameBirthdayWeightFavorite colorEnglish nameBirthplaceHeightFavorite foodStage nameNationalityMasterpiece(代表作)Hobbies2.故事接龙:(想象一种活动)老师可以给出开头,让学生一个


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