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1、金融危机对我国纺织品服装出口影响研究摘要发端于 2007 年 8 月份的美国次贷危机,逐渐演变为席卷全球的世界性金融危机,成为自 1929-1933 年以来最为严重的世界性的经济危机。对世界各国经济造成了重大的影响。中国也是受到重大影响的国家之一。特别是我国的科技含量低的劳动密集型产品出口在此次金融危机中受到重大影响。纺织服装业是典型的劳动密集型产业,从纺织服装原料的生产,原料的加工,到成品的包装出口,大多数环节都需要投入大量的劳动力。纺织品服装出口行业容纳了庞大的就业大军。既然纺织服装行业是劳动密集型产业的典型,因此,解决好金融危机下我国纺织品服装出口问题当然对劳动密集型行业出口有借鉴作用。




5、秋抓跨国并购的大好时机,不但可以获得国外先进的技术和设备、国外资产溢价等方面好处,而且可以就地生产就地销售,绕过国外的关税壁垒,也能部分解决我国纺织品服装产能过剩的问题,增加国内就业,为我国这方面的出口企业实行技术改造和产业结构升级,创建自己的品牌打好基础。多管齐下,必将会达到预期的效果。关键词:金融危机;纺织品服装;出口;要素禀赋;产业结构;出口退税IIResearch of the impact that financial crisis brings about on Chinastextile and garment exportABSTRACTBeginning at August

6、2007, subprime mortgage crisis of the U.S. has graduallyevolved into a worldwide financial crisis sweeping the globe, attracting the attentionof the world , which is the worst economic crisis since1929-1933. All the countries inthe world has been badly affected. China is also one of the countries se

7、verely affected.In this paper,the impact on textile and apparel exports of our country are reseached.Since textile and apparel is labor-intensive products, and in this financial crisis, theaffection on labor-intensive products by the financial crisis is the largest and mostobvious, the impact labor-

8、intensive products in the financial crisis is understood, theimpact on other products or sectors of the financial crisis is also evident.The article uses detailed data to describe how the financial crisis to affect Chinastextile and apparel exports , and later on to search the reason hidden behind.

9、First,the Factor Endowment Theory explains that Chinese textile exports affected by thefinancial crisis because the prices textile and apparel products in the financial crisis,prices are distorted. As our country depends on exports of textile and apparel too large,the domestic productions of textile

10、 and apparel are mainly soldby exports, whichwill increase Chinas textile and apparel exports affected by the financial crisis .Thedependence on export of textile and garment is too large because it is caused byinsufficient domestic demand. lack of own brand makes Chinas textile and apparelhave a sm

11、all profit margin and be at the cutting edge .In the background of the globalfinancial crisis, the drop in external demand, trade protectionism and the pressure ofRMB by the developed countries makes Chinas textile and apparel exports have todecline.Excavated under the impact of financial crisis, Ch

12、inas textile export factors, thenIIIare tested by the linear regression models. Test results prove satisfactory that impactfactors of Chinese textile exports are correct. On this basis,it is highlighted how tostable Chinas textile and apparel exports. Urgent measures are export tax rebate anddiversi

13、fication of foreign trade. Export tax rebate makestextile and garment exportbusiness travel light, overcome the immediate difficulties. The implementation oftrade diversification reduces the export of textile and garment export business risk,enhances textile and garment export companies to resist th

14、e risks caused byinternational factors like the financial crisis; Fundamental measure is to expanddomestic demand, adjust technological transformation of export enterprises andimprove the industrial structure, to reduce the export of textiles and clothing the risksof relying on exports, take the road of sustainable development; Auxiliary measure isgoing-out strategy. At this time of the world economic crisis, some Chinese textile andgarment export business, if they are strong and brave enough to grasp goldenopportunity in this turbulent autumn to cross-border mergers and acquisitions, acce


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