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1、-/Unit 2 Childhood MemoriesActive reading (1)Reading and understanding3 Answer the questions.1 What were Sylvia Plaths most important memories?She remembered winning a prize, Paula Browns new suit and the view from her window.2 Where did she live and what could she see from her bedroom window?She li

2、ved on the bay side of town, on Johnson Avenue, and she could see the lights of Boston and LoganAirport from her bedroom window.3 What did the view make her want to do?It made her want to fly in her dreams.4 Why did she have such vivid dreams?Because she was rarely tired when she went to bed.5 Who a

3、ppeared in her dreams?Superman appeared and taught her to fly.6 Why did she enjoy the radio adventures of Superman?Because she loved the sheer poetry of flight.7 Where did her friend and she play Superman?At the dingy back entrance to the school, an alcove in a long passageway.8 Why do you think the

4、y chose Sheldon to be the villain?Because he was a mammas boy and was left out of the other boys games.9 How did she feel about her Uncle Frank?She admired him as she thought he bore an extraodinary resemblance to Superman incognito.4 Choose the best summary of the passage.3 Sylvia Plath wrote about

5、 her real and imaginary life as a child.Dealing with unfamiliar words5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 accurate and true (definite)2 continuing all the time (perpetual)3 to spin quickly in circles (whirl)4 to shine very brightly (blaze)5 to laugh in a nervous, excited or silly wa

6、y that is difficult to control (giggle)6 to encourage someone to speak or continue speaking (prompt)7 to fall to the ground (tumble)6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.Plath never needed to be (1) prompted to talk about her childhood memories. They were very (2)

7、 definite and still real to her as an adult. She imagined she could fly and (3) whirl through the air like Superman. Coming from the highways around Boston was the (4) perpetual sound of traffic. In the distance a plane was taking off, its lights (5) blazing into the night sky. She remembered the so

8、und of (6) giggling which came from the group of girls. Sadly in her later life it seemed as if Superman had (7) tumbled to earth.7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1 The lights at the airport went on and off all day and night. (blinked)2 The playground was

9、like a desert. It was without any interesting or positive features and unfriendly. (barren)3 The boys were playing a childrens game in which the players chase and try to touch each other and the girls were gossiping and giggling. (tag)4 Pulling the legs off insects is a form of action causing extrem

10、e physical pain by someone as a punishment, and is extremely cruel. (torture)5 The similarity in appearance between the twins was striking. (resemblance)6 He would cover candy with a piece of cloth used for cleaning lips and hands, and make it disappear. (napkin)8 Answer the questions about the word

11、s and expressions.1 If you look through a kaleidoscope, are you likely to see (a) changing coloured patterns, or (b) a single coloured pattern?2 If you flaunt something, do you (a) deliberately try to make people notice, or (b) try to hide it?3 If you marvel at something, do you find it (a) boring,

12、or (b) surprising and fascinating?4 Are shooting stars likely to (a) move brightly through the night sky, or (b) stand still?5 Is the twilight likely to be (a) at the end of, or (b) in the middle of the day?6 If you drift off to sleep, are you likely to fall asleep (a) quickly, or (b) slowly?7 If so

13、meone is bookish, are they likely to be (a) more, or (b) less interested in reading books than doing other activities?8 If you make up something, do you (a) invent it, or (b) borrow it from someone else?9 If you come into your own, are you likely to show (a) how effective and useful, or (b) ineffect

14、ive and useless you can be?10 Is a villain likely to be a (a) good, or (b) bad person?11 If you are left out of something, are you likely to be (a) included, or (b) excluded?Active reading (2)Reading and understanding4 Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1 The characteristics of childhood

15、a hundred years ago (d) .(a) would have interfered in their education(b) are similar to those of today(c) would be illegal today(d) meant that children were treated more like adults2 The idea that childhood is a social construction suggests that (a) .(a) children experience childhood in different wa

16、ys according to the society in which they live(b) enormous transformations have taken place within a relatively short time(c) children in the past worked harder(d) all children are different from adults3 Both Inuit and Tongan parents understand that (b) .(a) their children need to be treated in a way which would be considered harsh by outs


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