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1、人教英语(广东专版) 目 录 第一部分 必修五 Unit1 Great scientists Unit2 The United Kingdom 多媒体语篇精读课阅读理解多功能精读方案(五) Unit3 Life in the future Unit4 Making the news Unit5 First aid 多媒体语篇精读课阅读理解多功能精读方案(六) Unit1 Great scientists 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) 背高级词汇 1scientist 科学家 2enthusiastic 热心的 3challenge 挑战 4link 联系 5is

2、olation 隔绝;隔离 6crazy 疯狂的;痴迷的 Unit1 Great scientists 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) 7draw a conclusion 得出结论 8lead to 导致 9enrich ones knowledge 丰富某人的知识 10contribute to 有助于;对做出贡献 11make contributions to 对做出贡献 12be absorbed in 专注于 13information products 信息产品 14be available 可以利用的 Unit1 Great scientists 晨

3、 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) 背名言佳句 1If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. 如果说我比别人看得远一些,那是因为我站在巨人的 肩膀上。 2Practical wisdom is only to be learned in the school of experience. 实用的知识只有通过亲身体验才能学到。 Unit1 Great scientists 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) 3Only if you put the s

4、un there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. 只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的 运动才能说得清楚。 Unit1 Great scientists 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) 背范文佳作 事迹简介成就启迪写作模板 记叙文体裁Allan Stewart话题 (2012广东高考) Allan Stewart, an Australian born on March 7,1915, gained his first degree in 1936. Firmly

5、 holding the view that its never too late to learn and one shouldnt stop challenging himself, he got another degree Doctor of Unit1 Great scientists 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) Medicine by great efforts. At his eighties, he decided to study law and in 2006, he became the oldest man in the world w

6、ho received a masters degree. Six years later, he received his fourth degree by studying on the Internet and his teacher praised him a lot for his arrangements on time. Allan Stewart really sets a good example to others. Unit1 Great scientists 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) .单词默写 1_ vt. 分析 2_ vt. 打败

7、;战胜;使受挫 n. 失败 3_ vt. 照顾;护理;出席;参加 4_ vt. when 引导一个_状语从句,在这个状语从句中,what引导 一个_从句,相当于the place that looked like a large market;because of .是介词短语作原因状语。 尝试翻译 _ _ 时间 宾语 当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,由于太多 车子朝四面八方飞奔,我看不见王平了。 Unit3 Life in the future 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) .课文重温 1仔细阅读课文“First Impressions”,写出文章的主

8、旨 大意。 答案:_ _ _ _ Li Qiang wrote to his parents about his future journey.He travelled in a time capsule into the year 3008, finding the surroundings difficult to tolerate, but the transportation and house novel are exciting. Unit3 Life in the future 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) 2根据课文内容用适当的词填空,使短文完整

9、。 Li Qiang couldnt believe that he had traveled to the year AD 3008 _ a time capsule.Because this was his _ time trip, he was worried and _ (settle) and he also suffered _ “time lag” Besides, he was hit by the lack of fresh air.His guide, Wang Ping, who was very _ (understand), gave him some green t

10、ablets and a mask, which helped him _ the in firstunsettled from understanding overcome/solve Unit3 Life in the future 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) problems.However, Li Qiang experienced something new.He flew _ the ground in a hovering carriage. _ (arrive) home, he was shown into a large bright, c

11、lean room with a wall of trees.After eating something, he fell _ asleep in the bed that _ (produce) from the floor. above Arriving fast/sound was produced Unit3 Life in the future 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) 1lack v its difficult_. 这对双胞胎长得太像了,很难分辨出来。 make a difference makes no difference to make

12、any difference to tell the difference Unit5 First aid 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) 1There is no doubt that Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slades life. 毫无疑问,是约翰敏捷的思维和在学校学到的急救技术 ,挽救了斯莱德女士的生命。 Unit5 First aid 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) 句型结构 There is no

13、 doubt that .为固定句式,意思是“毫无疑 问”。 句型仿写 毫无疑问,如果我们努力学习,我们将会取得巨大进步。 _well make great progress if we work hard. There is no doubt that Unit5 First aid 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) 2So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned, it can be very serious. 因此,你可以想象得到,如果你的皮肤烧伤了,就可能非 常严重。 句型结构 as .正如/就像 说明:as

14、引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句的内容。 句型仿写 正如我们大家都知道的,霍金是一位当代顶尖的科学家。 _, Hawking is a leading modern scientist. As is known to us all Unit5 First aid 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) 3If possible, discuss what kind of first aid you should give in these situations. 如果可能的话,讨论一下在这些情况下应该实施什么样 的急救。 句型结构 If (it is) so/necessary/possible .“如果是这样/有必要/可 能”。 句型仿写 如有需要请与我们联系。 _, please contact us. If necessary Unit5 First aid 晨 背 自 检 师 说 培 优 演 练 人教英语(广东专版) 4Do you think it is worthwhile to take a course in first aid? 你认为选修急救这门课值得吗? 句型结构 It is



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