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1、 分类号 UDC 密 级 学 号 1108300937 硕士学位论文硕士学位论文 生态滤沟净化城市路面径流的中试研究生态滤沟净化城市路面径流的中试研究 雷婷婷雷婷婷 学学 科科 门门 类:类: 工工 学学 学学 科科 名名 称:称: 环境工程环境工程 指指 导导 教教 师:师: 李家科李家科 副教授副教授 申申 请请 日日 期:期: 2014 年年 3 月月 ( 生 态 滤 沟 净 化 城 市 路 面 径 流 的 中 试 研 究 ) 雷 婷 婷 西 安 理 工 大 学 西安理工大学硕士学位论文 ii sand+soil+humussoilblast furnace slag+sand flya

2、sh+ sandblast furnace slag. (2)The highest removal rate of phosphate, TP and Zn was found at the groove of blast furnace slag. The highest removal rate of nitrogen and COD was found at the groove of soil. The highest removal rate of Cd was found at the groove of blast furnace slag+sand. When the dev

3、ices running interval time was set as 1 and 3 days, the removal rate of ammonia nitrogen, Nitrate, TN, phosphate, COD and Zn of test grooves will be lower when running interval time became longer. The removal rate of Cd of test grooves will be higher or ever 100 % when running interval time became l

4、onger. Under three kinds of influent quantity,the removal rate of nitrogen of test grooves will firstly decreased and then increased . The removal rate of phosphate was proportional to the concentrations of influent pollutants. The removal rate of COD was decreasing with the increasing of influent p

5、ollutants,while the removal rate of Cd was increasing with the increasing of influent pollutants. The four groove with the different width but the same the species of fillers,The 7#groove, 8#groove ,9#groove and 10#groove of 0.5m device and the 4# west groove, 4# east groove and 3# east groove of 1m

6、 device were all presented that the removal rate of nitrogen was similar at the condition of middle concentration with COD 400mg/L exceot 8# east groove and 3# west(blast furnace slag). And the removal rate of nitrogen in 8#groove and 3# west groove were similar. 8#groove and 3# west groove (Artific

7、ial fillers: blast furnace slag+sand) also presented that the greater width will cause the higher removal of phosphorus, and the other three matched groups were opposite. The study also found that the removal of COD will be higher with the wider width. The the removal of Cd and Zn will be high with

8、the greater width by investigating the 7#groove and 4# west groove which filler were flyash+ sand, and the opposite tend were found at 8#groove and 3# west groove. (3)The relation of influent quantity, running interval time, species of fillers and runoff volume reduction rate were linearity,the rite

9、 of water cut as Y, the influent quantity as X1,interval time as X2, porosity as X3and osmotic coefficient as X4,the equation of linear regressionwasY=246.54-0.02X1+3.08X2-4.49X3+10.41X4and Y=246.12-0.017X1+2.54X2-4.51X3+4.31X4with the method 1 and method 2 respectly.And the two method will all be c

10、heckout by certainty coefficient.Imitate chock of Ens of the method 1 was greater then the method 2,So the reliablity of the method 1 is high,the result is precise. The pollutant concentrations, interval time, the species of fillers, width of groove has liner relation with the removal rate of TN、TP、

11、COD.Use the two multiple liner regression to tate the regression model,by checking out that the mwthod 1 is reliable. The relation of removal rate of TN、TP、COD as Y and the pollutant concentrations as X1, interval time as X2, width of groove asX3,porosityasX4,theequationoflinearregressionwas Abstrac

12、t iii Y=-25.003-1.692X1-10.455X2+13.195X3+1.762X4+0.021X5,Y=-63.587+4.239X1-0.982X2+3.1 92X3+3.268X4+0.032X5,Y=-61.074-0.008X1-4.913X2+37.703X3+2.278X4+0.034X5.The results indicate that the precidicted vaule can fit the actual vaule greatly,it can also react the actual vaule exactly. Key words: Biol

13、ogical filter;Urban road surface runoff; Experiment;SPSS software; Stepwise regression model; Multiple linear regression model 目录 1 目录目录 1 绪论绪论.1 1.1 研究背景与意义1 1.1.1 研究背景.1 1.1.2 研究意义与市场应用前景.2 1.2 国内外研究进展3 1.2.1 生物滞留技术的分类.3 1.2.2 生物滞留技术的国内外研究进展.4 1.2.3 生态滤沟污染物净化机理.5 1.3 研究目的与内容6 1.4 技术路线7 2 生态滤沟中试装置的

14、设计生态滤沟中试装置的设计 9 2.1 生态滤沟中试装置的设计方法9 2.1.1 生态滤沟中试装置表面积确定.9 2.1.2 进水口设计.9 2.1.3 出水口设计.11 2.1.4 溢流设计.11 2.3 生态滤沟填料的选择12 2.4 生态滤沟植物的选择12 3 生态滤沟生态滤沟净化净化城市路面径流的中试设计城市路面径流的中试设计14 3.1 试验场介绍14 3.2 试验方案19 3.2.1 试验进水水量及雨型确定.19 3.2.2 试验进水水质确定.22 3.3 试验进程安排23 3.3.1 水量试验.23 3.3.2 水质试验.26 3.4 配水、采样与分析方法28 3.4.1 试验配

15、水28 3.4.2 采样安排29 3.4.3 试验分析项目与测试方法29 3.5 填料性能参数的确定.29 4 生态滤沟生态滤沟净化净化城市路面径流的城市路面径流的水量水量试验结果分析试验结果分析32 4.1 生态滤沟的水量削减效果评价32 4.1.1 单场雨径流体积削减.32 西安理工大学硕士学位论文 2 4.1.2 洪峰流量削减.32 4.2 水量试验结果分析32 4.2.1 不同进水水量下单场雨径流体积削减.32 4.2.2 不同运行间隔时间对径流体积的削减效果.36 4.2.3 不同填料种类对径流体积的削减效果.39 4.2.4 不同进水水量下洪峰流量削减.40 4.2.5 不同运行间

16、隔时间对洪峰流量的削减效果.51 4.2.6 不同填料种类对洪峰流量的削减效果.57 4.3 本章小结57 5 生态滤沟生态滤沟净化净化城市路面径流的城市路面径流的水质水质试验结果分析试验结果分析59 5.1 生态滤沟的污染物削减效果评价59 5.2 水质试验结果分析59 5.2.1 不同进水浓度对各污染物净化效果的影响分析.59 5.2.2 不同运行间隔时间对各污染物净化效果的影响分析.62 5.2.3 不同沟宽对各污染物净化效果的影响分析.63 5.2.4 不同填料种类对各污染物净化效果的影响分析.66 5.3 本章小结70 6 生态滤沟对水量削减效果统计分析生态滤沟对水量削减效果统计分析74 6.1 削减效果与其影响因素曲线分析74 6.1.1 进水水量与径流削减之间的关系.74 6.1.2 运行间隔时间与径流削减之间的关系.77 6.1.3 填料种类与径流削减之间的关系.80 6.2 运用逐步回归模型对水量削减效果进行模拟82 6.3 本章小结88 7 生态滤沟对污染物浓度净化生态滤沟对污染物浓度净



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