(人教新起点)二年级英语上册教案 Unit3 Lesson13

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1、人教新起点二年级英语上册教案Unit3 Lesson 13教学内容1. Words and sentence1)复习 I see 句型及一些和颜色有关的单词。2)学习新词:flower, grass, tree, bridge, hill, lake, park.2. Chant.3. Sentence: There is ain the park. 教学目标1知识与技能: (1)能够初步听、说、认读与公园有关的 7 个单词。(2)能够在本课涉及的情景下初步使用所学句型。(3)能够在录音的辅助下唱本课所学歌谣。2.情感与策略:(1)在学习和活动的过程中乐于模仿、积极参与。(2)初步养成与他人合

2、作学习、共同完成任务的习惯与能力。教学重、难点重点:1.The main words: flower, grass, tree, bridge, hill, lake, park.2.There is a in the park.难点:1单词 bridge 的发音。2在一定情境中初步使用 There is a in the park.教具准备单词卡片,录音机, 教学课件 教学过程Step 1: Review and elicit. 1.Greetings.2.Lead inT: Look, is it a big classroom? (老师做出 big 的夸张动作。)P: Yes.T: Wh

3、at do you see in the classroom?P: I see a (chair, desk) T: Yes, there is a yellow chair in the classroom. Step2: Presentation:1.T: T: Very good, lets go to see a beautiful picture. OK?P: OK! T:(出示课件 BeiHai Park)Where is it? P: BeiHai Park.(北海公园)T: Yes, its BeiHai Park. (出示图片,学习 park 这个单词。)T: What do

4、 you see in the park? P: I see aT: Which is (让说上来的同学到讲台来找出图片,老师教单词,并且把单词图片贴到黑板上。)T: There is a in the park. (让课件出声音。)Tree: 教单词发音:强调 tr 的发音,强调 ee 的发音 Is the tree tall? What color is it? T: What do you see in the park? Flower:强调 F 的发音。 T: What color is the flower? Is the flower beautiful? Bridge: 强调 d

5、ge 的发音; Can I walk on the bridge? (Yes) Can I swim on the bridge? (教师做动作,帮助学生理解。)Lake: Can we swim in the lake? (In some lakes, we can swim)2.Game: (为学习 chant 作准备。)T: Now, lets play a game. Please guess what it is. 教师可以把一张卡片的背面对着全体学生。It is green. Grass. No, it is tall. A tree. Yes. 然后再和两个学生示范。一个学生猜,

6、教师和另一个学生提示。T: OK! Lets play the game in groups. Go.T: Now, boys and girls lets stop here. Do you like the game?P: Yes, I do.T: I have another beautiful park for you. Lets look at it. OK? ( 出示课件,学习 chant。)Step 3: Learn chant.1.Look and listen. T: Now please look and listen, you need not to chant toge

7、ther. (学生看听 chant,这时课件会出现每个单词的顺序。)2.T: Now please put your cards on the desk like this. Listen and put the pictures in an order. (让两个学生投影示范) 先听一下录音,摆两个图片。3.Listen and check your answer.(学生看投影上的正确答案,来核实自己的答案正确与否。 )4.Listen and chant. (看实物投影学生跟着 chant.)Step4: 教师在黑板上做出一个公园T: OK, lets look at the blackb

8、oard, which is number 1.P: Hill.T: Number 2 is最后老师指着黑板:Oh! Is it a beautiful park? P: Yes. T: Is there a tree? P: Yes.T: Yes, there is a tree in the park. 指着一个学生让他重复,教句子和单词 there. (教师板书) (在教师的引导下,学生用句子替换其他的单词来说句子;然后由学生自己去说,教师随时给学生在黑板上评分。)Step5: 猜词游戏:T: I have another game. Do you want to play it? P:

9、 Yes. T: 出示课件 Can you guess what it is in the park?Step6: 找不同:Now, I also have two parks here; please find the differences between these two parks. 1.教师先示范2.学生小组准备。3.学生语言输出。Step7:制作公园 Oh, you saw many beautiful parks, do you want to make a beautiful park by yourself? Look, there are some pictures in

10、 this envelope. (实物投影打开信封,请两个学生和老师一起为学生做示范。 )老师和两个学生:让一个学生背对老师和另外一个学生,老师抽出一张图片,让学生用 There is a in the park.去猜,猜出来后,把图片贴到他自己想贴得地方。(学生语言的拓展)color, tall, short, big, small板书设计:Unit 2 ParkLesson 13 Park There is a.新起点Book 3 Unit 3 Lesson 13 教学设计及意图教学环节 活 动 目 的Lead in 通过复习 I see 语句和颜色,导入新课内容。复习学过的内容,让学生通

11、过问答活动,对旧知识进行复现,为新授内容做好准备。课 件 导 入 整体呈现,初步感知学 习 新 词,在公园的情景中为学生创造学习新单词的机会,通过游戏,使一些接受能力较快的同学尽快掌握一些新词,接受能力慢的同学进一步增加复现率,帮助他们去记忆。为 chant 做好准备。PresentationListen and chant在初步掌握、理解基础上再次呈现新的知识,让学生进一步用较完整的语句来学习和巩固新词,并且感知 chant,简单的输出 chant.1.Look and. listen2.Listen and put the cards into order.(学生示范)3.Listen a

12、nd check.(实物投影)4.Listen and chant.为后面 There is 语句的学习做好准备。Practice 学习操练 There is 1.引入主句型,并初步学说主句型。2.呈现主句型,并进行简单的机械操练及单词的替换练习,体现学习过程。3.用句子进行猜词活动,巩固主句型,并进一步为部分学生提供第二次学习机会。为下一环节找不同,做好语言的积累。Find the differences between two parks通过比较公园的不同,为学生创设情景,再次进行口语操练,并适当的进行一些语言拓展。为下一步学生自己制作公园及语言输出做准备。Production 小组制作自己的公园运用所学语言来完成对公园的制作,并让一些学生,完成作品之后,到前面来输出语言。Ending 作业设计自己家的客厅,在生活中运用语言。



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