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1、#+小升初英语真题铁一中小升初英语真题单项选择()37Thereis_umbrellain_schoolbag A. a;the Ban;the Can;/ Da;/()38Howoldisyourson? Heis_.Todayishis_birthday, Atwelve;twelveBtwelve;twelvethCtwelfth;twelveDtwelve;twelfth()39-WhereisTOM? -Look,he_basketballontheplayground. AisplayingBplaysCplayedDplay()40. _today? ItsMay26th. AW

2、hatdayisitBWhatsthetimeCWhatsthedateDWhatstheday()41Please_alllightsifyouarethelastonetoleavetheclassroom. AgetonBgetoffCturnonDturnoff()42IllhaveatraveltoBeijingtomorrow._. AHaveangoodtripBImsorrytohearthat CThankyou DYouarewelcome阅读理解 A Dollar per Point A professor(教授) was giving a big test one da

3、y to his students. He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait.When the test was over, the students all handed the test back in. The professor noticed that one of the students had attached(附加) a $100 bill to his teat with a note saying“A Dollar per Point.”The next class the prof

4、essor handed the texts back out. This student got back his text paper and $64 change.( )1. What do you think of the students according to the passage. A. hard-working B. foolish C. thankful( )2. Why did the students attach a $100 bill to his test. A. He wanted to thank for the professors hard work.

5、B. He wanted to shoe that he was very rich. C. He wanted to get a full sore(分数). ( )3. Finally, the student s sore was _. A. 100 B. 36 C. 64单项选择1. Alloftheboys_soccerontheplaygroundnow. Aisplaying Bareplaying Careplay Dplays2. Please_lookout.Lookattheblackboard.A.not B.dont C.cant D.No3. Septemberis

6、_monthoftheyear.Anineth Bninth Ctheninth Dnine4. _interestingthefilmis!AWhat BWhatan CHow DWhata5. Whattimedoesshe_schooland_homeeveryday?Aget;go Bgetto;getto Cgoto;get Dgo;getto阅读理解Thestudentswerehavingtheirchemistryclass.MissLiwastellingthechildrenwhatwaterwaslike.After-that,sheaskedherstudents,Wh


8、withhimImsorry,childrensaidtheteacher,Ourwaterisgettingdirtieranddirtier.Thatsaproblem.6.Thestudentswerehavingtheir_class.AFrench BChinese Cchemistry Dgeometry7MissLiwastellingthechildrenwhat_waslike.Awater BsunCwindDweather8Aboysaid,“Thewaterintheriverbehindmyhouseisalways_Aofnocolor Bblack CcleanD

9、clear9Mostofthechildren_theboy.AdisagreedwithBwereangrywith CsupportedDlaughedat10Thewaterintheriverhascolorandsmellbecauseitisgetting_.Amoreandmorebeautiful Blessandlessdirty Ccleanerandcleaner Ddirtieranddirtier 单项选择(1) Teachers Day is September 10th. A. at B. on C. in(2) -What a boy! -Yes, he is.

10、 A. happy B. cheap C. cloudy(3) She can write English letters well. A. Twenty-eight B. Twenty-six C. Twenty-four(4) There are near Xian. A. river B. some rivers C. a river (5) Alice is the bed in the bedroom now. A. make B. makes C.making(6) - birds can you see in the picture? - We can see ten. A. H

11、ow many B. How much C. How about阅读理解My aunt work hard in a zoo. Her job is to look after the animals. Every day she gives food and water to the animals, washes them and cleans their rooms. She likes talking to the animals and playing with them. The animals are always happy to see my aunt.On Sundays, many people come to the animals in my aunts zoo. Some people wants to make friends with these animals, so they give food to the animals. When people do these, my aunt usua


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