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1、水资源利用与保护课程设计题 目:新乡市取水构筑物的扩大初步设计 学 院:市政与环境工程学院 专 业:给排水科学与工程 姓 名:王轶伦 学 号:026413108 指导老师:肖晓存 完成时间:2015年12月 18日 前言水是生命之源,是重要的自然资源和环境因素。水资源在社会、经济、生存环境中占有十分重要的地位,他是促进城市经济可持续发展,确保人民安居乐业,建设社会物质文明和精神文明的重要条件,是社会赖以存在和发展的物质基础。长期以来,水资源的不合理开发、利用所造成的严重水资源短缺和区域性的生态、环境灾害受到了国际水资源与环境领域的广泛关注。现代资源开发利用已从传统的仅对水资源的评价与无序开发转


3、实践知识。将对我国经济的可持续发展有重要的作用。 水资源利用与保护课程设计是继水资源利用与保护实习之后又一次全面、系统地对水资源利用与保护这门课程的深入学习。通过此次课程设计,对所学知识加以应用和系统化,培养解决实际工程问题设计问题的能力;使自己在设计、制图、査阅资料、使用设计手册和规范等莪本技能上得到初步训练:掌握地表水取水构筑物的基本计算方法;掌握工具书的应用方法。 通过査阅资料、咨询同学等方式将遇到的问题各个击破使我明白一切问题都是纸老虎,只要持之以恒,不断努力,没有什么事情是不可能的。在面临问题时要保持一惯的不服输的作风,认真地分析问题、解决问题。与此同时,通过本次课程设计,也使我对于

4、取水构筑物的布罝情况有了更加深刻的理解。但是由于自身水平有限又是第一次进行课程设计,疏漏之处在所难免。希望老师能予以指正,以促进我将来的学习。ForewordWater is the source of life, is an important natural resources and environmental factors. Water resources play an important role in the society, economy, environment, he is to promote the sustainable development of city e

5、conomy, to ensure that people live and work in peace, an important condition for the construction of social material civilization and spiritual civilization, is the material basis for the survival and development of society.For a long time, the unreasonable exploitation and utilization of water reso

6、urces has caused the serious water shortage and regional ecological and environmental disaster. It has received wide attention in the field of water resources and environment. Modern resource development and utilization has changed from the traditional evaluation and disordered development of water

7、resources to the comprehensive evaluation, reasonable exploitation and utilization of water resources, the development and application of water saving technology, more attention to the coordination between natural circulation and human resources, and more emphasis on the application and popularizati

8、on of the technology and the promotion of the technology and the promotion of water quality restoration technology. Emphasizing the reasonable exploitation and utilization of water resources, strengthening the management and protection of water resources has become the important means and protective

9、 measures to maintain social progress and economic sustainable development.As a contemporary college students and the study of water supply and drainage engineering students we must understand the use and protection of water resources. Through engineering practice to grasp the basic concepts, theory

10、 and method of water resources formation, evaluation, supply and demand balance analysis, grasp the basic concepts, theory, engineering technology and measures of water resources protection, to understand the theory, technology and measures of water resources protection, to combine theory and practi

11、ce, to increase the practical knowledge. Will have an important role in the sustainable development of our countrys economy. Utilization and protection of water resource of curriculum design is the water resource utilization and protection practice after a comprehensive, systematically on the utiliz

12、ation and protection of water resources in the course of studying.Through this curriculum design, on the knowledge to be applied and systematic training of solving practical engineering problems, design question ability; make their own in the design, drawing, data access, using the design manual and

13、 standard of basic skills on initial training; Master of surface water intake of the basic calculation method; master tool application method. Through access to information, such as advisory students will encounter problems each checkmate I understand that everything is a paper tiger, as long as the

14、 persevere, continue hard, nothing is impossible. In the face of the problem to maintain a consistent competitive wStyle, a careful analysis of problem, to solve the problem.At the same time, through the curriculum design, also make me for intake arrangement have a more profound understanding of.But

15、 because of the limited level and is the first to design curriculum, omissions can hardly be avoided. I hope that the teacher can be corrected to promote my future learning目 录1 绪论11.1 设计目的11.2 设计任务11.3 设计时间11.4设计基础资料12 计算说明32.1 构筑物类型确定32.1.1取水构筑物类型的确定32.1.2 取水头部形式的确定42.1.3 进水管形式的确定52.1.4 集水井形式的确定62.2 取水头部设计计算72.2.1设计水量72.2.2取水头部构造计算82.2.3格栅计算102.2.4自流管计算112.2.5取水头部标高122.2.6集水间自流管口的标高122.3集水间设计计算122.3.1格网计算122.3.2集水间平面尺寸132.3.3集水间平面尺寸计算142.3.4集水间标高计算152.3.5格网起吊设备172.3.6



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