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1、3 Time TogetherTime Together READING FOR LEARNING 2 READING FOR DONING 3 GUIDED WRITING4 AUDIO/VIDEO LAB5 WARM-UP1 WARP-UP6 WARM-UP Task 1 Look at the pictures and quotes and work with a partner. AB C 1 Describe what you can see to a partner. A group of people are working together, perhaps on a pres

2、entation or project. It looks like they are in an office. The dogs want to eat the cake. The little dog is standing on the big dogs back to reach the cake. They are working together to achieve something that either of them will manage to achieve if they work on their own. They have just won a footba

3、ll competition. The trophy looks like the one from the World Cup. They all look really happy and excited. WARM-UP Task 1 I think teamwork I think a good leader I think a good team player 3 Complete the sentences so that they are TRUE FOR YOU. 2 Which of the quotes about teamwork do you agree with an

4、d why? READING FOR LEARNING Recognising the main ideas (理解文章大意) 文章通常都是围绕某一主旨展开的。因此,阅读时先 通读全篇,了解文章各段落大意,在此基础上再开始 精读,这样可帮助我们更好地理解文章内容。文章主 旨一般会在标题、副标题、段落主题句,甚至插图中 有所体现,阅读时要多加注意。 A When Ed Stafford and Luke Collyer decided to share an adventure of a lifetime, they thought they had prepared for everythin

5、g. They had packed equipment for their trip across the Andes and more than 4,000 miles of jungle. What they hadnt planned for, however, was how they would cope with each other. Driving Me Mad 差点疯了 A 当埃德斯塔福德和卢克科利尔决定一起 去开始一段人生只有一次历险时,他们以为已经 准备好了一切。他们已经为跨越安第斯山脉和穿 越4,000 英里的丛林准备好了行装。但是,有一 件事他们没有计划进去,那就是

6、彼此如何才能和 谐相处。 译 文 B Ed became angry when Luke asked for only one MP3 player to be sent. This frustrated him because he didnt want to carry anything unnecessary. He also felt that if they had to get a parcel, Luke should have asked for two MP3 players because he didnt want to share one MP3 player with

7、 Luke. They no longer got on and the pressure made Luke leave. B 当卢克只要求寄一个MP3 走的时候,埃德 很生气。他(埃德)之所以不高兴是因为他不想 带任何不必要的东西。他还觉得,如果是不得不 收包裹的话,卢克也应该要求寄两个MP3 ,因为 他并不想和卢克共用一个MP3。他们俩不再和睦 ,而这种压力使得卢克离开了。 Driving Me Mad 译 文 C After the conflict and falling out, Ed continued alone for three months. He advertised

8、for someone to finish the walk with him. He wanted someone with a good sense of humour, an interest in the environment and an ability to walk a long way without asking “Are we nearly there yet?” C 冲突与争吵过后,埃德继续独自旅行了三个月。 他刊登广告征求旅伴和他一起完成旅行。他想要 找的旅伴既要有良好的幽默感,对自然环境感兴 趣,还能够长途跋涉而不是老问“我们快到了吗 ?” 译 文 Driving

9、Me Mad D He did not get any replies until five months later when Cho from Peru joined him. Cho had only planned to walk for a few days with Ed. However, their friendship grew as their walk continued. Importantly, they could happily argue and fight and they knew that it didnt matterthey became truly

10、like brothers. Two years later they reached the end of the Amazon Jungle. Ed Stafford is the only person to ever walk the whole length of the Amazon Jungle. D 直到五个月后他才得到回复,来自秘鲁的卓加入了他。卓本来只打算和埃德 一起徒步几天。但是,他们的友情随着旅行的继续而不断升温。更重要的是,他 们可以快乐地争论、打闹,而且两个人都不觉得有什么要紧他们真的成为了 兄弟。两年后他们到达了亚马孙丛林的终点。埃德斯塔福德成为了唯一一个步 行走

11、完亚马孙丛林的人。 译 文 Driving Me Mad More Information New Words adventure # lifetime pack equipment trip jungle cope # frustrate unnecessary Phrases and Expressions drive sb mad prepare for get on fall out parcel pressure conflict advertise sense reply argue length Proper Names adventure e.g. She set off fo

12、r a new adventure in China on her birthday. 她在生日当天出发去中国进行一次新的冒险。 n. 冒险(经历) Back to Vocabulary lifetime e.g. During her lifetime she has got around to much travelling. 她一生中去很多地方旅行过。 n. 一生;终生 Back to Vocabulary pack e.g. They are packing for the trip. 他们在为旅行打包。 v. 把打包 Back to Vocabulary equipment n. 装

13、备;设备 e.g. They left their equipment out that night. 他们那晚把设备放在了外面。 Back to Vocabulary trip n. 旅行;旅游 e.g. They decided to stretch their trip in China for another two weeks. 他们决定把在中国的旅行再延长两个星 期。 Back to Vocabulary jungle n. (热带)丛林 e.g. Dont go into the jungle without guides. 没有向导时不要走入丛林。 Back to Vocabu

14、lary cope v. (成功地)对付;应付 e.g. We must learn to cope with difficult situations like this. 我们必须学会如何处理诸如此类的困境。 Back to Vocabulary frustrate v. (使)烦恼;(使)受挫 e.g. They made me frustrated and angry . 他们让我又气又恼。 Back to Vocabulary unnecessary adj. 不必要的;多余的 e.g. They found it unnecessary for them to stay at th

15、e hotel. 他们感到没有必要留在酒店。 Back to Vocabulary parcel n. 包裹 e.g. I dont want to open the parcels because they are too large and heavy. 我不想拆开包裹因为包裹又大又沉。 Back to Vocabulary pressure n. 压力;困扰;担忧 e.g. I can not make choice under pressure. 有压力时我无法做出选择。 Back to Vocabulary conflict n. 冲突;争端 e.g. Their conflicts

16、 seem to be ceaseless. 他们间的争端看起来没有尽头。 Back to Vocabulary advertise v. (为)作广告;登广告宣传 e.g. We must advertise our product if we want to sell it. 我们想要卖出产品就必须做广告。 Back to Vocabulary sense n. 能力;特质 e.g. I have a sense that you are leaving tomorrow. 我感觉你明天要走。 Back to Vocabulary reply n. 回复;回答 e.g. They have not received replies from you. 他们还没有收到你的回复。 Back to Vocabulary argue v. 争论 e.g. It is unnecessary to argue with


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