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1、北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试真题2018年11月Part Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions:There are three passages In this part Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresp

2、onding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage1Questions1to5arebasedonthefollowingpassage:Jayden Hairston was very disappointed. More than anything in the world, he wanted to learn how to sing. His school in Yonkers-just north of New York City-didnt offer the music instruction he needed. So he begged his

3、 parents to sign him up for after-school lessons.Jaydens mother wanted to help her son follow his passion热爱. (76)But private lessons were too expensive. Jayden, then 6 years old, knew exactly what to do. He took out his ipad. Then he began researching after-school arts programs. He soon came across碰

4、到 the website for Harlem School of the Arts (HSA), in New York City. There, he could take voice and dance lessons. It was a bit far from Yonkers. But he convinced说服 his parents to take him for a visit.That was three years ago, Now Jayden is one of HSAS most active students. He takes singing, dancing

5、, or theater lessons almost every day after school. (77)Last year, he performed in seven productions.Like Jayden, students in many communities across the United States have limited access(使用的机会或权利) to arts instruction in schoolsHSA is one of many nonprofit非盈利性的 groups that bridges this gap by offeri

6、ng affordable 负担得起的arts classes. Groups like HSA are funded by donations捐献 and state grants. 拨款Many also receive money from the federal governments National Endowment(基金)for the Arts (NEA).The NEA was established in 1965. Its goal is to promote access to the arts for all Americans. Some people, howe

7、ver, believe its not the responsibility of the federal government to provide arts funding. President Donald Trumps 2019 proposal calls on Congress to reduce NEA funding and eventually eliminate the agency. The Trump administration argues that “private and other public sources” already provide fundin

8、g for the arts. Congress has yet没有 to make a decision.Supporters of arts education say cutting the NEA is a bad idea. It could leave many children unable to participate in the arts. Thats because 40% of the agencys grants go to high-poverty neighborhoods.1. Which of the following is the best title f

9、or the passage? 主旨题 A. Arts Education Is ExpensiveB. Jaden Has Great Musical Talent天赋C. Some Students Have Limited Access to Arts InstructionD. Trump Calls on Congress to Reduce Arts Funding2. Jayden got the information about HSA from_. 细节题A. his motherB. his music teacherC. the InternetD. the newsp

10、aper3. Jayden Hairston is _ years old now. 细节题/推理题A.6B.7C.8D.94. The word eliminate in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to_. 词汇题 A. criticizeB. removeC. rebuildD. run5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? 判断正误题A. HSA is a nonprofit group established in 1965.B. Congr

11、ess agrees to Trumps proposal to cut the NEA.C. Arts instruction directly affects students academic success.D. Jayden takes singing, dancing, and theater lessons at HAS.推理题 Passage 2Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:Flores Colque人名,女士, celebrated her 118th birthday last month. She

12、 is the oldest woman in Bolivia(玻利维亚). Following the death of a woman in Japan earlier this year, Flores Colque may now be the oldest person in the world. Her national paper says Flores Colque was born on October 26, 1900 in the mountains of Bolivia.During her long life, Flores Colque has seen two w

13、orld wars. Her home country of Bolivia had a major revolution. And the town where she is from has grown from 3,000 people to 175,000. But right now, Flores Colque seems mostly interested in her dogs and cats. She has not heard of the Guinness Book of World Records, and she does not care whether expe

14、rts confirm she is the oldest person alive.“Shes always been active, easygoing and fun,” says her grandniece, who lives with her in a simple home with a dirt floor. Government officials have paid for some improvements to the house, adding a brick path and railings(栏杆) so Flores Colque can walk safel

15、y. The mayors office calls Flores Colque part of the countrys living history.On the day a reporter visited, Flores Colque was playing a small guitar and singing old songs in her native language. “If you would have told me you were coming. Id have remembered all the songs,” she joked.When she was gro

16、wing up, Flores Colque herded sheep in the Bolivian highlands.( 78)Then she moved to a valley, where she sold fruits and vegetables. Those fruits and vegetables became her main food, and she still eats a healthy diet-except for a piece of cake and a glass of soda sometimes. She never married and does not have children. She canno


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