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1、中南民族大学 硕士学位论文 我国职务作品的著作权归属问题研究 姓名:燕然 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:法律硕士(法学) 指导教师:华慧 2011-05-25 中南民族大学法律硕士学位论文 - I - 摘 要 有一类作品是创作者受雇于法人或者其他组织而创作,其中有创作者自己的 劳动和智慧,但作品面世后的责任和影响力则由单位或其他组织承担,我国著作 权法将此类作品称为“职务作品” ,国外著作权法则多将其称为“雇佣作品” 。由 于著作权的理念不同, 不同法系之间国家的著作权法对该类作品的归属有着不同 的规定,但是它们经过长期的理论研究和司法实践,已经形成了完备明确的法律 规范。而我国目前的状况是,20

2、10 年新修订的中华人民共和国著作权法对 于职务作品的规定仍然存在以下几点不足:首先,对职务作品的区分和归类仍然 没有规定明确的标准,造成了职务作品与法人作品、委托作品在实践中容易混淆 以及其他作品(例如高校教师教案)分类不明的状况;其次,在职务作品著作权 的归属上没有平衡单位利益与职务作品创作人的利益,存在重视前者,忽视后者 的情况。再次,在职务作品某些著作权的规定上与相关司法解释与行政法规(例 如计算机软件保护条例等)存在冲突,客观上形成了法律漏洞。上述问题, 给我国著作权法的具体适用造成了不良影响。本文拟以上述影响为缘由,以职务 作品为线索,从表面深入,对职务作品的定义、职务作品的著作权

3、归属以及与其 他非职务作品的区别等职务作品著作权问题进行分析。 本文第一章对我国职务作品的基本理论进行了介绍, 主要包括我国职务作品 的来源、概念和分类,着重介绍的是我国职务作品的构成要件,因为我国学界对 职务作品的构成要件存在着很大的争议, 而构成要件对职务作品归属的认定有着 很大意义,关系到能否保证职务作品创作者的合法权益。 本文第二章对与职务作品相关的其他作品进行辨析,意在明确职务作品、法 人作品和委托作品三者之间的关系,在从不同角度界定职务作品的同时,减少和 避免与职务作品有关的著作权纠纷。 本文第三章通过案例的形式对职务作品的归属进行了详细的论述。 本章第一 部分是对一般职务作品和特

4、殊职务作品著作权归属的分析, 在此部分, 笔者认为: 在确定职务作品著作权归属时要以“著作权归作者”为基本原则,同时在作者权 益、法人或者其他组织的权益和社会权益之间进行权衡,以求达到权、责、利的 统一和平衡。因为近年来以教案、课件和学位论文等争议职务作品著作权为焦点 我国职务作品的著作权归属问题研究 - II - 的知识产权案件频频引起大家的关注, 故本章第二部分对上述三种争议职务作品 著作权进行了分析,以求保证该类作品作者的合法权益。 本文第四章对我国目前职务作品著作权归属制度的不足进行了分析并且从 外在制度和内在原则两个方面提出了弥补不足的建议, 希望能为我国职务作品著 作权归属制度的完

5、善贡献一些自己的力量。 关键词:职务作品;法人作品;著作权法;著作权归属 中南民族大学法律硕士学位论文 - III - Abstract There is a kind of work of which the writer is hired by other corporative individual or organizations. The writer contributes his strength and mind but the hirer takes the subsequent responsibility and influences. Our copyright law

6、 defines this as Occupational Work whereas foreign copyright law calls it Employment work. Different copyright law stipulate the ascription of such work in different ways due to their different concepts on copyright, yet a clear code of law has still been established after peoples long time of theor

7、etical research and judicial practices. But the situation in our country is that the year 2010 newly amended Copyright Law of PRC still commits some faults on defining Occupational Work. The defects are as follows: Firstly, it still couldnt clearly stipulate the classification and categorization met

8、hod for Occupational Works, which makes it hard to differentiate Occupational Work form other special work such as Commissioned Work、Corporation Work, etc. And in daily practice, dispute was also arisen on how to give definition for some of the work (like the teaching plan of college educator). Seco

9、ndly, it failed to balance the benefit between corporation and individual creator when it tries to attribute the ownership of copyright. Case as thinking two much of the former and neglecting the latter exists. Thirdly,there is a shortage objectively exist in law because there are contradictions bet

10、ween the stipulations of copyright and the judicial interpretations and administrative rules(such as Regulations for the Protection of Computer Software, etc). All the above problems affected the adoption of our Copyright Law. This article hereafter will gradually analyze the definition、Copyright as

11、cription issues of Occupational Work as well as its classification method against other Non-occupational Work as taking the word Occupational Work as clue. The first chapter introduced the basic theory of Occupational Work in China, which include the origin of Occupational Work in our country as wel

12、l as its concept and categorization, and emphasized on the fundamental ingredients that forms our Occupational Work. We have been disputing upon the issue of these ingredients and they will have profound significance for identifying the ascription of Occupational Work and also have something to with

13、 whether we can assure the lawful rights and 我国职务作品的著作权归属问题研究 - IV - interests of the work creator. The second chapter analyzed some other work piece with relevant to Occupational Work,which target to define the relationship between Occupational Work、Corporative Work and Commissioned Work. Thereby w

14、hen we are defining Occupational Work from different perspective, more copyright disputes can be avoided. The third chapter specifically discussed the ascription of Occupational Work in the method of giving cases. The first part is the analysis of copyright ascription for common Occupational Work an

15、d the particular Occupational Work. In this part, I insist that the principle of “copyright belongs to the writer” should be applied in defining the ascription of Occupational Work copyright. Meanwhile, decent balance should be made among the interests of author、of the corporative people or organiza

16、tion and of the society so as to achieve a sort of unification and equilibrium among right、responsibility and benefit. Recently, the copyright cases relating the controversial ownership of things like courseware and dissertation have frequently caused peoples attention. Because of that, the second and third parts of this chapter analyzed the disputable Occupational Work copyright as to assure the lawful right and interests of certain author. The fourth chapter analyzed the defect of o


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