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1、山西省太原市第五中学2018-2019学年高一英语上学期10月月考试题I单项选择(共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. Would you like to go to the school play tonight? Well, I would rather _ home.A. stay B. to stayC. stayedD. staying2. For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _ on his own farm.A. grownB. being grownC. to be grown D. to grow3. It

2、s never easy to admit _ mistakes, but knowing the act of apology will be helpful. A. makeB. to makeC. making D. made4. Shall we go fishing at six oclock tomorrow morning? _.A. Thats right. B. Of course, Im not available.C. Sure, you do it.D. Sure, its up to you.5. Asia is _ as Europe.A. four times l

3、arger than B. four times as largeC. four times large thanD. four times as larger6. The new teacher made a good _ on the students.A. attitude B. impressionC. interviewD. enthusiasm7. Though _, the soldiers still searched for the people missing in the earthquake.A. bored B. strictC. exhausted D. serio

4、us8. I love my teacher, who doesnt make me _ but _.A. embarrassed; relaxedB. embarrassing; relaxingC. embarrassing; relaxed D. embarrassed; relaxing9. If you want to learn more about this concept, you may _ Professor Lis paper.A. look up to B. dare toC. refer to D. look forward to10. Avoid _ the sam

5、e mistake again and again, and youll _.A. making; making progress B. making; make progressC. to make; make a progress D. to make; making a progressII阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共10题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWhen you are about to go to a boarding school in England, there are many differen

6、t questions that may come to mind. But once you look at them with some perspective, you will certainly feel easy. Here is a normal boarding day.Early Morning:Usually boarders get up around 7: 00 am and have around an hour to take a shower and put on their uniform before breakfast.Lessons:Classes sta

7、rt at 9: 00 am and every lesson lasts for 50 minutes. After two lessons, at 10: 40 am, youll have a short break. The next period of classes will include two more lessons.Lunch:Lunch is usually held around 12: 30 pm at the dining hall, where youll join your friends to enjoy a hot dish. After an hour

8、of lunch, youll have three or four more lessons to attend.Dinner:At 5: 00 pm you will have finished your school lessons for the day. Most boarding schools in the UK offer their full boarders different kinds of hot meals to choose from.Activities/ Sports:All boarding schools in the UK provide many di

9、fferent kinds of activities for their boarders, such as football, swimming, golf or art.Prep:An important part of boarding school life is the supervised homework session known as “prep”. Although prep might sound stressful, its a great way for you to keep up with your studies.Free time:Once you are

10、done with all your classes and activities, its time to relax.Bedtime:In most boarding schools, the lights go out around 10: 30 pm.Being nervous just before you go to a boarding school is completely normal and understandable. Hopefully, being aware of the usual routine youll be following can help you

11、. Once you are there, you will also see how exciting life in a boarding school in England can be.11. What can help you keep up with your studies in the boarding school?A. Doing activities. B. Having lessons.C. Enjoying free time. D. Supervised homework sessions.12. What do we know about boarding sch

12、ools in England from the text?A. Classes usually start at 8: 30 am.B. Students can have a short break after four lessons.C. They dont give students any free time.D. They turn off the lights around 10:30 pm.13. What is the purpose of the text?A. To help students know about boarders life.B. To attract

13、 more students to boarding schools.C. To introduce a new school life.D. To advertise for boarding schools.BTrain travel is becoming more popular. Amtrak, the U.S. national passenger rail company, reports that ridership (公共交通乘客人数) continues to grow each year. The passenger kilometres and numbers of p

14、assenger journeys are also increasing. Theres every reason to believe train travel will continue to attract more passengers as fuel prices climb.As you plan your vacation, youll need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of train travel. Here are some things that you need to keep in mind.Trai

15、n travel is fast and direct between major cities, especially in countries with high-speed trains. Its relatively easy to book a train trip. In many countries, you can book your tickets online or go to a train station to buy them. For single or couple travelers, traveling by train can be much less expensive than renting a car, especially when you consider the cost of fuel and tolls (通行费).However, train schedules may not match your preferred travel times and days, so you might have


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