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1、高考英语语法填空2 议论文 (一) is powerful to offer An increasing number of people attach great importance to interpersonal relationship in career success. Being polite 1 _(be) the first and most important step to develop good relationship among friends. Polite words can be easy yet very 2 _ (power) in your dail

2、y life. Always saying “please” and “thank you” will make your friends more comfortable and more willing 3 _ (offer) help when necessary. We all know that one mans success is based 4 _ how he deals with people. Always be grateful to other peoples 5 _ (kind) and show your gratitude through the words y

3、ou speak. The more support you win from other people, the 6 _ (fast) you will move towards your goal. Although some people may easily ignore 7 _ importance of being polite, we students should form good habits and behave in good manners. on kindness faster the First, learn to be friendly to your pare

4、nts and relatives at home. Then at school, listen 8 _(respectful) when your teachers instruct you. Follow and accept their advice to improve yourself. You will make further progress 9 _you express your gratitude in time. Remember, being polite costs nothing but it is worth millions of 10 _ (dollar).

5、 respectfully if dollars (一)本文论述了人际关系的重要性并介绍 了具体的做法。 1. is 动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。 2. powerful 作表语用形容词。 3. to offer 固定搭配be willing to do sth.意 为“乐意做某事”。 4. on 固定短语be based on意为“以 为基础”。 5. kindness 名词所有格后接名词形式。 6. faster 句型“the+比较级,the+比较级” 意为“越,越”。 7. the 此处为特指。 8. respectfully 此处用副词修饰前面的动 词listen。 9. if 引导

6、条件状语从句。 10. dollars 由前面的millions of可知用复 数。 develop vt. 培养 gratitude n. 感激;感谢 ignore vt. 忽视 career success 职业成功 be grateful to 感谢;感激 move towards 接近 be worth 值得 an increasing number of 越来越多 attach great importance to 重视 interpersonal relationship 人际关系 (二) An elderly teacher, with a pupil by his side,

7、 took a walk through a forest. Suddenly he 1 _(stop) and pointed to four plants close at hand. The first was just beginning to come out above the ground, the second had rooted 2 _(it) pretty well into the earth, the third was a small bush, while the fourth was 3 _full-sized tree. stopped itself a Th

8、e tutor said to his young 4 _ (company), “Pull up the first plant”. The boy did so eagerly, 5 _(use) only his fingers. “Now pull up the second.” The youth obeyed but found that the task was 6 _ _ (difficult). “Do the same 7 _ the third,” he urged. The boy had to use all his strength to uproot it. co

9、mpanion using more difficult with “Now,” said the instructor, “try your hand with the fourth.” The pupil put his arms around the trunk of the tall tree and couldnt even shake its 8 _(leaf). “This, my son, is just 9 _ happens with our bad habits. When they are young, we can remove them easily; but wh

10、en they are old, it is hard to uproot them, though we pray and struggle ever so 10 _ (sincere).” leaves what sincerely (二)本文讲述了一位老者通过拔植物的行为告诫自己的 弟子,坏习惯保持越久就越难改掉的故事。 1. stopped 此处stop在主语he后作谓语,与and后的 pointed并列,故用过去时。 2. itself 此处强调“它自己”,故用反身代词。 3. a 后面为形容词+名词,填a表“一颗大树”。 4. companion 形容词修饰名词,companion

11、意为“同伴” 。 5. using 因句中已有谓语动词did,动词use前没有并列连 词,故use不是并列谓语,它应是非谓语动词,作状语, 表示伴随情况。且use与逻辑主语The boy是主动关系, 故用现在分词。 6. more difficult 作表语依然是要用形容词,所 以不作词类转换,可考虑比较级。根据句中描 述可知,第二次的动作比第一次“更难一点”,故 填比较级。 7. with 固定结构do the same with意为“照 做/同样做”。 8. leaves 此处指“树的叶子”,用复数形式,不 可能只有一片叶子。 9. what 引导表语从句并在从句中作主语,故用 连接代词。

12、句型This is what happens with意 为“对于就是这样”。 10. sincerely 修饰动词要用副词。 root vt. 生根 bush n. 灌木 eagerly adv. 急切地 obey vi. 顺从 urge vt. 催促 uproot vt. 连根拔起 instructor n. 教师 trunk n. 树干pray vi. 祈祷 by his side 在他旁边 close at hand 就在眼前 pull up 拔起 (三) If your life feels like its lacking the power you want and the mo

13、tivation you need, sometimes all you have to do 1 _ (be) to shift your point of view. By 2 _ (train) your thoughts to concentrate on the bright side of things, youre more likely to have the motivation to follow through on your goals. Youre less likely to be held back by negative ideas 3 _ might limi

14、t your performance. is training that/which Your life can be improved and your 4 _ (happy) can be enriched when you choose 5 _ (change) your view. 6 _ (do) leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspiratio

15、ns (志向). Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power isnt 7 _ (necessary) control over situations, but the ability to handle whatever 8 _(come) your way. happiness to changeDont necessarily comes Finally, take your fear and transform it into trust; learn to rise above anxiety and doubt. Turn your “worry hours” 9 _ “productive hours”. Take the energy you have wasted and direct it towards every worthwhile effort you can be involved in. Youll see


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