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1、*新目标英语七年级下册知识点总结Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?1.情态动词(can,cant, must,mustnt) 助动词(do,does,dont,doesnt),let后面接的动词用原型2. play+ the/a/an/ones+ 乐器 play the guitar 弹吉他 play his guitar弹他的吉他 pay +球类/棋类/游戏类 play chess 下国际象棋 play computer games玩电脑游戏 play with sb./sth.和某人玩/ 玩某物 改错题: Can you play the chess? 把the

2、 去掉 Tom always plays the computer games on weekends. 把the 去掉 Lucy can play violin very well. 在play 与 violin之间加the3.join 参加社团、组织、团体 join the +社团、组织、团体 be in 成为成员4.4个说的区别:say+内容 say it in English用英语说它 speak+语言 speak English说英语 speak a little English说一点英语 talk 谈论 talk about sth 谈论某事 talk with sb 与某人交谈

3、talk to sb跟某人说 tell 告诉,讲述 tell sb(not)to do sth告诉某人(不要)做某事 tell stories讲故事 5. want(sb)to do sth想(让某人)做某事help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 help sb. with (doing)sth.在某方面帮助某人like to do sth. 或者 like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 need to do sth.需要做某事 help oneself to 随便享用with sbs help= with the help of sb在某人的帮助下6.4个也的区别:t

4、oo 肯定句末 (前面加逗号) either否定句末(前面加逗号) also 1.放在行为动词之前; 2. be /助动词/情态动词之后 as well 口语中(前面不加逗号)7. be good at+ V-ing=do well in+ V-ing 擅长于 be good for 对有益 (be bad for对有害) be good to 对友好 (good 可用friendly,nice,kind替换) be good with和相处好8.特殊疑问句的构成:疑问词+一般疑问句9.How/ what about+V-ing 怎么样?(表建议)10.感官动词(look, sound, ta

5、ste, smell, feel)+adj/ like 改错题:It tastes well. 把well 改为good. 11.选择疑问句:回答不能直接用Yes或者No,要从中选择一个回答 Can you play the guitar or the violin? I can play the guitar.不能用yes或者no来回答12.students wanted for school show(wanted表示招募,含有被动意义)13.把某物展示给某人看show sth to sb=show sb sth 给某人展示某物 把某物给予某人 give sth to sb=give sb

6、 sth给予某人某物 买某物给某人 buy sth for sb.buy sb sth给某人买某物14.be busy doing sth/ be busy with sth忙着做某事15.be free= have time有时间,有空16.have friends= make friends交朋友17.call sb at +电话号码 拨打号码找某人18.on the weekend= on weekends在周末19.English-speaking students 说英语的学生(带有连词符,有形容词性质)20.do kung fu表演功夫Unit 2 What time do you

7、 go to school?1.问时间用what time几点?询问时刻,钟点 when什么时候,几点. what time is it?What is the time?几点了?at+钟点 at 7 oclock at noon/ at night(during/ in the day)on+ 具体某天、星期、特指的一天 on April 1st on Sunday on school mornings/nights in +年、月、上午、下午、晚上2.时间读法:顺读法 at eight five 在8:05分 eight thirty 8:30 eight fifteen 8:15 逆读法

8、:分钟30用past five past eight(8:05) half past eight(8:30) 分钟30用to a quarter to ten(9:45) 整点用 oclock 7 oclock(7:00)3.3个穿的区别:wear 表状态,接服装、手套、眼镜、香水等 put on 表动作,接服装 dress 表动作,接sb/ oneself 给某人穿衣服 get dressed穿衣4.fromto从.到 betweenand在和之间 eitheror 要么要么5.(be/ arrive) late for (school/class/work)6.频度副词(1.放在行为动词前

9、2.放在be /助动词/情态动词后)always总是 usually通常 often经常 sometimes有时 never决不7.一段时间前面要用介词for for half an hour持续半个小时 wait for hours for the bus等公车等了数小时8.eat/ have+食物 for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner/ supper eat/have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner/ suppereat/have a/an+形容词 +breakfast/ lunch/ dinner/ supper 吃一个有营养的早餐 have a g

10、ood/great breakfast8.eitheror 连接两个主语时,遵循就近原则 (1) Either Tony or his sisters wash the dishes.此句与wash接近的主语是sisters,复数形式,用原型 (2) Either Tonys sisters or Tony washes the dishes.此句与wash接近的主语是Tony,单数形式,所以动词用三单形式,以sh结尾的动词,加es.9.a lot of=lots of 许多,大量 后面接可数名词的复数,或者不可数名词 some 一些,后面接可数名词的复数,或者不可数名词 many许多、大量,

11、修饰可数名词复数 too many太多,修饰可数名词复数 much许多、大量,修饰不可数名词 too much太多,修饰不可数名词 much too“实在太”修饰形容词或副词10.It is +adj+for sb +to do sth (adj修饰to do sth)做某事对于某人来说It is important for me to learn English. 学英语对于我来说很重要。 11. It takes sb. 时间 to do sth. 做某事花费某人时间It takes me five minutes to walk to school.走路去学校大约花费我5分钟时间。Uni

12、t 3 How do you get to school?1.疑问词 how 如何(方式),询问交通方式 How do you go home? I walk/ride my bike.how long 多长(时间)答语常用“(For/ about +)时间段” how far多远(距离)答语常用“(Its +)数词 +miles/ meters/ kilometers/ride/walk.例子:1._ does it take you to get from your home to school? 从你家到学校大约花费多长时间? -Its about twenty minutes.大约20

13、分钟 A. How long B. How far C. How D. What time 此处选A.2. _ is it from your home to school? Its about twenty minutes bus ride.大约20分钟的公车旅程.A. How long B. How far C. How D. What time 此处选B. how often多久一次(频率)答语常用“Always/ often/ every day/”或 “次数+时间”等表频率的状语how many多少个(询问可数名词的数量多少) how much多少(询问不可数名词数量的多少,比如牛奶

14、、面包等);还可询问价格,多少钱 how old 多少岁 (询问年龄)why为什么(原因,由because引出答语) what什么 who谁 2.宾语从句要用陈述句语序 Mary wants to know where Bob lives.玛丽想知道鲍勃住哪里。Mary wants to know how far it is from your home to school.玛丽想知道你家到学校有多远。3.stop sb from doing sth阻止做某事stop to do 停下来去做其他事 stop doing 停止正在做的事4.what do you think of/ about?= how do you like?你认为怎么样?5.He is 11 years old.他11岁。 He is an 11-year-old boy.他是一个11岁的男孩。6.many students=


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