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1、托福听力PartA部分基本策略和考点Part A:短对话(Short Conversation)考试当天你将会碰到如下的答题提示:Directions:In Part A, you will hear short conversations between two people. After each conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. After hear a question, read the

2、 four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.1.基本策略你所听到的directions叫你先听问题再读选项然后决定选那个选项。对有些人来说这没有问题,但大部分人发现先读选项对做题很有用。这一技巧我们称之为逆向搜索法。下面

3、是逆向搜索法的具体步骤:打开磁带听Direction,在这一时间里,考试中心不让你看选项。当Direction叫你turn the page时,快速看题目的四个选项。你可能只有1至2秒的时间,但尽量看那些在4个选项中重复出现的词,诸如名字,地点等等。这将在你听到这些词的时候对你有所帮助。你甚至可能通过这些反复出现的名词和动词猜出对话的主题。当对话开始的时候,立即停止看题,集中精神听题。当问题问完以后,再读一边四个选项,选出你的答案。如果你无法马上做出答案,尽量排除一些选项,然后从剩下的选项中选一个。快速仔细的涂答题纸。马上回到第2步,看下一题的四个选项。逆向搜索法的好处:你能得到关于对话内容的

4、线索。你能运用你的阅读能力和归纳能力来加强你的听力能力。当你猜到一道题目的主题的时候,你会少一些紧张和焦虑,这将帮助你关注你所需要听到的信息。2.考点在这一部分,你将首先听到两个人的对话,然后是一个问题,问题通常是关于第2个说话人的comment的。下面是这一部分常考的考点。有时一道题中有不止一个的考点。词汇纯粹的单词量测试,但通常不是难词(大学四级或以下单词)。比如题干中听到形容词terrific,那么包含terrific的同义词excellent或者very good的选项就是正确答案。也就是说,不仅要认识关键词也要知道它常用的同义词。不过,这种题大多比较容易。因为这些词汇都很常见。199

5、9年1月听力题W: Why are you leaving so early? The movie doesnt start till seven.M: I dont want to be at the traffic there. Its a nightmare on the expressway during rush hour.Q: What does the man mean?(A) He wants to go early to avoid a traffic jam.(B) He wants to leave the theater before the movie is over

6、.(C) He doesnt know the way to the theater.(D) He doesnt usually get up at 7:00.答案是A.这里整个对话都在讲时间问题,关键词是traffic(交通)。其实,即使你不认识或者不十分确定它的意思,你也可以通过dont want to和avoid之间的同义转换选出正确的答案。1999年1月听力题W:If George misses one more meeting we are going to have to find one new committee secretary.M:Wed better give him

7、an ultimatum.Q: What does the man suggest they do?(A) Remove George from the committee immediately.(B) Warn George that his attendance problem is serious.(C) Offer to help George during the meeting.(D) Telephone George to see if hes coming to the meeting.?答案是B.如果你认识并听懂ultimatum是“最后通牒”的意思的话,你轻而易举就能选出

8、它的同义转换warn sb about sth(警告)。而第一句同样说明了George是个不太称职的secretary,但却用are going to将来时说明并非要remove George form the committee immediately.(2)习语和短语习语和短语,指的是惯用词组或者常见的口语化表达。它在托福听力中经常出现,而且比较难。原因仍然是我们平时很少练习听力。而且口语化的表达也使一贯重视语法的中国式英语教育暴露出明显的缺点。但是,你却可以通过我们后面给你总结的托福听力词句精选快速地掌握这些常见的口语化表达和惯用词组。经常出现的词组比如对话中说: Kathys effo

9、rt really paid off.那么选项中出现的Kathys hard work had a positive result就是正确答案。这里考的是paid off这个短语的含义。1999年1月听力题M: Did you see the diamond ring Bill gave to Linda?W:I sure did. It must have cost him an arm and a leg.Q: What does the woman imply about the ring.(A) Linda didnt like it.(B) Bill lost it.(C) It w

10、as very expensive.(D) It was very small.?答案是C.同cost a fortune的意思一样,cost one an arm and a leg都是形容很贵。1999年1月听力题M:Did you watch that comedy special on TV last night? I dont think I ever laughed so hard.W:Dont even talk to me about it. The only night I really wanted to watch something and we had a power

11、 failure in my building.Q: What does the woman mean?(A) Shes upset that she missed the television program.(B) She doesnt think the television program was funny.(C) She doesnt like talking about television programs.(D) She watched the television program at a friends house.?答案是A.这里,重要的是认识并听懂power fail

12、ure是停电的意思。(3)虚拟语气比如,对话中出现了If I had knownI would have,答案应该是didnt do something.这个题型的变化很小,考来考去就是一点虚拟语气。1999年1月听力题W: Hey, Larry. Wanna meet a few of us for coffee in a little while?M:Hmm. I would if I werent so far behind in this reading Im doing for history.Q: What will the man probably do?(A) Continue

13、 to read.(B) Meet the woman at the library.(C) Make some coffee.(D) Go out with some friends.?双重否定之下,只有A是正确答案。1999年1月听力题W:The museum exhibit that our professor recommended just closed. Last day yesterday.M: Oh. I was really looking forward to seeing it.Q: What does the man mean?(A) He is pleased the

14、 exhibit has closed.(B) He has already seen the exhibit.(C) He is disappointed the exhibit has closed.(D) He already knew the exhibit had closed.?答案是C.同样,过去式的助动词was揭示了这是个虚拟语气。(4)顺序问题所谓动词顺序,指的就是动作的前后关系或者过去,将来等时间段已经发生或者可能发生的动作。这里,要注意诸如no sooner than, hardly when,at first,in the morning等表示时间的短语,因为它们揭示了

15、动作的前后关系。1999年1月听力题M: Can I get a ridesintosthe office with you tomorrow?W: Another day would be fine. But I got to be downtown for a meeting first thing in the morning.Q: What does the woman imply?(A) Shell drop the man off on the way to work.(B) The man can ride downtown with her.(C) The man will have to leave earlier than usual.(D) She cant give the man a ride.?答案是D.这里,序数词first thing和动作got to be downtown说明了另外动作发生的不可能性,即“我不能带你”。



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