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1、三年级英语下册期中测试题 作者: 日期:9 三年级英语下册期中测试卷(二)姓名 得分听力部分(24分)一、根据所听内容,模仿例子,将相应图片连线。(听两遍)(10分) 1. Helen 2. Su Hai 3.iss Li 4. Mike 5. Liu Tao 6. Yang Ling二、根据所听内容选择合适的应答句。(听两遍)(6分)( ) 1. A. Thank you. B. Im sorry. C. Yes, please.( ) 2. A. Is this a book? B. Yes, it is. C. Its a book.( ) 3. A. Its a ruler. B. T

2、his is a ruler. C. Thats a ruler.( ) 4. A. OK. B. Yes , it is. C. Thank you.( ) 5. A. Yes, he is. B. No, she isnt. C. Yes, she is.( ) 6. A. Its a lunch box. B. Its over there. C. No, it isnt.三、根据所听句子,选择其对应的中文选项。(听两遍)(8分) ( ) 1. A. 请把窗户打开。 B. 请把窗户关上。 ( ) 2. A. 别听鹦鹉讲。 B. 别听老师讲。 ( ) 3. A. 别在教室里大叫。 B. 别

3、在图书馆里大叫。 ( ) 4. A. 这不是我的新橡皮。 B. 这是我的新橡皮。 ( ) 5. A. 这是你的的铅笔吗? B. 那是你的的铅笔吗? ( ) 6. A. 这是什么?是蜡笔。 B. 那是什么?是蜡笔。 ( ) 7. A. 你想要冰淇淋吗? B. 你想要鸡蛋吗?( ) 8. A. 课堂上别讲话。 B. 课堂上别睡觉。笔试部分(76分)一、辨音 (9分)( ) 1. ruler rubber( ) 2. robot run ( )3. where here( ) 4. ruler schoolbag ( ) 5. her bird ( )6. under bird( ) 7. behi

4、nd in ( ) 8. parrot stand ( ) 9. right beside二翻译词组:(12分)1.关窗子 6.in the zoo2.在书桌后面 7.how beautiful3.在椅子下面 8.Dont shout.4.我的蓝短裙 9. Is that a robot?5.合上你的书 10. drink her milk11.在门后 12.dont (全写)三 选择正确的be动词(is, am, are)填空。(7分)1. My name _ Lucy.2. You_a student.3. Your bag _blue.4. They _ very good.5. Thr

5、ee apples _red, one banana _yellow.6. I _ a girl.7. What _ your name?四、选择适当的单词序号完成句子 (8分)A. like B. sleep C. to D. please E. behind F. at G. in H. my1. Dont listen _ the parrot.2. Mr Green is _ the library.3. Would you _ a sweet, Yang Ling?4. Your pencil is _ the chair.5. Wang Bing , _ open the door

6、.6. Dont _ in class, Helen.7. Its _English book,8. Look _ the blackboard, Su Hai.五、阅读对话,选择正确答案。(5分)Liu Tao : Hi, Su Hai. Is this your crayon?Su Hai: No. This crayon is green. Its Yang Lings. M y crayon is red.Liu Tao : Yang Ling, is this your crayon?Yang Ling: Yes, it is. Thank you. Whats this?Liu T

7、ao : Its a pen. Its my birthday present.(生日礼物) .Yang Ling: How nice! Is the new pencil case your present, too?Liu Tao : No, it isnt. Its Su Yangs.( ) 1. This is crayon.A. Liu Taos B. Su Hais C. Yang Lings( ) 2. The pencil case is .A. Su Yangs B. Liu Taos C. Yang Lings( ) 3. Su Hais crayon is . A. gr

8、een B. red C. blue( ) 4. Yang Lings crayon is . A. green B. red C. blue( ) 5. Liu Taos present is a . A. crayon B. pencil case C. pen六. 按要求改写句子(10分)1. Is it your new schoolbag? (陈述句) It _ _ new schoolbag.2. The bird is under the chair. (否定句) The bird _ under the chair.3. The crayon is over there. (提

9、问) _ the _?4. 你的哥哥在哪里?他在公园里。_ your brother? Hes in the _.5. 你想要一本英语书吗?_ you _ _ English book?6. I am a teacher. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) a teacher? No, not.七、 根据图片内容,填入所缺单词。(4分)1. A: this your , Liu Tao? B: No, isnt. A: is it?B: Its the book.2. This a rubber.3. This is a . That is a .八、排序(4分)A. Oh, wheres my

10、 schoolbag? B. Its time to go home, Helen. C. OK, Miss Li.D. Is it behind you desk? E. Ah, yes, it is. Thank you, Miss Li._A_ _ _ _ _九阅读理解(5分)Look! Jim, Betty, Sue and Sam are in the park. Jim is Sues father.Betty is Sams mother. Sam is Sues brother. Sue is a beautiful girl. She isin a red dress. Sam is a lovely boy. Hes on his blue bike. Theyre very happy. What a good family!( ) 1. Who is Sues mother? A. Sam. B. Betty. C. Jim.( ) 2. How many people are there in this family? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.( ) 3. Is Jim Sams father? A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isnt. C



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