on the computer network telephone communication system of a telephone terminal(计算机网络电话通信系统的电话终端)

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on the computer network telephone communication system of a telephone terminal(计算机网络电话通信系统的电话终端)_第1页
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on the computer network telephone communication system of a telephone terminal(计算机网络电话通信系统的电话终端)_第2页
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on the computer network telephone communication system of a telephone terminal(计算机网络电话通信系统的电话终端)_第3页
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on the computer network telephone communication system of a telephone terminal(计算机网络电话通信系统的电话终端)_第4页
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on the computer network telephone communication system of a telephone terminal(计算机网络电话通信系统的电话终端)_第5页
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《on the computer network telephone communication system of a telephone terminal(计算机网络电话通信系统的电话终端)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《on the computer network telephone communication system of a telephone terminal(计算机网络电话通信系统的电话终端)(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 On the computer network telephone communication system of a telephone terminalWrite papers Network: Paper Keywords computer network telephone communication telephone terminal design ideas Abstract telephone communication as a major communications technology, now widely used to get people in the pro

2、cess of social development has played a pivotal role as the social and economic development, peoples requirements for telephone communications technology has gradually improved, such as signal stability, improved call quality requirements, as well as the amount of data increases, the telephone commu

3、nication technologies are making major challenges facing the development of computer network telephone communication technology, greatly improves the effect of telephone communications technology to promote the rapid development of communication technology telephone paper on the point of calculating

4、 the telephone network telephone communication system terminal of inquiry, pointing out VoIP communications technology telephone terminal design ideas and implementation methods. Computer network telephone communication technology, is the traditional telephony technology innovation and continuity, n

5、amely the use of advanced computer network technology, signal transmission and reception, the more traditional telephone communications, the computer network communication technology, information dissemination phone faster a greater amount of data traffic. utilization of network resources is also gr

6、eatly improved, with a very large value and promote the use of space, at present, the computer network telephone communication technologies more and more peoples attention and welcome. A computer network telephone communication system design Computer network telephone communication technology, compu

7、ter network technology is the use of a new type of signal propagation mode signal through the USB interface, the phone call is connected to the terminal and network equipment and terminal connection on the users phone calls, voice and data network receiving and transmission, and ultimately the Inter

8、net telephone communication. Generally, telephone terminal apparatus by a pulse Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) technology, the so-called pulse code modulation (PCM technology, is a way to digitize analog communication signals of change, with compared to other signal communication technology, pulse code

9、 modulation (PCM technology higher channel utilization, data loss is smaller, effect is better communication is an ideal modulation technique. To achieve the telephone terminal of the PCM stream, often using USB data interface, the computer device can effectively be connected with the telephone term

10、inal, a voice call signal tells transmission, to quickly transfer them to a computer node. USB interface, effectively, to achieve a computer peripherals connected with computer equipment effectively realized outside of the computer data information into the computer network of which effective to sol

11、ve the transport problems and ensure the computer network telephone communication technology effectively to achieve, USB technology with an effective combination of PCM technology to promote the computer network telephone communication technology effectively to achieve. 1.1 Hardware Implementation o

12、f telephone terminals Computer network telephone communication technology, the hardware required to achieve the final phone terminal decodes the data and call activity, the hardware is the computer network phone terminal telephone communication system is an important component. 1.2 MCU control circu

13、it MCU control circuit is a telephone communication system, computer network telephone terminal hardware is part of the core of the circuit telephone terminal equipment, mainly by the memory circuit, CPU, input interface and an output interface circuit composed of four parts, MCU control circuit imp

14、lements control of the telephone signals sound incidence, realize telephone signal transmission, and to be able to dual-tone multi-frequency DTMF effective control, thus completing the circuit accepted and can effectively control the USB interface, reading the users call status in the circuit, as we

15、ll as system parameters read. 1.3 user circuit User circuit is a thick film integrated circuit, developed by the MITEL work, to provide users with a stable 26mA constant current fed to verify the users phone to use VoIP, telephony dial pulse, etc. data to ensure that the network normal use of the ph

16、one effect is to ensure that the network telephone subscriber circuit terminal through the effect of an integral unit, is now able to effectively support the exchange of 2-4 line, belonging to the computer network telephone system is based on the analog interface. 1.4 codec circuit Codec circuit computer network telephone communication system is an important component, wherein the PCM codec circuit of th



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