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1、,102531班 黄颖虹 焦烽 严媛媛 胡佳蕙 谢慧敏,wedding ceremony,Chinese traditional wedding,婕,Step1: Proposing 做媒,when a boys parents intended to make a match, they would invite a matchmaker to propose with them at the girls home. If the proposal was successful, however, the matchmaker (usually a woman) would be rewar

2、ded with profuse gifts and feasts to show the two families gratitude.,Step2:Engagement 订亲,after knowing the girls full name and birthday, they would ask a fortune teller to predict whether that could match their sons and whether there would be a happy marriage. The Chinese zodiac would be surely tak

3、en into consideration.,Step3 betrothal presents 聘礼,before the couple are married, the grooms family carries wedding gifts in red baskets and boxes to the brides house,Step4 meeting the bride 迎娶,Step5:three bows 拜堂(三鞠躬),Step6:drinking wedlock wine 喝交杯酒,Greek wedding customs are also very interesting,

4、 there is a section of the evolution of twists and turns(一段曲折的演变进程).,Once, only the wedding held at the church was recognized as legally marriage in Greece . And it lasted more than 150 years until 1982.,The Greek wedding customs,- A beautiful wedding, a precious love.,毛,Even though the legal age fo

5、r marriage in Greece is 18 years old, the 16-year-old bride is lawful in some reasonable circumstance,Love is free, marriage is sacred and nobody can intervene.,The Greeks attach important to the wedding, especially in rural areas. They would like to make the form grandly and prepared full about the

6、 wedding. They choose the wedding day in March, because they think it is the auspicious day(良辰吉日).,Since the wedding is held at the womans home, the womans parents in addition to prepare the bride for the wedding costumes, accompanied by a dowry but also prepare wedding food .,The Greeks love to eat

7、 bread ,so it is the essential food in their wedding party with baking in a unique way. Their wedding feast is always rich that we can see so many local flavor foods on table.,The Greeks love flowers, so they always choose the yard which is in full bloom to hold a wedding .They would like to throw p

8、lates after the wedding feast is over, in Greek “lets throw.” means “lets happy.”.,In the wedding, the grooms godfather assists in the crowning of the couple and in the circling of the altar three times. To be sure of “sweet life”, a Greek bride may carry a lump of sugar in her glove on wedding day.

9、,promise to love you for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. - vows at wedding 美国婚礼誓言:无论贫富爱你到永远,American,Wedding,钟,It all begins with engagement.,The man usually gives his fiancee a diamond ring as a symbol of their engagement(订婚). They may be engaged for weeks, mon

10、ths or even years. As the big day approaches, bridal showers and bachelors parties provide many useful gifts. Today many couples also receive counseling during engagement. This prepares them for the challenges of married life.,As the ceremony begins, the groom and his attendants stand with the minis

11、ter, facing the audience. Music signals the entrance of the brides attendants, followed by the beautiful bride. Nervously, the young couple repeats their vows.T raditionally, they promise to love each other,“for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.“,At the wedding re

12、ception the bride and groom greet their guests. Then they cut the wedding cake and feed each other a bite. Guests mingle while enjoying cake, punch and other treats. Later the bride throws her bouquet of flowers to a group of single girls.,Tradition says that the one who catches the bouquet will be

13、the next to marry.,In India, it seems, married the main objective is to complete the various religious duties, which sacrificed the most important; however, the man must marry gives birth to a son to be eligible to the ancestors offered a sacrifice,India Wedding,倩,在印度教徒看来,结婚的首要目的是完成种种宗教职责,其中祭祀最为重要;但

14、是,男子必须结婚生儿子才有资格向祖宗供奉祭品。,因此,在结婚仪式上,夫妇双方为此念咒、祈祷、发誓,并且丈夫以妻子明确说道:我为了得到儿子才同你结婚。祭司等人也为此而祝愿他们。,Denmark s wedding,To our surprise, preparations for the wedding lasted for several days, but were made secretly, because openly would offend ghosts or cause their envy. In the end of the wedding, people put great

15、 places to beer garden. The bride and grooms hands in jars at the top, and jars were shattered. .,The presence of marriageable women will pick up the pieces, picked up the biggest pieces of the woman destined to marry first, and find the smallest doomed to life do not marry.,在传统的日本道教仪式上人们供奉kami-存在于自

16、然界的神灵。在举行婚礼时,神职人员祈求神灵保佑新婚夫妻。仪式的最后一项是“共饮青酒”,即参加婚礼的人共同分享盛在三只扁平杯子中的米酒。这三个杯子从下往上依次骡放,新郎拿起第一个杯子,啜三口酒,然后传给新娘,新娘也连续啜饮三口酒,再将酒杯依次传给其它亲友。然后再开始喝第二杯和第三杯酒。,Japanese wedding: trditional Taoism,灵,German Wedding,break bowls and basins for luck,Invited to attend the wedding guests, each with a few broken bowl, dish, plate broken , broken bottles and other objects. Then hard to bash flung down a pass, so that they can help the couple to remove the trouble, have sweet beginn


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