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1、河北农业大学 本科毕业论文(设计)题 目: 大学生论坛系统的设计与开发 学 院: 信息科学与技术学院 专业班级: 软件工程0902班 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称: 教授 2013 年 5 月 18 日摘要伴随着3G网络的发展,手机越来越普及并且成为最便捷的联接网络的终端。消费者也越来越注重对各个平台的手机软件的社交体验。而且开发者也越来越注重手机客户端的市场和推广。对于如此便捷的环境,也应运产生了一批优秀的跨各种平台的社交软件。在竞争激烈的手机市场中,android手机的操作系统在完胜诺基亚的塞班系统后,一跃成为全球用户量最大的只能手机平台之一。而且android系统不



4、分析。关键词:论坛系统;JAVAEE;ANDROIDAbstractWith the development of 3G networks, mobile phones become more and more popular and the most convenient connection network terminals. Consumers are increasingly focusing on mobile software for each platform social experience. And developers are increasingly focusing

5、 on mobile clients marketing and promotion. For such a convenient environment, but also produced a number of outstanding should be transported across the various platforms of social software. In the highly competitive mobile phone market, android mobile phone operating system in the win over Nokias

6、Symbian system, became the worlds largest user of only one mobile platform. And android system is not only used in smart phones, tablet PC market also occupies a large market share.In order to facilitate real-time information on campus publication, in order to facilitate communication between the st

7、udents, in order to exercise their own capacity, I developed a dedicated forum for student practical android client, the system uses C/S structure. Allows students to easily accept the publishers publish information, and to facilitate communication between users. Because the software tailored specif

8、ically for students, so the audience is the same school student or student city. Campus can publish real-time information system (such as low-cost processing graduate textbooks, supplies, group travel, etc.), so that like-minded comrades are to see and respond. Students in the school of life to buil

9、d a boutique software.Based on the above description, the present system is based on android system development, using java to do server daemon, and can develop ios client. Today, the network mature, flexible real-time data to ensure the unity. For college students who are violent, but points both t

10、o expand their social circle leaked, but also broaden their horizons, make life easier for the university.Hope that this system can be set up on campus in the application, the software can live in hope that the students of the palm.This paper describes the design and implementation techniques with j

11、ava server daemon with android achieve the client, ensure that the software running well. Briefly describes three frameworks java development (struts + spring + hibernate) the technical characteristics and database technology, followed by a brief overview of the main points android development, and

12、briefly talk about the development of extensions ios in the background jsp technology used to facilitate data management . And build a C/S mode forum system, and the system needs analysis, design, detailed design, coding and testing. And data management for the background to do a simple analysis.Key

13、words: forum system; JAVAEE; ANDROID目 录1绪论11.1选题背景11.2 C/S架构简介11.3 JSP技术简介21.4 MVC框架简介21.5 Struts+Spring+Hibernate框架简介21.6数据库技术简介31.7 android技术简介31.8 IOS技术简介32 需求分析与系统设计42.1需求分析42.1.1功能需求42.1.2性能需求42.1.3开发环境42.1.4运行环境52.2基本设计原则52.3业务流程设计52.3.1客户端业务流程设计52.3.2后台业务流程设计62.4数据库设计62.4.1概念数据模型设计72.4.2逻辑数据模

14、型设计72.4.3物理数据模型设计72.5系统结构设计82.5.1页面结构设计82.5.2代码结构设计83系统详细设计103.1数据库实现103.2服务器设计103.2.1服务器端工具103.2.2软件包和JAVA源代码文件113.2.3服务器的整体架构113.2.4服务器对外交互分析123.3客户端设计123.3.1页面布局处理123.3.2客户端源码结构133.5后台设计143.5.1 JSP文件结构143.5.2 JSTL144页面展示164.1客户端页面展示164.2主页面展示174.3后台数据控制页面19总 结21致 谢22参考文献22附录241 绪论1.1选题背景在互联网高度发展的

15、今天,大学的校园里虽然人满为患,但是同学之间的交流还是机会不多。虽然大学校园里会时不时的举办一些活动,但是这不是对每一个都是一个机会。为了增强同学们之间的交流,增加校园的亲和力,本系统为大学生们量身定做,方便校园的交流,保证信息在用户中快速辐射。在网络发展成熟的今天,同学们的手机中必备的软件中也不乏社交类的,比如QQ,微信,微博,人人等等,但是这些软件的主题不是针对学生。在加上现在android系统的手机如此普遍,基本上每个学生手里都有一台,同学们在同类人的社区里缓解压力是最有效的。而且市场不会为学生开发这样一款针对性这么强的软件。但是我们在学校学习了知识,自己为自己开发,方便自己!所以选择论坛客户端作为设计题目,有助于改善同学们的心理环境和生活环境,推动同学们的素质发展。并要求学生在开发过程中自学有关开发技术,对日后工作或继续研究都有着重要的意义。1.2 C/S架构简介客户端和服务器架构。它是软件系统体系结构,通过它可以充分利用两端硬件环境的优势


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