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《Resolution Template -》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Resolution Template -页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 DATE OF ISSUANCE: 10/19/09 4023291 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENERGY DIVISIONRESOLUTION E-4272 October 15, 2009 R E S O L U T I O N Resolution E-4272. Energy Efficiency 2006-2008 Interim Verification Report. PROPOSED OUTCOME: This resolution adopts the interim Verificati

2、on Report prepared by the Energy Division to verify the costs and installations of the Investor Owned Utilities energy efficiency program activities during the 2006-2008 program period. ESTIMATED COST: None. _ SUMMARY The 2006-2008 Verification Report Issued by Energy Division Is Adopted As ordered

3、by D. 08-12-059, Energy Division is issuing the Energy Efficiency 2006-2008 Verification Report as a Resolution for adoption by the California Public Utilities Commission. The Verification Report and associated appendices are attached to and incorporated in this Resolution. BACKGROUND In Decisions 0

4、7-09-043 and 08-01-042, the California Public Utilities Commission adopted a Risk/Reward Incentive Mechanism (RRIM) to encourage the utilities to invest in energy efficiency. The mechanism enables the investor owned utilities to earn rewards on energy efficiency programs in amounts comparable to wha

5、t the companies would otherwise earn through supply side investments. The Decisions establish a performance standard for the utilities, under which the utilities earn incentives if their energy efficiency program portfolios achieve certain quantitative energy efficiency savings goals. Resolution E-4

6、272 October 15, 2009 Energy Division-Energy Efficiency 2006-2008 Verification Report/KEH Page 2 of 143 Under the process adopted in Decisions 07-09-043 and 08-01-042, Energy Division is required to verify the costs and installations of the energy efficiency program activities, update the ex-ante par

7、ameters used to estimate program savings and benefits, and publish reports that calculate the earnings the utilities are eligible to claim. There are two interim earnings claims during the 2006-2008 three-year program cycle that are “progress payments” towards total expected earnings, and one final

8、“true- up” payment after the program cycle is completed. On November 18, 2008, Energy Division issued a draft version of the Energy Efficiency 2006-2007 Verification Report. Energy Division held a workshop on the Report on December 5, 2008, at which comments were received from the regulated utilitie

9、s and stakeholders. Energy Division revised the Verification Report in response to comments received at the workshop and in writing, and corrected errors identified by Energy Division, the utilities, and stakeholders. n December 18, 2008, the Commission adopted Decision (D.) 08-12-059, which modifie

10、d the process for the issuance of Energy Divisions verification reports. In Ordering Paragraph 6 of that decision, the Commission directed Energy Division to issue all verification reports via draft resolution that includes detailed information regarding the underlying assumptions relied upon as wel

11、l as supporting information and documentation that provides the basis for those assumptions. Ordering Paragraph 8 of the same decision modified the process adopted in Attachment 7 of D.07-09-043 for public vetting and comments on Energy Divisions draft Verification Report. Specifically, the Commissi

12、on directed Energy Division to issue the draft Verification report via a draft resolution that will be served on all appropriate service lists and for stakeholders to provide written comments to Energy Division identifying any errors in the draft report via the formal comments submitted on the draft

13、 resolution and subject to appropriate rules of practice and procedures. Ordering Paragraph 7 of the same decision further directed that the Energy Division verification report covering the 2006-2007 interim claims be issued by resolution no later than January 15, 2009. Pursuant to Executive Directo

14、rs order, Energy Division issued the revised 2006-2007 Verification Report on February 5, 2009. Resolution E-4272 October 15, 2009 Energy Division-Energy Efficiency 2006-2008 Verification Report/KEH Page 3 of 143 Energy Division is issuing its second Interim Verification Report for 2006- 2008 throug

15、h the resolution process as directed by the Commission in D. 08-12-059. The second Interim Verification Report and associated appendices are attached to this Resolution and incorporated by reference. COMMENTS Public Utilities Code section 311(g)(1) provides that this resolution must be served on all

16、 parties and subject to at least 30 days public review and comment prior to a vote of the Commission. Section 311(g)(2) provides that this 30-day period may be reduced or waived upon the stipulation of all parties in the proceeding. The 30-day comment period for the draft of this resolution was neither waived or reduced. Accordingl



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