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1、 密 级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号: 20090277 法律硕士学位论文 刑事错案实证研究 学位申请人: 李彦辉 指 导 教 师 : 冯军 柴建国 教授 学 位 类 别 : 法律硕士 授 予 单 位 : 河北大学 答 辩 日 期 : 二一二年六月 Classified Index: CODE:10075 U.D.C: NO:20090277 A Dissertation for the Degree of J.M Empirical Study on the Criminal Misjudged Case Candidate: Li Yanhui Supervisor: Pro

2、f.Feng Jun Prof.Chai Jianguo Academic Degree Applied for: Juris Master University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: June, 2012 摘 要 I 摘 要 刑事错案是指公安司法机关在刑事司法活动中, 由于办案人员主观上的过错造成案 件客观事实和基本证据认定错误,并最终导致法律适用上出现错误的案件,或严重违反 诉讼程序使得无辜者被错误追究刑事责任的案件。 最大限度的避免和减少刑事错案的发 生,维护国家司法尊严,保障当事人的合法权利,既是刑事司法公正的基本问题,

3、也是 依法治国和构建和谐社会的必要保障。因此,对于刑事错案进行深入细致的研究具有重 要的现实意义。 本文除了引言和结语外,在结构上分为三部分。第一部分对于刑事错案基本问题进 行阐述。从刑事错案的概念、特征和分类等几个角度对刑事错案进行解析。第二部分重 点分析了刑事错案的形成原因。主要集中在四个方面,即司法体制上的原因,证据上的 原因,司法观念上的原因以及司法人员本身的原因。通过对上述原因的分析,找出刑事 错案频繁发生的症结所在,以便有的放矢、对症下药。第三部分针对错案形成的原因, 重点从健全司法体制、完善证据制度、转变司法理念、提高司法人员素质等几个方面对 我国刑事错案的预防提出建议。 关键词

4、: 刑事错案 成因 预防 Abstract II Abstract Criminal misjudged cases are those cases involving the incorrect application of law resulted from objective facts and primary evidence mistakenly supported and giving the innocent criminal sanctions resulted from serious violation of legal proceedings in the crimina

5、l justice activity. All of that was due to the fault of investigators themselves in the public security and judicial organ. Avoiding and reducing the occurrence of criminal crime as far as possible, maintaining judicial dignity of the nation and safeguard the legal rights of parties are not only the

6、 basic problem of criminal judicial fairness, but also the necessary guarantee of managing the country according to law and building a harmonious society. Therefore, it is much significant for the reality to study the criminal misjudged cases in depth and carefully. In addition to the introduction a

7、nd conclusion, this paper was divided into three parts on the structure. In the first part, the author expounded from several basic aspects as concept, character and classification. In the second part, the reasons, as the key point, for the formation of criminal misjudged cases are analyzed from jud

8、icial system, evidence, judicial ideas and judicial officials themselves in order to find out the problems resulting in these cases occurred frequently, so that the problems will be solved with purpose. In the third part, the suggestions to prevent the criminal misjudged cases were proposed from per

9、fecting the judicial system and the evidence system, changing the judicial ideas, improving the judicial officials quality and so on. Key Words:Criminal misjudged case the reason of formation prevention 目 录 III 目 录 引 言 1 第 1 章 刑事错案概述 2 1.1 刑事错案的概念界定 2 1.1.1 刑事错案学说概述 2 1.1.2 刑事错案的特征 4 1.2 刑事错案的分类 5 1.2.1 侦查起诉阶段的错案与审判阶段的错案 5 1.2.2 主观因素错案与客观因素错案 5 1.2.3 实体性错案与程序性错案 6 1.2.4 事实认定错案与法律适用错案 6 1.2.5 疑错案件与冤错案件 7 第 2 章 刑事错案的成因 8 2.1 司法体制方面的原因 8 2.1.1 犯罪嫌疑人辩护权弱化 8 2.1.2 司法的独立性欠缺 9 2.1.3 司法机关的考核评价机制和奖惩机制存在缺陷 10 2.2 证据方面的原因 10 2.2.1 证据收集采信出现失误11 2.2.2 重“口供”与非法取证11 2.2.3 鉴定结论失误 12 2.2.4 证人证言问题


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