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1、欢迎登录100测评网进行学习检测,有效提高学习成绩.牛津小学英语5A综合练习卷三Class_Name_Mark_听力部分(30%)一 听录音,选择你所听到的内容,将序号填在括号里。(10%)1.( ) A.park B.small C.near D.grape2.( ) A.beside B.behind C.between D.under3.( ) A.start B.star C.station D.smart4.( ) A.toilet B.garden C.pair D.hall5.( ) A.telephone B.lamp C.elephant D.music6.( ) A.les

2、son B.listen C.kitchen D.chicken7.( ) A.this B.these C.those D.that8.( ).A.housework B.homework C.Sunday D.Saturday9.( ) A.classroom B.reading room C.bedroom D. sitting room10( )A.rectangle B.triangle C.circle D.diamond二听录音,判断图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不符的用“F”表示。(10%) 三根据所听内容,将相应答语的序号填入括号内。(5%)( )1.No,my

3、 parents like cooking.( )2.Yes,we do.( )3.He is sweeping the floor.( )4.Mary has some matches.( )5.Its a square.四听短文,判断对错(正T误F)。(5%)( ) 1. Its Saturday afternoon .( ) 2. The boys and girls are in the playground .( ) 3. Some girls are running.( ) 4. Three boys are playing football .( ) 5. David is no

4、t playing football .笔试部分(70%)一 选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。(8%)( )1.A.like B.white C.five D.with ( ) 2.A.pumpkin B.duck C.music D.but ( ) 3.A.pig B.chicken C.ski D.fridge ( ) 4.A.three B.there C.thin D.things ( ) 5.A.blanket B.candle C.cant D.lantern ( ) 6.A.lesson B.bedroom C.these D.head ( ) 7.A.bathroom B

5、.room C.school D.afternoon ( ) 8.A.sofa B.model C.those D.nose二、 根据英语描述写出单词 (6%)1 father and mother _2If you are ill, you go there to see doctors. _3You sleep in this room _4Im very hot, I can use it to wash my face._ 5I put some food in it, then I put it on the stove, then I cook._6I cant open the

6、tin, then I can use it to open._ 三翻译下列词组。(10%)1 上数学课_ 6.the first day of the new term_2 在小山附近_ 7.pumpkin lanterns_3 放风筝_ 8.some tins of fish_4 看起来很好_ 9.help each other_5 读报_ 10.Heres your change._ 四选择填空。(10%)( )1.My father and my mother _work on Sundays. A. dont B. arent C. not( )2.There arent _glas

7、ses.I cant drink the water. A. a B. some C.any( )3.What _Tom_?He has some towels. A. is,have B. does,has C. does,have( )4._have many nice toy cars. A. Mikes sisters B.Mikes sister C. Mike sisters( )5.Look,Miss Li and her students _. A. is coming B. are comeing C. are coming( )6.What are you doing?Im

8、 _my bike.I cant find it. A. looking after B. looking at C. looking for( )7.What _you have? A. are B. do C. does( )8.The cakes on the table _you. A. is for B. are with C. are for( )9.Mum,please give _a towel. A. I B. me C. my( )10._two blankets on the bed._is for me? A. There is ,What B. There are ,

9、Which C. Theyre ,It五。选择正确的问句或答句,把句子的序号填在横线上。(8%)1._? I can draw a horse.2._? Some bread and two eggs .3._? They have some fruit .4._? Here are some chairs for you .5. Whats your grandfather doing ? _ .6. Whats the matter with Liu Tao? _ .7. Wheres his new house? _ .8. Where are you going ? _ .A. The

10、re arent any chairs . B. Were going to the reading room . C.Whats for breakfast ? D. What do the children have ? E. He cant find his new pen. F. Oh, Its near the new building.G. Hes walking in the park . H. What can you draw ?六. 根据上下文内容,选择所给词的正确形式填空 (5%)1. Are these your rulers ? No, theyre _ . ( Helen , Helens )2. They would like _ (buy , to buy ) some school things .3. .I _ a pot . My brother _ a stove . ( has ,have )4. _ the boys _ (dance)? No, they cant. 5. _ (not , dont ) read now , listen to _ (I , me ) , please .6. There _ (is , are ) a book and tw



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