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1、河南大学 硕士学位论文 刑事辩护制度之控辩平等问题研究-由“李庄案”为切入点分 析 姓名:王志歌 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:刑事诉讼法 指导教师:张亚平;杨保全 2011-05 V 摘 要 实现控辩双方的平等,追求司法公正是刑事诉讼的目标,从程序上讨论李庄案,核 心问题并非李庄行为的定性,而在于李庄行为怎样被定性。本文从李庄案刑事诉讼程序 存在的问题入手,谈我国刑事诉讼中辩护制度存在的主要问题,以及产生这些问题的原 因,通过比较英、美、法、德国家关于控辩平等原则在刑事诉讼中制度的确立,借鉴发 达国家的立法经验,提出刑事辩护的制度完善的建议,使律师在刑事辩护中更好发挥辩 护的作用,促进司法公正,

2、真正实现控辨的平等对抗,最终实现刑事诉讼的价值。 刑事诉讼的价值目标是让犯罪的人得到应有的惩罚和让被害人得到及时的法律救 济,实现司法公正。刑事活动是从追求形式真实到实质真实的过程。虽然形式真实的过 程不一定绝对导致裁判的正确, 但却可以在防止公检法部门滥用权力的程序范围内最大 可能地保证实质真实地实现。 一个公平的法律程序组织可以最大限度地增加作出公正的 判决的可能性。因此控辩平等的构建在刑事诉讼过程中起着至关重要的作用。 人类文明前行的足音,必然呼吁人类个体自由度的提高和主体平等地位的确立。从 1978年的刑事诉讼法到1996年的刑事诉讼法, 控辩平等原则的基本精神逐渐融入我国刑 事诉讼法

3、中,经历了一个从无到有、从少到多的发展过程。这是民主政治与市场经济的 发展对尊重人权和强调人的尊严的必然要求。也是“以人为本”的真实反映。就刑事诉 讼具有惩罚犯罪与保障人权功能来看,我国现行刑事诉讼制度更侧重惩罚犯罪,对人权 的保护不够重视,离“不得以牺牲司法公正或威胁基本人权为代价来控制犯罪或建立秩 序”的国际公认的基本原则还差很远。 控辩平等原则在我国法律制度和司法实践中还 是雏形,其与国际公约和司法准则对控辩平等的要求依然存在较大差距,甚至在某些方 面尚未达到控辩平等的最低标准要求。 平等已成为人类灵魂的一部分, 倘若将平等价值所要求的控辩平衡机制的诸般诉 讼制度与我国刑事程序法相比较,

4、无疑后者的控辩关系是失衡的。 我国的侦查羁押制度、 检察监督权制度、辩护制度、证据制度、审判中立制度都未能构建起合乎程序正义的控 辩平衡。 尤其在司法的独立性以及检察监督权的问题上, 它似已触及有关宪政结构的根 本问题。从大的方面来讲,是改造国民性格和政治传统, 或将忍受不适和巨痛以适应现 陈光中、加丹尼尔普瑞方廷主编.联合国刑事司法准则与中国刑事法制M.法律出版社社,1998:4 VI 代性; 还是立足传统和习惯, 面对诘难和嘲讽,将现代性融解和消化以捺入特色国情这 一模范之中? 这是世纪之交的中国一个艰难的抉择。从刑事诉讼的小方面来说,辩护 权和公诉权虽然是对抗的,但它们也是相伴而生,互相

5、依存的。要使控辩达到平衡,必 须加强辩护权的保护和对公权力进行有效制约。所以,我国在完善刑事诉讼法和辩护制 度方面要考虑各方面因素,借鉴国外的先进做法,同时结合自己目前的实际情况,制定 出合理有效的刑事程序法,使控辩双方平等对抗,实现司法公正。 关键词:辩护权,控辩平等,程序正义 VII ABSTRACT The realization of equality of both of the accused and the defendant, pursue the judicatory fair is the goal, criminal litigation LiZhuang case di

6、scussion on from the program, the core problem is not LiZhuang behavior qualitative, but in LiZhuang how behavior is qualitative. This paper LiZhuang case criminal proceeding from the existing problem of talk in our countrys criminal procedure, the main problems of defense system, and produce the ca

7、uses of the problems, and by comparing the common law about equality between the German home control principle in criminal lawsuit, the establishment of the system of the developed countries for reference, this paper puts forward the legislative experience of criminal defense system perfect recommen

8、dations, criminal defense lawyers in the play the role of better defend, promote justice and realize the equality of distinguishing control, and finally achieve criminal proceedings against the value. The value of the criminal procedure of target is that crime deserve the punishment and let the vict

9、im receive timely legal remedies, achieve judicial justice. Criminal activities to pursue forms from the real essence of real process. Although the form is the true process does not necessarily absolutely lead to the referee correctly, but can prevent abuses of power program carries department withi

10、n the scope to ensure maximum possible to achieve substantial real. A fair legal procedures organization can maximize the possibility of making a fair sentence. So the construction of equality between the control in criminal lawsuit plays a vital role. Human civilization, will appeal the footsteps o

11、n improving human individual freedom and the establishment of equal status. From 1978 until 1996 of criminal procedural law in the criminal procedure VIII law, accused the basic spirit of equality between the principle of gradual integration, the criminal procedure law of our country experienced a f

12、rom scratch, from the smallest to the development process. This is democratic politics and the development of the market economy to respect human rights and emphasizes the inevitable requirement of human dignity. Also the “people-oriented“ reality. Criminal litigation has punish crimes and protectin

13、g human rights, medium-small current criminal function more litigation system focused on punishing crimes, protection of human rights, not enough emphasis from “sacrifice of justice or threat of basic human rights for price to control crime or establish order“ internationally recognized basic princi

14、ple is far worse. Accused of equality between the principle in our legal system and the judicial practice with the embryo that still international convention and judicial criterion to control requirements of equality between the large gap still exists in some respects, even have not yet reached the

15、minimum standard equality between the control requirements. Equality has become part of the human soul, if will equal value required balance mechanism of the accused and the defendant in a lawsuit system and criminal procedure, without doubt, the latter out-perform contend relationship is the imbala

16、nce of the accused. Our investigation detain system, procuratorial supervision systems, defense system, evidence system, judge neutral system have failed to construct contend with the procedural justice accused of balance. Especially in judicial independence and procuratorial supervision, it seems the problem about the constitutional structure already touched fundamental problems. In a large part, is the national character and political reform traditional, or will endure discomfort



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