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1、2016年山东省莱芜市中考英语真题- 作者: 日期:2 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途2016年山东省莱芜市中考英语真题题号IIIIIIIVV总分得分一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. Themotherwasexcitedby_newsthathissonraisedmoneyforcharity()A. /B. aC. anD. the2. WhydoyoulistentoFrenchsongsallthetime?Thisisjustmy_tolearnFrenchwell()A. wayB. roadC. choiceD. reason3. Whosedictionaryis

2、this?Oh,itsPetersHewaslooking_iteverywhere()A. atB. forC. likeD. after4. Anngrowsupina_familySoshealwaysfeelhappywhenshegetshome()A. richB. strictC. lovingD. serious5. Idontknowwhenthebridgewasbuilt_,butitmustbeveryold()A. exactlyB. carefullyC. luckilyD. easily6. TinaispleasedwiththetoyItis_giftsheh

3、aseverreceived()A. abetterB. thebetterC. abestD. thebest7. _thestudentscamefromdifferentcountries,theygotonwellinthecamp()A. WhenB. UnlessC. ThoughD. Until8. Schoolclubsarelivelyplaceswherestudentsareencouragedto_theirinterest()A. developB. dependC. performD. overcome9. Ienjoylivingwithmygrandparent

4、sTheyalwayscook_forme()A. nothingterribleB. somethingterribleC. nothingdeliciousD. somethingdelicious10. Davidhadto_theinvitationtothepartylastweekendbecausehewasntfree()A. turnonB. turndownC. turnupD. turnoff11. Janeistalentedinpaintingand_paintgreatpicturesattheageof5()A. mayB. canC. mightD. could

5、12. Whydidntyougotothespeechyesterdayafternoon,Tim?ImsosorryButI_myhomework()A. havedoneB. wasdoingC. willdoD. amdoing13. Dontforget_therubbishoutwhenyouleave()A. takingB. bringingC. totakeD. tobring14. MayIaskaquestionafterclass,MrLi?_,butnotduringmylunchbreak()A. SometimesB. AnytimeC. CertainlyD.

6、Betternot15. Doyouknow_thenewsportsT-shirt?YesPerhapsheaskedhisgrandpatodoit,Ithink()A. howhepaidforB. WhereheboughtC. whenhepaidforD. whyhebought二、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共40.0分)AA mother returned home from the storeWhen she put down all of the things,her 8-year-old son ran up to herHe was waiting for her an

7、d wanted to tell her what his younger brother had done While I was playing outside and Dad was on a call,Bill took his crayons and wrote on the new wallpaper of the living room!I told him you would be angry with him for doing it again,but I couldnt stop himMother asked, He did it again?Where is your

8、 little brother now?He is in is room,the son answered quickly Then she walked to the younger sons roomShe called his name as she enteredShe found Bill who was trying to hideFor the next 10 minutes,the room was full of her shouting about the expensive wallpaperThe more she shouted,the madder she gotS

9、he walked forward to see what happenedWhen she saw the wall,tears(眼泪)filled her eyes at onceIt saidI love Mommy Well,the wallpaper remained,just as she found itIt reminds her and all:Take time to read the handwriting on the wall16. Before the mother came back,Bill _ A. had a big fight with his elder

10、 brotherB. broke all his crayons and threw them awayC. played games with his elder brother in their houseD. wrote something on the wallpaper of the living room17. Dad was _ while the elder brother was playing outsideA. shopping onlineB. talking on the phoneC. playing with the childrenD. shouting at

11、his little son18. The mother felt _ when she saw what her little son wrote on the wallpaperA. sadB. angryC. touchedD. surprised19. The underlined part in Paragraph 3 suggests(暗示)that _ A. the mother began to realize her mistakeB. the mother was quite angry withC. the mother didnt get along well with

12、 her little sonD. the mother wanted to make her little son feel relaxed20. the story mainly tells us that _ A. its never too late to show love to our familiesB. its important to think more before you take actionC. love from your mother often hides in small thingsD. wed better take time to learn from

13、 othersmistakesBU Shanghai Disneyland park Open time:June 16th,2016 Main Attractions: Mickey AvenueYou can have a chance to hug MickeyMouse and his friends,and take photos with themYou can choose lovely gifts and enjoy delicious foodTomorrow landYou will turn into space pilots at JetPacks and be taken into the world of Star Wars and Marvel,meeting movie heroesFantasylandHere you can have a talk with the lovely Snow White,you can also overlook villages and forests in the park from



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