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1、湘潭大学 硕士学位论文 刑事电子证据可采论 姓名:邵柱 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:诉讼法学 指导教师:刘梅湘 20080507 I 摘 要 随着社会的发展,电子数据作为一种“看不见,摸不着”的数据,已经越来越多地 出现在我们的生活当中。电子数据作为诉讼证据运用的历史并不长,但其对诉讼证据领 域的影响却在日益扩大。作为一种新出现的证据形式,电子数据类证据正在悄然入侵传 统证据的领域。这种全新的证据随着科学技术的发展正在改变着诉讼证据。证据的运用 是查明案件事实的关键,刑事、民事和行政诉讼中对于证明标准的要求由于诉讼目的不 同而不尽一致,其中以刑事诉讼中的证明标准最为严格。电子数据的一些特点导致其

2、作 为诉讼证据使用时可靠性不如传统证据,因此,尽管电子技术的发展变化日新月异,但 是电子数据作为诉讼证据的发展始终不如电子技术本身发展一样迅猛, 尤其是在刑事诉 讼领域。目前,在我国把电子数据证据作为单独定案依据的刑事案件还不多,对刑事电 子证据的研究还处于初始阶段,关于电子证据的分类定位、电子证据的收集和保全、电 子证据的效力以及对电子证据的认证方法认识不一, 这也直接导致审判中裁判依据出现 偏差,尤其在电子数据证据作为关键定案依据的情况下。应该说,我国科学技术水平发 展还处于比较初级的阶段,打击计算机犯罪的人员素质和技术装备都不如发达国家,且 大多数用户信息安全意识比较淡薄,在这种情况下,

3、犯罪分子往往有机可乘,利用各种 手段获取用户的信息进行犯罪,加之我国在信息安全方面的立法还不完善,对电子数据 证据的认识不足,利用计算机犯罪的现象又在不断增加,为了有效打击这些犯罪,充分 利用电子证据这种高科技证据准确地再现客观事实, 同时, 又要能够充分保障基本人权, 电子证据可采性问题研究对于解决电子证据这种高科技证据有着重要的实践价值。 本文 从电子证据的基本概念界定、证据的客观性、关联性等证据的基本属性角度出发来阐述 刑事电子证据在诉讼理论和实践中的运用,通过对电子证据的客观性和关联性的认识, 为电子证据的可采性规则的研究提出了一些想法, 期望对于电子证据的可采性规则的理 论研究提供一

4、些帮助。 关键词:电子证据;刑事证据;可采性;证据规则 II Abstract With the development of society, as an invisible and untouched data, more and more electronic data has appeared in our daily lives. The history which electronic data is used as evidence in the law is not long, but its impact on the area of evidence is growing

5、gradually. As a new kind of evidence, the electronic data is quietly invading the field of traditional evidence. With the development of science and technology, such new evidence is changing the field of the evidence. The use of evidence is a key of identifying the facts of the case. The requirement

6、s of the proving standard are different in the criminal, civil and administrative proceedings due to different purpose of the proceedings, in which the proving standard in the criminal procedure is most stringent. Some special Characteristics of electronic data lead to the reliability as evidence le

7、ss than that of traditional evidence. Therefore, despite the development of electronic technology changes with each passing day, the developing speed of electronic data as evidence in litigation is always slower than that of electronic technology itself, particularly in the area of criminal proceedi

8、ngs. At present, in China the criminal cases in which the electronic data is used as a separate decision are not many. The research of criminal electronic evidence is still in the initial stage, and the cognition of classification on the positioning of the electronic evidence, collection and preserv

9、ation of electronic evidence, the effectiveness and understanding methods of electronic evidence is different, which directly lead to the deviation on the trial magistrate, especially in the circumstances which electronic data is used as the key decision foundation. In some sense, Chinas scientific

10、and technological level is still in a comparative initial stage. The quality of personnel and technical equipment of beating computer crime are not as good as that of developed countries, and information security awareness of most users is relatively weak. In this case, criminals often take advantag

11、e; commit a crime by various means to obtain information of users. Because Chinas information security in the legislation is not perfect and understanding of the electronic data evidence is inadequate, the phenomenon of committing a crime by the computer is also on increase. In order to effectively

12、combat these crimes and make full use of evidence of such high-tech electronic evidence to accurately reproduce the objective facts, as well as fully protecting fundamental human rights, studying the admissibility of electronic evidence has important practical value for solving the problem on such h

13、igh-tech electronic evidence. This paper mainly elaborates the use of electronic evidence in the theory and practice from some basic attributes that are basic definition of electronic evidence, the objectivity of evidence, relevance of evidence and so on. I put forward some views about admissibility

14、 rules of electronic evidence through understanding the objectivity and relevance III of electronic evidence, hoping that offer some help for the theoretical research on admissibility rules of electronic evidence. Key words: electronic evidence; criminal evidence; admissibility; rule of evidence 1 引

15、 言 劳动工具的发展伴随着人类文明的发展,贯穿了整个人类历史社会发展的各个阶 段,从石器时代、青铜器时代、铁器时代到现在的电子时代,时代的更迭无不以劳动工 具作为象征性标志,劳动工具的发展也在不断影响着人类的生产与生活。同样,作为电 子时代的标志物,电子计算机的出现也是一样深深地影响了人类的生产生活。然而,事 物总是由矛盾的对立面组成的,计算机的发明一方面为人类的生产生活带来极大的便 利,另一方面也对人类的生产生活造成了一定的负面影响。随着社会的发展,电子数据 作为一种“看不见,摸不着”的数据,已经在我们的生活中日渐普及。当我们周围充斥 着这种看不见、摸不着的信息时,你是否会感到一丝恐惧和不安

16、?如今,随着计算机及 其网络技术的发展,利用计算机进行犯罪的现象屡见不鲜,从利用计算机传播病毒和间 谍软件到利用计算机窃取他人信息进行犯罪,我们的生活中越来越多地充斥了这种现 象,而法律的规制并没有及时跟进,对于这种犯罪现象我们的立法还稍显滞后,甚至在 诉讼法上还没有将电子数据类证据定义为一类独立的证据。当今计算机犯罪现象的日益 增加使得我们应该正视这种电子证据的地位和作用,因此,电子证据的研究对于刑事诉 讼有着重要的现实意义,同时,对于我们准确认定犯罪事实也起着重要作用。 证据是诉讼的核心,一切诉讼活动都要围绕证据来展开,电子证据作为一种新的证 明案件事实材料,其重要性日益凸显。目前,世界上有许多国家和国际组织对其进行了 一定程度的认可,但是其适用范围主要固定在民事领域,原因在于电子证据是一种易篡 改的证据,尤其原件与复制件从形式上看没有任何区别。而在刑事诉讼领域,由于对证 据的证明标准要求高于民事诉讼,所以对证据的采纳相对也更为严格,降低证明标准将 会加大导致冤假错案的机率,刑事诉讼的目的也难以实现。本文主要是从刑事诉讼的角 度出发,紧紧围绕电子证据的涵义及其本质特点、电子


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