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1、山东轻工业学院 硕士学位论文 制备透性静息细胞生产海藻糖技术研究 姓名:徐汝意 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:发酵工程 指导教师:王瑞明 2011-06-10 山东轻工业学院硕士学位论文 I 摘 要 海藻糖是一种安全的非还原性二糖,具有保湿性,抗冻抗干燥性,热酸稳定 性等特性,对生物大分子有着非特异性的保护作用。海藻糖在医学、食品工业、 化妆品行业、农业等领域有着广泛的应用前景,但是其高成本,制取上的困难限 制了它的广泛应用。本论文立足于恶臭假单胞菌透性静息细胞技术生产海藻糖, 把海藻糖合酶固定在细胞内,而新合成的海藻糖又可以自由的排到细胞外,为海 藻糖的生产提供了一条新途径。论文内容包括透性静息

2、细胞的制备,优化透性静 息细胞的产酶条件,渗透压对静息细胞透性和酶活的影响,透性化海藻糖合酶反 应工艺及其特性的研究。 海藻糖合酶是胞内酶,通过细胞破碎制取纯酶较为困难,酶活损失大,所以 可采用 2%甲苯渗透处理静息细胞 2h,制得透性静息细胞,将透性静息细胞代替 纯酶进行酶促反应。通过实验对比甲苯处理与超声破碎处理的效果,发现处理后 酶活力基本一致,说明甲苯可以完全渗透细胞。 本论文对产酶培养基的成分进行优化, 讨论了不同培养基成分对酶活和菌体 量的影响, 得到最佳产酶培养基: 葡萄糖 2%, 牛肉膏 1%, K2HP04 0.1%, NaH2PO4 0.1%,MgSO4.7H2O 0.05

3、%(w/v)。应用正交试验设计法,得到最佳发酵工艺:温 度是 35,初始 pH=7.0,反应转速 190r/min,装液量为 90ml/500mL,接种量为 10%(v/v), 种子培养时间 10h, 发酵时间 74h。 通过优化, 海藻糖产量增加了 10%。 渗透压对静息细胞透性和酶活的影响是本论文的亮点, 本文创新的提出了细 胞透性的定义和具体的计算方法,首次揭示了渗透压对恶臭假单胞菌形态、透性 和海藻糖合酶酶活的影响,并探讨机理。实验证明,渗透压增加,可以大幅度增 强恶臭假单胞菌的透性并提高酶活;高渗透压下,菌体形态发生明显变化,体积 变为原来的 10-20 倍,细胞内积累大量相容溶质类

4、物质,抵抗渗透压的影响。在 发酵 24h 时加入 2%的 NaCl(w/v),海藻糖产量增加 10 倍,提供了新的无毒性生 产海藻糖的方法,具有极高的工业化价值。 本论文还对透性细胞海藻糖合酶的酶反应工艺优化并研究了透性细胞海藻 糖合酶的性质,得到酶催化反应的最适 pH=7.8,最佳转速为 180r/min,最适酶 反应温度为 40,最适反应时间为 8h。酶的激活离子有 Na+、K+,重金属离子 强烈抑制酶活和菌体生长,透性细胞海藻糖合酶有极强的底物特异性,只能单一 的催化麦芽糖转化为海藻糖,在室温下保存很不稳定,应尽量置于低温下保存, 保存时间最好不要超过 7d。 关键词:关键词:海藻糖;

5、透性; 静息细胞; 酶学特性; 工艺; 海藻糖合酶 山东轻工业学院硕士学位论文 I ABSTRACT Tehalose is a secure non-reducing saccharide, moisturizing, resistant to frost and drying conditions, stabilized to heat and acid, and provides nonspecific protection for biologic molecule. It has a broad prospect of application for pharmaceuticals,

6、 agriculture, cosmetics and food industry, etc, but hasnt been widely used due to high cost and prepapation difficulty. This thesis mainly studied trehalose production through permeable resting cells from Pseudomonas putida. In this study, trehalose synthase is immobilized inside the cells, while th

7、e newly- synthetic trehalose is released across the cell membrane, which shows an innovative approach for trhalose production. The contents of this thesis include four parts: preparation for permeable resting cells, optimization for medium component and fermentation process, the impact of osmotic pr

8、essure on permeability and enzyme activity, and the study on enzymatic reaction process and enzyme characteristics. Trehalose synthase is intracellular, so enzyme purification after cell discruption would be difficult. Besides, the enzyme activity loss is huge, so permeable resting cell was adopted

9、to catalyze the enzymatic reaction instead of pure enzymes after permeated by toluene of 2% for 2h. The treatment effects between toluene permeation and ultrasonication were compared to show the complete permeation ability of toluene. Medium components were optimized in this study to discuss their i

10、nfluences on enzyme activity and biomass, the optimum medium was then obtained: glucose 2%, beef extract 1%, K2HP04 0.1%,NaH2PO4 0.1%,MgSO4.7H2O 0.05%(w/v). The optimum fermentation process was confirmed after orthogonal test: temperature= 35 , initial pH=7.0, rotatory speed=190r/min, volume of medi

11、um=90ml/500mL, inoculum size=10%(v/v), fermentation time=74h, seed culture time=10h. Trehalose yield had been increased by 10%. The impact of osmotic pressure on enzyme activity and permeability of resting cells was an innovation in this paper. The definition of cells permeability and its fomular we

12、re proposed innovatively, while the influence of osmotic pressure on permeability, enzyme activity and cell morphology was revealed for the first time, mechanism was discussed then. Test showed that high osmotic pressure could improve permeability and enzyme activity by a wide margin, and cell volum

13、e had ABSTRACT II been increased by 10-20 times to adjust to the condition. Trehalose yield had been improved for 10 times when adding NaCl 2%(w/v) to the mudium at 24h after fermentation, which provided an innovative method for trehalose production and industrilization. The enzymatic process of tre

14、halose synthase from permeable resting cells was optimized, and the characteristics of the enzyme were studied in this paper. The optimum enzymatic reaction process was: pH=7.8, rotatory speed=180r/min, temperature=40, reaction time=8h. Na+ and K+ could activate the enzyme activity while heavy metal

15、 ions could strongly inhibit both of the activity and cell growth. The substrate specificity was obvious, and the enzyme should be kept under low temperature no more than 7 days because of its unstability. Key words: trehalose; permeability, resting cells; enzymatic properties; process; trehalose sy

16、nthase 学位论文独创性声明 本人声明,所呈交的学位论文系在导师指导下本人独立完成的研究成果。文 中引用他人的成果,均已做出明确标注或得到许可。论文内容未包含法律意义上 已属于他人的任何形式的研究成果, 也不包含本人已用于其他学位申请的论文或 成果, 与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说 明并表示谢意。 论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文知识产权权属声明 本人在导师指导下所完成的论文及相关的职务作品, 知识产权归属山东轻工 业学院。山东轻工业学院享有以任何方式发表、复制、公开阅览、借阅以及申请 专利等权利,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子 版,本人离校后发表或使用学位论文或与该论文直接相关的学术论文或成果时, 署名单位仍然为山东轻工业学院。 论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 导 师 签 名: 日期: 年 月 日 山东轻工业学院硕士学位论文 1 第 1 章 绪论 1.1 引言 海藻糖是一种双糖,具有



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