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1、广西师范大学 硕士学位论文 儿童心理理论能力及运用的研究 姓名:许萍 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:教育学原理 指导教师:侯莉敏 20070301 I 儿童心理理论能力及运用的研究 儿童心理理论能力及运用的研究 研究生姓名:许 萍 导师姓名:侯莉敏 博士、教授 学科专业:教育学原理专业 研究方向:学前教育方向 年级:2004 级 摘 要 摘 要 儿童心理理论(theory of mind,简称 ToM)的研究成为目前学前儿童社会认知领域最受 关注的研究课题之一。正是在这一背景的启发和指导下,本研究通过实验和观察的方式探讨 4 岁儿童运用心理理论的具体情况和影响他们运用心理理论的因素。 本研究的基本

2、框架为:“前言”,叙述了研究的意义,明确了儿童心理理论概念,研究 范式,回顾了心理理论的研究历史,归纳了儿童心理理论产生与发展的理论模型解释,以及 儿童心理理论发展速度差异和质量差异的影响因素,在此基础上,提出了本文需要研究的问 题。第一章“儿童心理理论能力的实验研究”,从狭义层面上采用“错误信念任务”研究范 式中的“意外地点任务”与“意外内容任务” 两组任务作为儿童心理理论能力测试任务的 实验研究,来分析儿童在不同任务中的表现、考察儿童心理理论能力发展的一般特点,包括 其年龄特点、性别特点和水平特点及儿童认识不同任务的一致性等问题。第二章“儿童运用 心理理论能力的个案研究”,从广义层面上,通

3、过在自然情境中对某一具体对象运用其心理 理论能力进行了进一步的案例分析,从而对其运用能力的一般性特点做出阐释。第三章是进 一步提炼本研究的一般性结论和对研究的反思,并对于促进学前儿童心理理论能力的教育对 策进行了探讨。 在本研究条件下,可以得出以下结论: 关于儿童在心理理论能力测试任务中的表现。本研究中的 4 岁儿童在意外地点任务中的 表现好于在意外内容任务中的表现,通过意外地点任务的人数多于意外内容任务的人数。 关于儿童在心理理论能力测试任务中的通过水平。大部分 4 岁儿童未形成错误信念理解 能力,所以虽然有心理理论能力发展较成熟的儿童,但大多数是心理理论能力发展一般甚至 较差的儿童,因此大

4、部分 4 岁儿童难以通过心理理论测试任务,于是通过水平的比率较低。 关于儿童心理理论能力的年龄发展趋势。4 岁儿童心理理论能力总体上随年龄的增长而 提高,但这种增长似乎不是线性的。 关于儿童心理理论能力的性别因素。本研究表明儿童在其心理理论能力的发展过程中, 性别不是一个影响因素。无论是在意外地点任务还是在意外内容任务中,男儿童的得分和女 儿童的得分都没有显著性的差异。 关于两组任务一致性。本研究显示儿童在意外地点任务和意外内容任务上的表现显著相关,可见它们 具有内在的一致性。 II 关于儿童运用心理理论能力的类型。根据个案研究分析,我们总结出儿童心理理论运用 类型主要有以下十二种:区分想法(

5、心理世界)与事物(物理世界)、理解外表与真实的区 别、理解“看到”和“知道” 之间的关系、知晓意图和动机、撒谎和欺骗行为、教的行为、 对开玩笑的理解、开展装扮游戏、心理状态的词语的运用、情绪理解、说服行为、策略的使 用。 关于影响儿童心理理论运用的因素。根据个案研究分析,我们归纳出影响儿童心理理论 运用的因素主要有:当时的情境和儿童的年龄因素、儿童经验特别是亲子阅读经验、社 会交往经验和假装游戏经验等因素。 本研究的意义在于,通过实验研究发现了本研究中的 4 岁儿童相比于西方的同龄儿童在 心理理论能力上具有一定的滞后性,这在一定程度上激发我们的研究者进一步探索我国学前 儿童心理理论发展的具体情

6、况,而不是盲目地追随西方研究者。同时,通过个案研究获得了 儿童运用心理理论的一些基本类型,这不但在理论上指导今后的研究者做进一步的研究,而 且还能指导他们在观察儿童的心理理论运用时减少盲目性,节约人力和精力。在实践上,本 研究的发现启发学前教育工作者采取相应的教育策略,促进儿童心理理论能力的发展。 关键词:关键词:4 岁儿童;心理理论;错误信念;心理理论运用 III Research on Childrens Theory of Mind and the use of it Author: Xu Ping Supervisor: Professor Hou Li-min Major: Prin

7、ciple of Pedagogy Research Orientation: Preschool education Grade: 2004 Abstract Since Theory of Mind (ToM for short) has become one of the most important branches in the field of developmental cognition. Under the above setting, the present study through the method of experiment and observation has

8、 a research on 4-year old childrens ToM and the factors influencing the development of ToM. The paper includes introduction, an experimental study, a case study, and conclusion. The significance, literature review, including the theoretical studies on the models of ToM and the factors influencing th

9、e development of ToM, research design, and the research questions are included in the part of introduction. In the part of experimental research, we use the two tasks, the unexpected-location task and the unexpected-content task, to elicit data on childrens use of ToM, aiming at obtaining their perf

10、ormance in different tasks, the developmental features, including those of age, gender and the consistency of the two tasks. In the part of case study, through method of observation, we study a childs actual performance of ToM in natural setting, having an elaboration on the features of ToM. In conc

11、lusion, we specify the findings of the research and the problems unsolved in the present study. The findings of the research are that the performance of children of 4 years old is better in the unexpected-location task than in the unexpected-content task, showing that many children can distinguish o

12、thers false belief in pretending games. The second finding is that, though there are some 4-year-old children have a high level in ToM, most do not completely develop such ability. The third finding involves the age developmental feature, in which childrens ToM development is significantly correlate

13、d with their age, but such development is not linear. The fourth finding involves the gender feature, showing that gender is not an important variable in childrens development on ToM because in the unexpected-location task and the unexpected- content task, the female childrens performance and that o

14、f the male children are not significantly different. The fifth finding is about the consistency of the two experimental tasks. Correlational analysis shows the significant correlation between the unexpected-location task and the unexpected-content task, which implies the two tasks eliciting similar

15、trait. The sixth finding is about the features of ToM. On the basis of the observation, twelve types of the use of ToM are concluded: distinguishing (1) IV the state of mind from physical world, (2) the superficial appearance from the truth, (3) what is “seen” from what is “known”, (4) working out t

16、he intention and motivation, using (5) the behavior of lying and cheating, (6) act of teaching, (7) the words of the state of mind, (8) strategies, (9) understanding jokes and (10) the mood of others, (11) doing role plays in the games, (12) persuading others. The last finding is about the factors influencing the childrens use of ToM in natural setting, including the instant situation, age, and their experience, which is closely related to the variables such as


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