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1、Communicate Effectively for Supervisors 主管的有效沟通,2,Pair up with someone you dont already know well 和一个你不太熟悉的学员搭档 Introduce yourself 向对方介绍你自己 3. Talk on any subject matter for 2 minutes 围绕任何话题,交谈两分钟,Exercise Warm It Up! 热身练习!,PLG 1,3,Exercise Warm It Up! 热身练习!,4. Stop and tell your partner what you no

2、ticed about his/her nonverbal behavior 接下来,告诉对方你注意到的对方的非语言行为 Reverse roles but this time, the sender is not to use any nonverbal movements at all for the 2 minutes 调换角色,发送讯息者不可以使用任何非语言行为,交谈时间两分钟 Complete the debrief questions 总结与分析,4,Housekeeping 课堂规则,Session Time 课程时间: 8:00 - 5:00 Breaks Every 50-7

3、0 Minutes 每隔50-70分钟,休息一次 Break Room and Rest Rooms 休息处与洗手间 Cell Phones and Pagers 手机和寻呼机 Room Temperature 房间温度 Class Agreements 课堂协议,5,What is Great Communication? 什么是优秀的沟通?,The word communicate comes from the Latin word, communicare, which means to, “make common or to share.” 英语中沟通一词来自拉丁语communicar

4、e,意思就是 “使成为共同;分享” In essence, communication is the act of creating “shared understanding” between the message sender and the message receiver. 从本质上来说,沟通就是在信息发送方与接收方之间创造“共享理解”。,PLG 2,6,Five Underlying Principles 五项基本原则,Communication is learned behavior 沟通是一种可以学习的行为 Communication is always a 2 party a

5、ffair 沟通始终都是一种双向行为 When you improve, your relationships will improve! 沟通能力得到了提升,人际交往能力就会随之提升 Becoming an effective communicator is a conscious choice 成为一名高效的沟通者是一种有意识的选择行为 When you practice, your skills become automatic 多加练习,就会自然而然掌握并提高沟通技巧,PLG 3,7,Why is this Competency Important? 沟通能力为何如此重要?,At Wo

6、rk 在工作中 At Home 在家庭里 In Social Situations 在各种社交场合,PLG 4,8,When Can I Use These Skills? 何时才能使用这些技巧?,Review the listed applications for great communication 回顾在完美沟通中各种技巧的应用。 Select the three most important to you 选择对你来说最重要的三项。,PLG 5,9,What Will I Learn? 我将学到什么?,Please review the course behavioral objec

7、tives 回顾课程行为目标 2. Select the five items that are most important to you 选出对你来说最重要的五个行为目标 Please be prepared to share these with the larger group 请准备与大家分享,PLG 6,10,Evaluation of your current knowledge of this topic area will help you to determine how this workshop can enhance your current skill level

8、对该部分知识的自我评估,将帮助你确定本教程会如何使你的技能水平得到提升。 Please be honest. Only you will see the results 请如实评估,只有你自己看得到评估结果。,Self-Assessment: What Are My Current Behaviors? 自我评估: 我当前的行为状况如何?,PLG 7-8,11,50-74,74-99,100-125,Self-Assessment: Check Out Your Score 自我评估: 看看你的得分!,12,LM 1 - The 3Vs of Great Communication 3V沟通,

9、55%,38%,7%,PLG 9,13,Exercise: Words Alone 练习:只字片语,Pair up with another participant 和另外一个学员搭档。 2. Arrange your chairs so that you are sitting face-to-face 面对面坐在椅子上。 3. Review the word given to you by the facilitator 阅读培训师发给你们的写在纸上的字。 4. Do not show or tell the word to your partner 不要将字告诉对方。 5. Wait f

10、or further instruction 等待培训师的说明,PLG 10,14,The Impact of Noise 干扰的影响,PLG 12,15,意愿程度,What are some Causes? 导致干扰的原因是什么?,个人风格,心理压力,“干扰”,家庭背景,知识技能,核心信仰,天赋才能,教育背景,健康状况,情绪控制,PLG 13-15,16,Visual The First “V” In Communication 视觉 沟通中的第一个 “V”,Look the Part 注视对方 2. Create a Great Presence 举止不凡 3. Express Yours

11、elf 表达自我 4. Keep the Right Distance 保持距离,PLG 16,17,Visual Look the Part 视觉 注视对方,Dress at a Conscious Level 考虑着装 Dress Appropriately 穿着得体 Ask 有效问答 Be Informed 见多识广,PLG 17,18,Visual Create a Great Presence 视觉 举止不凡,Maintain the Right Posture 保持正确姿势 Be Yourself 得体自然 Keep Track of Your Legs and Feet 注意腿和

12、脚的姿势 Keep an Open Position 保持开放式姿势 Move Around 变换姿势 Be Your Best 保持最佳状态,PLG 18-19,19,Visual Express Yourself 视觉 表达自我,Eye Communication 目光交流 Beware of the darting eye 注意目光接触 Look directly at people using your entire head 正视对方 Beware of the “stare of death” 谨防“盯住不放” Keep your eyes open 睁大眼睛 Facial Com

13、munication 面部交流 Keep up the smile 笑口常开 Avoid being a “cod fish” 别作“鳕鱼” Hand Gestures 手势交流 Speak with your hands 借助手势 Be conscious of your nervous gestures 注意紧张行为,PLG 20-21,20,Visual Keep the Right Distance 视觉 保持距离,Be Mindful of Personal Contact 留心与人接触 Err on the Side of Caution 谨慎起见 Get Permission 征

14、得许可 Look for Reactions 注意反应 Stay in Range 保持间距,PLG 22-23,21,Communicating Without Words 无声沟通,In your table group: 在你的小组里: Read and respond to the questions 阅读并回答问题 2. Be prepared to share your responses with the larger group 准备好和大家分享你们的答案,PLG 24,22,Mini-Mastery Demonstration: Observing Visual Commun

15、ication迷你知识演练:视觉沟通观察,Form into groups of three 组成三人小组 2. Conduct three rounds of practice 展开三组练习 One person will be the sender, one the receiver, and one the observer 一个人作为信息发送者,一个作为信息接收者,一个作为观察者 Follow the guidelines in your learning guide 遵循学员手册上的说明 Use the Observers Feedback Form 使用观察者回馈表,PLG 25-

16、26,23,Vocal The Second“V” In Communication 声音 沟通中的第二个“V”,Prepare Your Voice 做好声音准备 Vary Your Vocal Presence 声音富于变化,PLG 27,24,Vocal Prepare Your Voice 声音 做好声音准备,Chill-out 冷静 Dont force the motion! 不要有刻意的动作 ! Breathe in, breathe out 吸气,吐气 Get warm 热身 Prepare and practice 准备和练习 Dont strain 不要发声过度 Just do it! 说做就做 !,PLG 27-28,25,Use inflection 变换音质 Vary the loudness 调整音量 Be Articulate 吐字清晰 Dont Assimilate 不要弱


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