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1、安徽大学 硕士学位论文 农村体育现状分析与发展对策研究-以永城市为例 姓名:吴永存 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:人类学 指导教师:王邦虎 2010-04 I 摘摘 要要 本文运用田野调查法、问卷法、数理统计法等研究方法,对永城市农 村农民参与体育健身的活动方式和规律、对体育活动的认知与态度、农村 体育活动的组织管理等现状问题,进行了参与性的观察和访谈,并对调查 结果进行了深入分析。 就永城市农村体育发展的现状,本研究的调查结果显示出以下诸多问 题:1.永城市农村农民拥有较多的闲暇时间,但是闲暇生活时间基本是看电视, 聊天和打牌,而且带有赌博性质的打麻将等娱乐活动受到了越来越多农民的欢 迎,甚至出

2、现一些封建迷信参与活动等,但较少有人愿意参加体育健身活动; 2.从对调查对象的问卷中可以看出, 从不参加体育活动的农民占据了相当大的数 量,占到了被调查人数总额的 48.6%,其中显示,个人主观上对体育活动不感兴 趣、怕外界嘲笑、自身健康不需要锻炼等;3.无论是在村子里还是到乡镇政府所 在地,农村体育场地及设施器材相对缺乏情况依然比较严重;4. 永城市农村实 际体育人口为 9.6%,参与锻炼场所多以选择田间大路上、自家庭院、村文体活 动广场等,主要参与体育健身活动多以篮球、慢跑与散步、游戏、羽毛球、乒 乓球、跳绳、台球等;5.永城市农村体育组织基本都处于空壳子状态,很多只是 为了应付上级检查,

3、根本无法起到有效组织农民开展各种体育活动的作用;6. 永城市农村体育事业得不到当地政府的重视,政府的经费投入也相当有限,而 且很多乡镇根本没有此项经费安排。 针对以上调查结果所显示出的问题, 本文提出了促进永城市农村体育健身发 展的具体对策:1.政府要提高对农村体育事业的重视,学界更要加强农村体育研 究领域的理论建设,对农村体育事业进行“补课”;2.当地政府部门要制定针对性 的政策和规定,促进永城市农村体育事业的快速发展;3.健全农村体育的组织管 理体制,科学规划,又好又快的发展农村社会体育事业;4.加强农村社会体育活 动的场所和体育设施建设,为农民开展各项体育活动提供良好的硬件条件;5. 充

4、分依托当地农村传统文化开展丰富多彩,符合农民实际情况的社会体育活动; 6.积极加强农村体育的宣传教育工作,为农村体育事业的发展营造良好氛围,并 II 健全相关组织,培养体育指导人员,等等。本文针对永城市农村这一特定区域 内农村体育健身状况探索性研究,旨在为永城市新农村建设提供参考。同时, 又可以为豫东、皖北、苏北、鲁西等中原文化区域的新农村体育建设提供参考。 关键词:关键词: 永城市; 农村体育; 现状;对策 III Abstract This paper focuses on the circumstances of sport activities together with the pa

5、ttern of physical fitness, the peasants attitude towards sports, the administration of sport activities in villages and the peasants enthusiasm for joining sport activities in the rural areas of YongCheng. In order to achieve these goals, various kinds of research methods are employed, such as field

6、 study, questionare survey and mathematical statistics analysis. The inquiry elicits these following facts: Firstly, the peasants in the rural areas of YongCheng have plenty of leisure time but, most of them spend it watching TV, chatting and playing cards. Gambling activities like Mah-Jong are beco

7、ming more and more popular and even some feudalistic superstitions emerge again. Secondly, among those peasants surveyed ,48.6% indicated that they never take part in any kind of sport activities. And the following factors constitute the main reason: subjectively, the lack of interest and fear for o

8、ther peoples mock and, objectively, the bad conditions of sport facilities and inappropriate administration of these activities. Thirdly, compared to those of urban areas, severe problems exist in the overall conditions of rural sport facilities. Fourthly, only 9.6% of the peasants surveyed take exc

9、ercises and the most popular sport activities include basket ball, running, badminton, table tennis, rope skipping and billiards; besides, most of these activities are taking place in open fields such as roads, yards or plazas. Fifthly, the existence of sport facilities doent serve for the peoples e

10、xcercises but for the leaders supervisions and therefore, these sport facilities have little use in organizing sport activities for peasants; besides, the government doesnt pay any attention to the sport undertakings in rural areas in YongCheng and the peasants living there never get any kind of ope

11、ration expenses of sports. Based on these analysis mentioned above, the author recommends some advice on the development of sport activities as follows: Firstly, the IV government should attach much more importance to the financial support of the sport activities in rural areas, the revision of rele

12、vent laws and regulations so as to bridge the gap between rural areas and citys and the promotion of the recognition of the importance of sport activities among peasants. Secondly, great emphasis on the improvement of the administration and regulation of the rural sport activities, the proper plans

13、for further sport development and the organization of various sport activities should also be placed to enrich the rural peoples leisure life. Thirdly, the strengthening of sports-related infrastructure construction would provide the rural people with more useful sport facilities. Fourthly, the acad

14、emic circles should conduct more theoretical and practical studies on sport activities in rural areas. This paper is committed to exploring the conditions of sport activities in rural areas in Yongcheng City and, the author sincerely hopes that the advice recommended in the paper will be benificial

15、to the New Rural Construction Project in Yongcheng. Key Words: Yongcheng; Rural spots; status; 1 导论 1 1 导论导论 1.1 研究的目的 1.1 研究的目的 近年来,国家相继出台了众多“惠农”政策,我国广大农民的收入持续增加, 生活水平的物质指数得到了显著提高,现实中的农村农民的业余文化生活也逐 步的得到了发展,改善了以往农村农民单调和乏味精神文化生活现状。虽然各 地各级政府都以不同方式组织“文化下乡”到农村等活动,极大的丰富了农民 精神生活,但往往千篇一律,不能满足现代新农村群众多元化的“胃口

16、” 。在社 会主义和谐新农村建设整体推进中,文化建设无疑成了制约农村发展的新问题。 农村体育活动开展的好坏不仅影响着整体文化建设,而且可以有效、直接的促 成农民体质健康的提高,丰富多彩的农村体育文化生活,是当今新农村文化建 设的重要内容。但不可否认的是,目前我国农村体育活动开展还相对滞后,与 新时期“新农村”基本建设要求差距甚大。如,群众喜闻乐见的舞狮、舞龙、 赛龙舟、中国式摔跤、武术、旱船、踩高跷、扭秧歌等这些民族传统体育项目 和乒乓球、篮球、足球、羽毛球、田径等现代竞技体育活动在农村中的开展,都 能够让广大农民在辛勤劳作之余,享受带有泥土气息的文化大餐。但现实生活中 却在广大农村中确并不十分普及。 目前我国农村体育开展滞后已经成为阻碍 “全民健身活动” 全面实施的瓶颈, 农民体育研究在较长时期内都将是一个热门的话题和艰难的课题。所以,为了 研究永城市广大农村开展全民健身活动的情况,通过对永城市农村体育发展现 状(重点是研究农民对享有基本体育服务和开展现状情况)进行了广泛的调查, 并对其调查现状进行了剖析,针对农村开展全民健身活动存在的主要问题,提 出相应的建


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