(水滴系列)八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents(第4课时)

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《(水滴系列)八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents(第4课时)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(水滴系列)八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents(第4课时)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? 第四课时 Section B (1a-1e) Teaching and Learning Goals:一、功能:能谈论问题并能针对问题提出解决办法和建议。二、语言目标: 1.熟练掌握以下词汇: member pressure compete have a fight with My parents give me too much pressure about school. 2.口头,笔头熟练掌握以下句型:You should., you shouldnt.三技能目标:Through listening an

2、d speaking, students can tell their pressure and know how to solve it.四情感态度和价值观:教会学生如何面对生活和学习压力,帮助他们逐步建立正确,积极的生活态度。 (设计意图:从功能、目标和情感态度三个方面明确了教和学的目标,对于本节课要教和学的内容有初步的了解。) Teaching and learning steps:Step 1. Pre-listening activities1. PreviewLook at the book on Page29 and ask the students to translate t

3、he following Chinese into English. First ask the students to put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the books.1. 进行体育运动2. 与朋友一起闲逛3. 与父母或其他家庭成员闲聊4. 独自消磨时光5. 与.竞争6. 我父母给我很多学习上的压力。7. 我在校不得不与同班同学竞争(设计意图:让学生对文本中的重点短语和句型有所了解,同时通过检测学生的预习效果,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学。)2.Warming u

4、p and lead-in.Show the students a picture and ask them a question.T: Whats wrong? What information can you get from the picture?S1: stress. He is very sad.T: Yes, you are right. He has too much stress . In modern life, many people are stressed out. Do you have stress?S2:yes.T:But you know, too much

5、stress is bad for our health. So we must learn to relax ourselves to lower the stress. What can we do to lower the stress?S1: I often listen to music.S2: I often play basketball.Show some pictures about relaxing.T: What does she often do to lower her stress?S2: She often listens to music and reads i

6、nteresting books. T: Do you have any stress about your schoolwork and life?Do you know how to lower your stress?S: Yes, we do.T: OK, this class well learn some more ways to help us lower our stress. Lets come to 1a.(设计意图:用图片先给学生呈现一个与学生生活密切相关的话题。过渡自然,学生感同身受,激起学生学习与交流的欲望。同时为下面的学习做好充分的心理准备。)1a. Order t

7、he things.What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress? Order them 1- 8 with 1 being the most favorite thing you do to lower stress. T:let student read these phrases and make they know the meaning of theses phrases.1b.Talking: Tell your partner about your answer.First give students so

8、me examples about these pictures. Then let the students say out their own ways to lower the stress according these examples . T: Now, can you say out your ways to lower the stress to us?S1: I like to talk to my parents or my good friends to lower my stress.S2: I often play sports to lower my stress.

9、S3: Id like to eat some delicious food to lower my stress. (设计意图:让学生先独立找出自己喜欢的减压方式,然后再与同伴交流,相互分享和相互学习。在1b环节我先给学生呈现一些学生的减压方式,然后再让学生汇报自己的减压方式。目的是降低难度,让更多的学生敢说,想说,会说。) Step2. While-listening activities.Show some phrases about the listening.Too much pressure _ hang out_ stress out_Worry about_ compete w

10、ith_ all the time_T: Look at these phrases. Can you guess these meaning. (设计意图:让学生明白听力中一些重要短语的意思,可以帮助学生更好的听懂听力,提高课堂效率,更重要的是让学生提前思考如何有针对性的听取信息。)1. Listen for the general idea听取大意 (设计意图:先让学生找出所谈对话的主旨大意,能增强学生们做听力题的信心,降低听力的难度系数,也为完成后面较难的听力题打下基础,从而提高学生的理解能力和听力水平。)2.Listen for the specific ideas听取细节Task1.

11、 (设计意图:遵循学习由浅入深的规律,先让学生找出所谈论的问题,这一任务较为简单容易解决,给学生树立了信心,为继续冲击下面较难的听力训练打下基础。)Task 2. 1d. Listen again. What advice does Alice give to Wei Ming? Fill in the blanks.1. Although you may be _ with your parents, you should talk to them. Ask them why they give you so much _.2. Life shouldnt just be about _.

12、Free time activities like _ and hanging out with friends are important, too. 3. You shouldnt _ with your classmates to get better grades. You should all be _ each other to improve. (设计意图:这段对话较长,且有一定的难度,所以在听之前让学生先阅读1d的内容,并让学生根据语境试着填空。注意提示学生运用策略进行必要的记录,如先写出所填单词的一部分,待录音播放完毕后再整理答案。通过听并填出空缺的单词,能让学生对本段听力材

13、料有更深入的理解,注重对听力细节的处理。)Task3. Listen and retell.First, let students listen to the recording and repeat after it to get their pronunciations right.Let the students retell Alices advice according to 1d.Wei Ming is talking to Alice. His parents give _to him. They wanted Wei Ming to _. H e need more free

14、time _. This can help him_.Alice gives some advice . She said although you may _your parents, you should _.you should do some activities like_. You wont get good grades if _. You shouldnt _to get good grades.you should all be helping _(设计意图:给出一定的提示能够帮助学生更好的听懂,多次听写有利于学生听力的输入和输出,帮助学生更好的掌握语音 be happy and relaxed understand your feelings get enough sleep be healthy relax yourself share your feelings with your friendsThe students can make their conv


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