(水滴系列)七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles(第2课时)

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《(水滴系列)七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles(第2课时)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(水滴系列)七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles(第2课时)(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 10 Id like some noodles.Section A(1a-2d) Learning Goals:1. Try to learn and use the new words and expressions: noodle, mutton, beef, cabbage, potato;special, would like, order, bowl, size2. Try to use the target language to order food. Practice listening and speaking skills.Step 1 PreviewLook a

2、t p55-57, put the following into English orally by themselves1.牛肉面条 _ 2.羊肉面条_ 3.哪种面条_ 4.特价菜1 _ 5.一大碗面条_ 6.点菜 _ 7.小碗 _ 8.麻婆豆腐米饭_Then ask students to read these phrases in groups.【设计意图】检查学生的预习掌握基本词汇的情况,以便以学定教。Step 2 Warming up and leading in视频导入T:Oh, its time for lunch. Are you hungry?S: Yes, I am.T:

3、What would you like to eat?(The students say some food they have learned before. After the students say some food, the teacher says:)T: What would you like for lunch? Noodles? Lets go to Abaos noodles house to have noodles. Lets watch a video.【设计意图】以视频方式活跃课堂气氛,并导入新知;另外,引导学生利用网络学习英语,提高英语的生活化语感。Step 3

4、 New words learningT: I work in Abaos restaurant. We have many specials for you to choose. Welcome to the restaurant. But you must learn some new words first.(Have students look at the screen with different kinds of food, ask them to read one by one, then read them after the teacher)Ask and answer i

5、n pairs like this:1. What food do you like? Would you like some beef for lunch?2. What kind of food would you like? Chicken, mutton or beef?T: In Abaos house, there are some specials. Look at them:(Look at the pictures and learn the new words. Then read them in groups.)Check the new words:Make some

6、conversations in pairs: A: What kind of noodles would you like? B: Id like.【设计意图】首先通过图片分类导入新生词,更直观更易接受,再次通过练习分清名词的可数和不可数,进一步巩固。Step 4 Listening 1bPre-listeningT:Hello,everyone. What would you like for lunch?S1: I would like some vegetables and fish.T:OK, lets come to 1a. Lets learn the foods in the

7、restaurant.Match the words with the foods in 1a, then check the answers.1.mutton_ 5.cabbage_2.beef_ 6.potatoes_ 3.noodles_ 7.tomatoes_4.chicken_ 8.carrots_After that,lead students to say out “Special 1,beef and tomato noodles; special 2,chicken and cabbage noodles; special 3, mutton, carrot and pota

8、to noodles.” Then let students work in pairs, for example: one says “beef and tomato noodles” the other says “ special 1”, then change. 【设计意图】回归课本通过习题初步检测一下生词的学习情况。引导学生说出三种特色菜的配料并以小组方式进行竞赛,激发学生的学习热情,并为听力做好热身。While-listeningPlay the tape to ask the students to check the noodles that the person orders

9、.2. Practice the conversation in 1a with your partner. Then make your own conversations.A: What would you like? B: Id likeA: Are there any in thenoodles? B: Yes,. / No, Step 5 Listening practice (2a, 2b)Pre-listening(Learn about “small bowl; a medium bowl; a large bowl”)Look at the picture in 2a, le

10、ad students to read out the names of all the food.Then let students read the words on the left, one word for three times. T: A boy and a girl go to the restaurant. What size bowl of noodles would they like? Lets listen.While-listeningTask1 Listening for the general idea of 2a,2bThe general idea of t

11、he conversation is about_.A. ordering foods B. shopping C. where things areTask 2 Listening for the specific ideas of 2a, 2b.Listen and check the names of the foods you hear in 2a.1. _ noodles2. _ beef3. _ mutton4. _ chicken5. _ tomatoes6. _ cabbage7. _ potatoes8. _ vegetablesListen again. Complete

12、the sentences.Waiter: What_ bowl of noodles would you like?Boy: Id like a _ bowl of noodles.Waiter: And what_ of noodles would you like?Boy: Id like _,_ and _noodles.Waiter: And _ about you?Girl: Id like a_ bowl.Waiter: What _ would you like?Girl: Id like beef and _ noodles, please.【设计意图】通过听力巩固新知,听并

13、填出空缺的单词,注意对听力细节的处理,考察学生的听力理解能力和书写能力,为下一步小组对话及小组合作探究做好铺垫。Post-listening activities听后活动Activity 1:Pairwork , speaking practice(2c)Look at the pictures of different kinds of noodles and different sizes, one is the waiter, the other is customer, ask and answer.A: Hello, what kinds of noodles would you l

14、ike?B: Id like noodles Is/Are there anyin the?A: Yes,/No, What size would you like?B: Id like a small/medium/large bowl, please.【设计意图】通过2c的听后活动,再现本节重点句子,让学生有目的的训练,提高语言的运用能力。Activity 2:Role-play the conversation.1.Read the conversation in 2d and choose T (T for true)or F(F for false)Sally would like a small bowl of beef soup.She also orders one mapo tofu and vegetable salad. (Answers:1.F 2.F )2 Please



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