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1、requirements; three is ban sex terms and JI method not points, both and discipline disposition Ordinance repeat, and and criminal, legal provides repeat; four is clean theme not highlight, cannot for current exists of highlight problem, and applies object narrow, only for County at level above membe

2、rs leaders. Original Ordinance in 1997, the Communist Party disciplinary regulations (trial) revised on the basis of, was issued in December 2003, on strengthening party building has played an extremely important role. 2 the development of the situation, many of them have been unable to fully meet t

3、he needs of comprehensive practice of strictly administering the party. First, Jamie law, regardless, over half of their terms and State law such as criminal law . Makes it stick to the guidelines of self-discipline, adhere to the positive advocacy, for all members, highlight the critical few, empha

4、sizes self-discipline, focus on virtue, and for the vast number of party members to establish an ideological and moral standards. Revised regulations adhere to the discipline of law separately, JI, JI before the law stricter than the law, as a negative list, emphasizing his law, State regulation. Th

5、is one high and one low, one against, and achievements for the whole party, the whole practice of strictly administering the party to comply with the ethics and disciplinary requirements for the vast number of party members and cadres to provide a benchmark and ruler. Third, insist on problem-orient

6、ed. Focusing on the current outstanding problems of party discipline, party members and party cadres in probity and discipline problems to make specific provisions, particularly since the partys 18 strict political discipline and political rules, discipline and the implementation of the Central eigh

7、t rules and opposing the four winds and other requirements into disciplinary provisions. Not for one step, focusing on practical, pragmatic work. Three, and guidelines and Ordinance modified Hou of main changes and the need grasp of several focus problem (a) guidelines of main changes amendment Hou

8、of guidelines insisted according to rules rule party and to de rule party phase combined, for at this stage members leaders and members in clean self-discipline aspects exists of problems, proposed principles requirements and specification, show Communists noble moral pursuit, reflected at all times

9、 and moral specification from high not from low 5 of common requirements. A clasp is clean, removing provisions not directly related. Second, in the positive advocacy, 8 prohibiting 52 no relevant negative list contents synchronized into the amendments to the Ordinance. Third, for all the party memb

10、ers, expanded from party cadres will be applied to all the party members, fully reflect the full strictness requirement. Four is highlighting the critical few, hold the focus of party cadres, than ordinary party members put forward higher requirements. Five is shanfanjiujian, simple, hard to underst

11、and, and easy to remember. Revised guidelines, since the party first adhere to the positive advocacy, membership-oriented self-discipline norm, is issued to all members of the partys moral declarations and solemn promise to the people. Former Ministry of all 4 of the code of points, 18 more than, mo

12、re than 3,600 words. Revised guidelines for article 8, a total of 281 words, including lead, honesty and self-discipline of party members specifications and specification for party members and leading cadres honesty and self-discipline, part 3, the main中华企业投资者恳谈会内容2006年中期报告时间:2006年8月10日提问:华夏基金、中国国际金

13、融有限公司、大成基金、光大证券、上海德润主持人印学青副总经理兼董秘:欢迎大家参加中华企业投资者恳谈会。本次会议有两项议程:第一项公司总经理孙勇向大家介绍2006年中期经营情况,第二项是互动提问时间,预计2小时结束。下面由孙总给我们作中期报告。第一部分:总经理孙勇的报告(一)经营情况1、2006年1-6月,公司实现主营业务收入50,480万元,同比下降44.1% ,主要原因是上半年一些工程项目的预收款没有进行结算,这些预收款将增加到今后的报告期内,公司预收账款余额221,549万元,较年初增加89.7%。06年1-6月,租赁收入同比增长79。公司净利润27,151万元,同比增长36.89%。2、

14、报告期内非经常性收益所占比例较大, 主要原因是有关项目转让是以转让项目公司股权的方式进行运作。3、公司资金状况持续良好,上半年经营活动产生的现金净流量为5.96亿元,为公司持续稳定发展打下了良好的基础。4、资产负债率保持在合理水平。04年72.55%,05年66.61%,06年中期68%是一个合理水平。宏观调控下,公司积极应对,销售和资金回笼情况良好。预收帐款22.15亿元,比年初增长89.7% 。(二)公司发展优势,1、优势之一:未来预期明确,项目前景良好2006年到2007年,结算项目8个,目前进展良好;2008到2010年,公司预计参与结算项目有6个,未来预期良好。预计2006年内总在建

15、面积112.5万平方米,其中2006年内新开工面积58.7万平方米,预计竣工面积35.6万平方米,2006年末待开发面积50.2万平方米,滩涂土地储备4655亩(以上各面积的数据不包括上海国际客运中心) 在新一轮开发建设中,公司已经形成了三个重点区域板块:国客中心,古北商务分区,南汇周浦、航头。2、优势之二:注重股东回报,市场运作能力强股东回报:上市12年来,平均净资产收益率超过10%,主营业务收入年复合增长率39%; 净利润年复合增长率19%,股市融资6.27亿元,现金分红5.39亿元,保持每年送红派现,位列上证所50红利指数股。3、优势之三:再造流程,实行精细化管理2006年,公司全面推进

16、精细化管理,推动管理升级,全面提高企业绩效。 (1)加强制度建设和重要环节管理;(2)基于核心价值链再造流程体系;(3)围绕业务流程体系,建立绩效考核的管理流程和体系;(4)加强人力资源管理,提高执行力;(5)推进精细化管理的目标。(三)公司总体发展战略设想1、战略目标:上海房地产业保持领先地位的集团企业;做百年老店,成为行业的领跑者。l2、指导原则:稳健发展,适度扩张;做好内涵,持续经营。(四)公司经营策略1、业务方向(1)住宅和办公商业房产开发并举,以发展中高档住宅和高级写字楼。(2)租售并举,3至4年内提高优质物业出租经营收益比例。2、加大项目储备上海地区,长三角地区,有较大发展潜力和竞争优势的城市。3、拓宽融资渠道,优化财务结构根据公司发展战略,公司融资工作是重中之重。拓宽融资渠道,探索各种融资方式,实现融资方式的创新以及融资结构的优化,为公司业务拓展创造有利条件。



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