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1、Project 2 Establishing and Developing Business Relations,Task 1 Establishment of Business Relation,Teaching Aims:,Teaching Aims,Key point and difficult point,Key point : To master writing skills of the letter of establishing business relation Difficult point :To pick up some sentence patterns/ typic

2、al sentences,A Trade negotiation procedure,Establishing Business relations,Exclusive representation,Sales promotion,Counter offers,Enquiries,Come to terms / conclude a transaction,offers,Counter Counter- offers,信例,我方从贵国驻伦敦 大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司行名和地址,现寄上此信以期与贵公司建立贸易关系。 我方销售中国台布。他们质量上乘,工艺精良,在欧洲享有良好声誉,我方愿与贵公司合

3、作在我处进行销售。我方证明人为伦敦英格兰银行,他们可向贵方提供有关我方的业务和财政情况。 期盼早日答复。,April 1 2003 Dear sirs We have obtained your name and address from the commercial counselors office of your embassy in London and are now writing you for the establishment of business relation . We sell Chinese tablecloths .they are of good qualit

4、y and have fine workmanship .Chinese tablecloth are very popular in Europe .we would like to work with you to market them here .our reference is the bank of England London .they can provide you with information about our business and finance . We are looking forward to your early reply Your sincerel

5、y,Questions,1) Why do foreign trade companies need a lot of business connection?,As the saying goes , “No customer, no business” . To seek prospective clients and establish business relations in one of the most important measures for a newly established firm or an old one that wishes to expand its m

6、arkets and enlarge its business scope and turnover.,2)Through what channels can the names and addresses of the firms to be dealt with be obtained?,信息获取渠道:,Bank Chamber of Commerce in Foreign Countries (外国商会) Chinese Commercial Counselors office in Foreign Countries (中国驻国外商务处) Trade Directory (贸易行行名录

7、) Advertisement/ periodicals Business Houses of the Same Trade (同业商行),What does a Establishing Business Relations letter usually include?,建立商务关系信文要求重点:,1)本公司产品优良,且潜力十足, 如与我方交易必可获利 ; 2)公司营业的具体内容、及商品的优秀特征; 3)明示交易内容、交易条件、信用担保者,并希望对方也告知这些条件; 4)附寄公司简介、价目表及目录; )表示强烈的交易意愿。,the opening sentences 1表明获取客户信息的渠

8、道 For Example: We have obtained your name and address from -,Come to know Heard Learned,(the body of the letter) 2、写信目的 For example We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves-,3、介绍自己公司(经营的产品)状况和意向 4、要求寄送有关资料,(the closing sentences),强调主题, 请对方尽快回信或反馈所需的材料, 资料。 We are looking forward to hearing so

9、on. We hope to receive your early reply. .,Useful Phrases,1).be a good quality 2) have fine workmanship 3) illustrated catalogue 4) handle . 5) illustrated catalogue 6) be obliged to sb for sth. 7) take this opportunity to do sth,8) be experienced in 9) in the hope of doing 10) open an account with

10、sb. 11) be satisfied with 12) business standing and outline 13) enter into business relations with sb.,14).have the pleasure of doing sth./ take pleasure in doing 有幸做- 15) by courtesy of / through the courtesy of 承蒙-的好意相告 16) on the recommendation of 承蒙-推荐,17) deal in = handle 18) exclusively adv. 独

11、家经营地;专门地 ;唯一地 19)To take the liberty of doing 冒昧做- 20)wholesaler 批发商 21)distributor/dealer 销售商/经销商,1. 信息来源:,.1) 我们从网上得知贵公司是这一行业的主要生产商之一。 We learn your company from the Internet that you are one of the leading manufacturers in this line. 2) 我们从商业日报得知贵公司的名称和地址。 We owe your name and address of your com

12、pany to the Journal of Commerce. 3)通过ABC 贸易公司的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址, 并获悉你方经营纺织品。 Having obtained the name and address of your company from ABC Trading Co., we know that you deal in textiles.,4) 承蒙史密斯先生介绍,我们得知你们是中国化工产品的主要进口商之一。 We have learned /understood by courtesy of Mr Smith that you are one of the le

13、ading importer of Chinese chemicals.,2. 写信的目的,1) 我们写信给你方希望建立业务关系。 We are writing you and hope to enter into business relations with you. 2) 我们写信与你联系, 以期与贵公司建立业务联系。 We are writing you and willing to open up business relations with you .,3) 我们愿借此机会与贵公司建立业务关系。 We would like to take this opportunity to

14、establish business relations with you 4)我们愿在平等互利的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系 We are willing to enter into business relations with your company on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.。,3. 自我介绍,1)我们有幸自荐,我们是一家专营轻工业品的国有公司。 we have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state-operated corporation deali

15、ng exclusively in light industrial goods. 2) 现函告, 我公司为食品大经销商, 在国内拥有大批的客户。 We are writing to introduce ourselves as a large dealer in foodstuffs with a number of clients in the country 3)我们 专门经营中国工艺美术品出口,愿与贵方进行交易。 we are willing to trade with you in this line as we specialize in the export of Chinese

16、 arts &crafts goods.,4)我们借此机会介绍, 我公司为专门经营服装的出口商。 We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as exporters dealing exclusively in garments. 5) 我公司作为玩具进口商有多年, 我们的产品质量好、价格合理, 在世界上享有极高的声誉。 We are an importer handling toys for many years , our products have enjoyed a high reputation in the world for their good quality and reasonable price,4. 要求寄送有关资料,1) 请给我们寄你公司的商品目录和价目表。 Please send us your catalogues and quotations. 2) 如能寄你公司的商品目录和价格单 当十分感谢。 We shall appr


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