(全国通用)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 练习 牛津译林版选修6

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1、选修六 Unit 2 单元话题 语篇训练练(一)语言知识运用组块专练练准度(限时:30分钟).完形填空(2019重点中学领航卷三)I have always considered myself an optimist, trying to find the best in every situation. Ive recently become _1_ of how two little words have had a tremendous impact on people.My recently divorced daughter _2_ to tell me about a house

2、she was _3_ in. I held the line and listened. I _4_ her for moving forward with her life, and I said, “Honey, I am glad youve found something you like, _5_ dont you think, with the gas prices, you might need to buy one _6_ to your work?” As she told me all _7_ the house, I could hear the _8_ and joy

3、 in her voice. The moment I spoke the word, BUT, it was _9_ I had stuck a needle into a balloon. I could hear her _10_ deflate (泄气). I wish Id used the word AND. “Honey, Im glad you found a house in your price _11_, AND Im happy for you.” I _12_ that if I had held my tongue, her _13_ wouldnt have ch

4、anged, and wed have both _14_ feeling better.Since then, Ive been doing some _15_. And I am going to _16_ myself from using the BUT word. I think I can _17_ it, and I am going to give it my best shot. If I _18_, I will try again, and again to _19_ that naughty little word from my vocabulary. I inten

5、d to _20_ it with the word AND. This is a decision I plan to keep!语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过女儿买房这件事领悟到对别人应该少说“BUT”,多说“AND”。1A.ignorantBawareCcapable Dsceptical解析:选B结合下文内容可知,此处指作者最近意识到两个小小的单词对人的影响有多么巨大。aware“知道的,明白的,意识到的”符合语境。ignorant“愚昧的,无知的”;capable“有能力的”;sceptical“表示怀疑的”。2A.phoned BattemptedCcame Ddecid

6、ed解析:选A根据下文中的“I held the line and listened”可知,此处指作者最近离婚的女儿打电话(phoned)告诉作者她感兴趣的一所房子。attempt“企图,试图”;decide“决定”。3A.involved BtrappedCoccupied Dabsorbed解析:选D参见上题解析。下文中的“I am glad youve found something you like”也是提示。be involved in“被牵涉到”;be trapped in“被困于”;be occupied in“忙于”;be absorbed in“被吸引住”。4A.reward

7、ed BthankedCqualified Dapplauded解析:选D根据下文中的“her for moving forward with her life”及上文提到作者的女儿最近离婚了的内容可知,此处作者称赞了女儿。reward“奖励,奖赏”;qualify“(使)有权利”;applaud“称赞,赞赏”。5A.or BsoCbut Dand解析:选C此处表示“亲爱的,我很高兴你找到了你喜欢的东西,但是,考虑到油价,难道你不觉得你可能需要买一所靠近你工作的地方的房子吗?”前后句之间存在转折关系,故用but。6A.accessible BavailableCbeneficial Dclos

8、e解析:选D参见上题解析。accessible“易进入的,易使用的”;available“可获得的,有空的”;beneficial“有利的,有用的”;close“接近的,靠近的”。7A.in regard to Bon account ofCapart from Dalong with解析:选A当作者的女儿告诉作者所有关于那所房子的事情时,作者能从她的声音里听出兴奋和喜悦。in regard to“关于,至于”;on account of “因为,由于”; apart from .“除了外”;along with .“连同,与一道”。8A.amazement BhesitationCexcit

9、ement Dconfusion解析:选C参见上题解析。空后的“and joy”亦是提示。amazement“惊奇,吃惊”;hesitation“犹豫”;excitement“兴奋,激动”;confusion“困惑,不确定”。9A.in case BbecauseCwhether Das if解析:选D根据语境可知,此处指这就好像作者用针扎了气球一样。as if“似乎,好像,仿佛”引导表语从句,符合语境。in case“以防万一”。10A.suddenly BslowlyCoccasionally Drandomly解析:选B根据上文中的“stuck a needle into a ballo

10、on”并结合常识可知,用针扎了气球后,气球会慢慢地变瘪,此处意在突出女儿逐渐变得失落。slowly“慢慢地”符合语境。suddenly“突然地”;occasionally“偶尔”;randomly“任意地”。11A.expectation BrangeCmeasurement Dplanning解析:选B作者希望自己之前用的是AND这个词,并对女儿说:“亲爱的,我很高兴你在你的价格(承受)范围内找到了一所房子,而且我为你感到高兴。”in ones price range“在某人的价格范围以内”。expectation“期望,期待”;measurement“测量,度量”;planning“计划”

11、。12A.admit BrecallCsuspect Dpromise解析:选C作者觉得如果自己忍住不说(这句话),那么女儿的情绪可能就不会改变,而且在挂断电话的时候双方都会感觉更好。suspect“怀疑,觉得(尤指坏事可能真实或发生)”符合语境。admit“承认”;recall“回忆起”;promise“承诺”。13A.emotions BstrugglesCburdens Ddestinations解析:选A参见上题解析。emotion“情感,情绪”。14A.come over Bgone offCset apart Dhung up解析:选D参见第12题解析。come over“短暂造访

12、,改变立场”;go off“继续下去”;set apart“使显得与众不同,留出”;hang up“挂断(电话)”。15A.selfreflection BselfpromotionCselfsupport Dselfsacrifice解析:选A根据下文的内容可知,此处指作者在自省(selfreflection)。selfpromotion“自抬身价”;selfsupport“自给,自立”。16A.excuse BpreventCspare Dprotect解析:选B作者将阻止(prevent)自己使用BUT这个词。excuse“准许离开,同意免除”;spare“使逃脱,放过”。17A.imp

13、rove BoverlookCmonitor Dmanage解析:选D作者认为自己能做到。improve“提高,改善”;overlook“忽略,不予理会”;monitor“监视,检查”;manage“完成(困难的事),应付(困难局面等)”。18A.give up Bkeep upCturn up Dmess up解析:选D如果作者搞砸了,作者会再次进行尝试。mess up“把弄糟,胡乱地做”符合语境。give up“放弃”;keep up“继续”;turn up“出现,露面”。19A.remove BdismissCseparate Ddistinguish解析:选A作者将会一次又一次地尝试把

14、那个淘气的小单词从自己的词汇表中移出去。remove“移开,拿开,去掉”;dismiss“解雇,摒除(思想、感情等)”;separate“使分开,分离”;distinguish“区分,辨别”。20A.connect BcompareCsubstitute Dexchange解析:选C作者打算用AND来代替它(指BUT)。substitute“(用)代替,取代”符合语境。connect“连接”;compare“对比,比较”;exchange sth. with sb.“与某人交流某事”, exchange sth. for sth.“用某物更换某物”。.语法填空(2019福州期末考试)A hut

15、ong is an ancient city street typical in Beijing._1_ (surround) the Forbidden City, many were built during the Yuan, Ming and Qing _2_ (dynasty)In order to establish the strongest power, emperors planned the city and arranged the residential areas._3_ center of the city Beijing was the royal palace the Forbidden City.At the end of the Qing dynasty, after _4_ (close) China came under the influence from abroad, m



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