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1、必修1Unit 1 Good friends1. be good to sb对。好 be good for sb 有益于 be good at sth 擅长于,在。方面好2. add up加起来,合计 add up to加起来总和是 add .to 往。上加 add to 增加,添加(抽象)3. be upset about sth 对。伤心4. calm down 平静下来,镇定5. have got to do 不得不做6. be concerned about 对。关注,挂念7. go on holiday去渡假8. walk the dog 溜狗9. go through the di

2、fficulties经历困难时光10. make sbsth +adjn. make sb do sth 11. grow crazy 变疯了12. stay awake 一直醒着13. on purpose 故意14. in order to为了15. dare do dare to do dont dare (to) do 敢做16. happen to do sth碰巧做17. at dusk 在黄昏18. hold sb entirely in ones power 有力量震住19. face to face面对面20. a series of 一系列21. not any longe

3、r不再22. take no notice of 不理会23. one after another 一个接一个24.suffer from illness遭受疾病之苦25记下 set down 26.recover from ones illness 从疾病中恢复过来27.get be tired of 对。感到厌烦 be tired from 对做。感到疲倦28.pack up 包起来29.have trouble with sb 与。惹上麻烦30.get alone well with sbsth 与。关系相处。, (工作,学习等)进展如何31.fall in love with sb爱上

4、。32.ask sb for advice 请求。的建议33.be grateful to sb for sth 因。而。对。感激34. join in 参加 join 加入(组织) join us in the talk 35.show interest in sth be interested in sth 对。感兴趣36.find it hard to do sth 37.do does did +动词原形表强调38. There was a time when 39.It is the first time that sb have has done sth. 第一次做。 It was

5、 the first time that sb had done sth.Unit 21.more than one student + 动词单数2.be different from 不同于3.one another 相互4.official language 官方语言5.make a voyage 海上航行6.at the end of by the end of 7.later in the 18th century 在18 世纪后期8.because of 因为9.than ever before 比以前e up 被提出 come up with 提出 come up to sb 向走

6、去municate with 与交际12.be based on 以为基础13.at present 目前14.make full good use of 充分利用 15.in the 1630s 在17世纪30年代16.the latter 后者17.such as 例如18. a large number of students +动词复数 the number of the students +动词单数19.be fluent in 在.方面流利20.on a team 某队的一员21.native language 本族语22.over time 随时间23.believe it or

7、 not 信不信由你24.expect sb to do sth 期望某人做.25.all over the world 世界各地26.play a part in 扮演角色, 起作用27.the same as 与.一样28.be recognized as. 被认为是mand sb to do sth 命令做30.request sb to do sth 要求做 request sb (should) do sth 31.a block of ice 一块冰Unit 31.梦想 dream about doing sth 2.大型自行车旅行 take a great bike trip3.

8、 说服某人做persuade sb to do sth sb into doing sth说服某人不要做persuade sb not to do sb out of sth4.拜访某人, 参观某地方visit sbsp = pay a visit to sb sp 5.大学毕业 graduate from college6. get the chance to do sth get the chance of doing有机会干某事7. from where it begins to where it ends 从它开始的地方到它结束的地方8.使某人对某事感兴趣 get sb. intere

9、sted in sth9.准时 on schedule 10. 喜欢 be fond of 11.干某事的最好方式the best way of doing sth / to do sth 12.坚持要求做.insist on doing sth insist that sb (should )do 13.关心, 在乎 care about14.改变某人的主意 change ones mind15. make up ones mind to do sth.下定决心干某事16.be determined to do sth下定决心干某事17. 详细地 in detail 18. 在 的高度 at

10、 an altitude of19. 深呼吸 take a deep breath= breathe deeply20.体验自然 experience nature 一个有经验的老师 an experienced teacher21.屈服 give in to sb 泄露,赠送 give away 放弃give up 散发(气体,气味) give off 1)散发(光,热,声)2)分发 3)耗尽,精疲力竭 give out 22. 穿过深谷 pass through deep valleys24.趴在桌上bend over the desk 弯下身bend down 25.沸腾的水boilin

11、g water 开水 boiled water26.天气预报 weather forecast27.一包 a parcel of 28.人寿保险 life insurance29.想要做. feel like doing 30.看到某人做 see sb doing sth see sb do sth31.发现某人正在做 find sb doing sth32.像往常一样 as usual33.停止做 stop doing 停下来去做 stop to do 34 .支起帐篷 put up tent35.放下,记下来 put down 36.不睡觉 stay awake37. 扎营 make ca

12、mp 去野营 go camping 38. 穿着 be dressed in 39.在午夜 at midnight40.陪伴某人 keep sb company41.在树下 beneath the tree 42.等不及做can hardly wait to see sb 43.旅途愉快! Have a good trip! 句型:1.强调句 It is was that 2.让步状语从句 No matter how where.3.时间状语从句 The first time I saw her , I loved her .Unit 41.imagine sb doing sth 想像某人做

13、2.shake hands with sb (shook, shaken )与握手3.right away right now 立刻,马上4.sth happen to sbsth 某事发生5.sth rises .升起来 raise sth 升起 sth is raised . 6.notice sb doing sth do sth 注意到.做7.too.to 8.mouse-mice9.burst into laughter tears cheers 突然大笑起来 burst out laughing crying cheering 10.the +数词 表全部概念the four of

14、 us four of us11.think little of sth 想得少,12.It seemed as if 13.at an end 结束14.分数百分数的用法(a half a quarter)15.cut down 砍倒 cut up切碎 cut in 插入 cut off 切断,隔绝16.lie in ruins 成了废墟17.区别 damage destroy (destroyed) cause do damage to sth 对造成损失18.区别 injure hurt wound the injured the wounded 伤员19.the number of 的数量


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