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1、201620172青竹湖湘一外国语学校初一第二学期期中测验英语 作者: 日期:个人收集整理,勿做商业用途青竹湖湘一外国语学校20162017学年度第二学期期中考试初一英语试卷(问卷)分值:120分时量:90分钟出卷人:向琪媛校卷人:廖雨薇II. 知识运用(两部分,共20小题,计20分)第一节语法填空从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计10分)21. There is _ uniform. Who forgets _ it?A. the; takingB. an; to takeC. a; to take22. I think _ is not easy for this _

2、 man to cross the busy street.A. it; 80-year-oldB. this; 80 years oldC. that; 80 years old23. There are _ rules here and there.A. too muchB. much tooC. too many24. The panda is _ cute animal. It is also _ shy.A. a kind of; kind ofB. a kind of; a kind ofC. kinds of; kind of25. _ Jim practices speakin

3、g English every day, _ he speaks English very well.A. Because, soB. Because, /C. So, /26. - _ I make dinner tonight?-No, you _. Lets eat out.A. Can; mustntB. Do; dont have toC. Must; dont have to27. Amy is a nice girl _ long hair. She always _ a red dress.A. has; is inB. with; puts onC. with; wears2

4、8. -Can you hear the found of music?-Yes. Look, one of the _ to the music now.A. villagers; dancesB. villagers; is dancingC. villager; is dancing29. “_ near the river,” my mom always tells me.A. Not to playB. Dont playC. Cant play30. -Do you want to go to the movies?-_. Lets meet at six.A. Id love t

5、o.B. No, I dont.C. Sorry, I wont.第二节词语填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。(共10小题,计10分)There are many schools in Tophill City. Le Rosy is a very good one for students to study. Students study at school 31 days a week, from Monday to Friday. A students day starts at 7:00 a.m. and finishes at 8:00

6、 p.m. Students have eight 32 a day. Each class is forty minutes 33 Then they have art classes and do sports from 4:20 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. After dinner, students 34 different kinds of clubs, like Music Club, Chess Club, Movie Club and English Club.Le Rosy 35 a good place to live in. Students rooms are

7、really 36 . Two students live in a room with a washroom and there is a TV and a telephone in the room. But you can only watch TV 37 supper, 7:00 p.m.7:30 p.m. Each student gets the same bed sheet(床单)in color. Teachers come to get 38 twice(两次)a week for washing, usually on Tuesday afternoons and Frid

8、ay mornings.Students at Le Rosy are the same as the children at many schools. There are lots of 39 at school, too. If they break(违反)the rules, they cant 40 there.31. A. fiveB. sixC. seven32. A. booksB. classesC. meals33. A. tallB. bigC. long34. A. are toB. go toC. join in35. A. is eitherB. is notC.

9、is also36. A. niceB. badC. boring37. A. beforeB. afterC. for38. A. itsB. theirsC. them39. A. sportsB. rulesC. classes40. A. playB. speakC. studyIII. 阅读技能(三部分,共25小题,计50分)第一节图表理解阅读下列图表,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。(共5小题,计10分)AWelcome to the zoo. Here is the price of the ticket(票)and some rules for

10、 the zoo.Monday-FridaySaturday-SundayGrown-ups(成人)$ 8.00$ 10.00Children over 10$ 4.00$ 5.00Children under 10FreeFreeOpening time9:00 am-5:00 pm8:00 am-6:00 pmRules for the zoo:Dont smoke in the zoo.Dont give food to the animals in the zoo.Dont go next to the animals. Watch your children carefully.Ke

11、ep the zoo clean.41. How many hours is the zoo open a day on weekends?A. 10 hours.B. 9 hours.C. 8 hours.42. Mr. Green and his two 12-year-old children will go to the zoo on Friday. How much are the tickets?A. $ 8.00.B. $ 12.00.C. $ 16.00.43. You cant _ in the zoo.A. take kidsB. take photosC. give fo

12、od to animalsBThis is a survey(调查)on how students go to school in Green Bamboo School.The number of the studentsHowHow farHow long250 studentsby carnot very far from school10 minutes656 studentsby busfar from school30 minutes94 studentson footnear the school5 to 10 minutes44. Most(大多数)students _ to

13、school.A. walkB. take the busC. ride the bike45. From the survey we know _.A. students walk to school for over 10 minutes.B. it takes half an hour to take a car to school.C. a quarter of the students go to school by car.第二节短文理解阅读下面的短文,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。(共15小题,计30分)AMr. White looks out

14、 of the window. There is a boy at the other side of the street. The boy takes a piece of bread out of a bag and begins to eat it. There is a very thin dog in the street, too.The boy says to it “Come here, good dog. I am going to give you some bread.” The dog is very hungry and goes to the boy. But the boy doesnt give it any bread. He kicks(踢)the dog. It runs away, and the boy laughs.Then Mr. White comes out of his home and says to th


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