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1、Unit One,keys to Exercises,Comprehension Content questions,He used to be utterly bored by English courses. When he was in the third year in high school. He heard that Mr. Fleagle was dull, formal, rigid, and hopelessly out of date, and unable to inspire. He thought he was excessively prim and proper

2、. Because he expected the topics would be dull.,5. The Art of Eating Spaghetti. 6. Because this topic brought back vivid memories of a night in Belleville when he and his family members learned how to eat spaghetti. 7. He thought he would violate all the rules of formal composition hed learned in sc

3、hool, and Mr. Fleagle would surely give it a failing grade. 8. He was preparing himself for a command to report to Mr. Fleagle immediately after school for discipline.,9. He announced that he wanted to read an essay to the class. 10. Mr. Fleagle was reading Mr. Bakers essay to the class. The class l

4、istened attentively, and then the entire class was laughing with open-hearted enjoyment. 11. Because both Mr. Fleagle and his classmates appreciated his essay very much. 12. Probably he meant that the way Bakers essay was composed was exactly the way essays should be written or that the essence of a

5、 good essay is that it can move readers.,Text Organization,Paragraphs Headings 1 Bakers feeling about English courses 2 Bakers impression of his new English teacher 3 A topic that attracts Bakers attention 4 Vivid memories the title brought back 5 Bakers sudden desire to write about that topic 6 Ant

6、icipating punishment 7 Mr. Fleagles announcement 8 Classmates response to the essay 9 What Baker discovered,Part Division of the Text,Parts,Para(s),Main Ideas,1,12,2,35,Baker was bored by everything associated with English courses, including his new English teacher.,Baker found himself attracted by

7、one particular topic and wrote about it for his own enjoyment.,3,69,The experience of writing the essay helped Baker discover his talent for writing and realize what he wished to do in life.,Language Sense Enhancement,1. warmth 2. put it down 3. recapture and hold 4. relive 5. however 6. violate 7.

8、composition 8. a failing grade 9. mind 10. for myself,vocabulary I. 1,respectable agony put down sequence hold back distribute,7. off and on 8. vivid 9. associate 10. finally 11. turn in 12. tackle,I.2,George has been assigned to the newpapers Paris office. The mans story was so extraordinary that I

9、 didnt know whether to believe him or not. She had a clear image of how she would look in twenty years time. When the office gave the command the soldiers opened fire. As long as people keep buying bikes well keep turning them out.,I.3,reputation rigid to inspire 2. and tedious Whats more out of dat

10、e ideas 3. compose career avoid showing hardly hold back,II.,composed severe agony extraordinary recall command was violating anticipate,III.,at for of with as about to in, in from on/upon,comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze 1. Text-realted,hold back tedious scanned recall vivid off and on turn out / i

11、n career,2. Theme-related,last surprise pulled blowing dressed scene extraordinary image turn excitement,Translation,1. As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.,2. His girlfriend advised him to get out of/ get rid of his habit of smoking before it took hold.,3. Ant

12、icipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.,Translation,4. It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the companys safety rules./ Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the comp

13、anys safety rules.,5. It is reported that the government has taken measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage./ The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.,Translation,Susan lost her legs because of / in a car

14、accident.,For a time, she didnt know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again.,Translation,One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, she was attracted by a true story./One day, when Susan was scanning some magazines, a true story caught her eye.,It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer.,Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be able to lead a useful life.,


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