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1、安徽工程大学毕业设计(论文)CONTENTSAbstract3摘要:41. Introduction51.1. Background information51.2. Significance of this study72. Syntactic differences and corresponding translation skills82.1. Subject and topic82.1.1. Introduction82.1.2.Topic-prominent language and subject-prominent language92.1.3. Translation ski

2、lls102.2. Hypotaxis and parataxis132.2.1. The definitions132.2.2. Hypotactic language VS paratactic language142.3. Impersonal subjects and personal subjects162.3.1. Impersonal subjects in English162.3.2. Personal subjects in Chinese172.3.3. Translation skills182.4. Static language and dynamic langua

3、ge202.4.1. Dynamic Chinese and static English202.4.2. Translation skills212.5. Passive voice VS Active voice242.5.1. Different frequencies of passive sentence242.5.2. Translation skills263. Conclusion30Acknowledgements32Bibliography33Syntactic Differences between English and Chinese and Their Impact

4、 on TranslationAbstractNowadays, many Chinese can understand some English materials, but they might not be able to translate them into proper Chinese. Nor can they translate Chinese texts into idiomatic English. It is essential to have a good understanding of the differences between English and Chin

5、ese languages before one can translate adequately as translating techniques and methods are mostly generated according to linguistic and cultural comparisons. Dozen of studies on syntactic comparison carried out over the past 80 years have mostly focused on syntactic differences between English and

6、Chinese, while how to deal with the syntactic differences have been seldom discussed. This article summarizes the syntactic differences between the two languages and illustrates how to address the differences in translation in order to make the translated texts both faithful in meaning and appropria

7、te in style.Key words: syntactic differences, translation skills英汉句法差异及翻译摘要:在当今的社会,很多人能够看明白一些英语文章的意思,却不能够把它翻译成地道的汉语。同样地,他们可能也很难把汉语文章翻译成地道的英语。大部分的翻译技巧和方法来自于两种语言的文化和语法的对比,所以要想使译文地道合适,在翻译之前必须对英汉两种的区别有个清晰地认识。在过去的八十年里,人们做了很多英汉对比的研究,但是大部分的研究着重于英汉句法的对比,而有关在翻译里如何处理英汉不对等的句法现象的话题,却很少被关注。本文旨在总结英汉句法区别的同时,具体分析如何

8、处理英汉句法的不对等,以使译文不仅忠实于原文,而且合适地道。关键词:句法区别,翻译技巧 1. Introduction1.1. Background information If the translation is a journey, it begins with the first step-making a comparison between the two languages. Translation is difficult, because you have to face the challenges, such as how to deal with language di

9、fferences and how to find an approximation of the meaning expressed in the other language. Lu Xun, one of the most famous writers in China once said, “I have always believed that translation is not as difficult as authoring, and it need not to think about how to make the construction of the article

10、at least. However, when starting on it, I meet many obstacles. For example, forgetting a noun or verb in the process of authoring is not a serious problem, because another substitute can solve the problem easily. While it is really a serious problem in the process of translation, the translator has

11、to think it out until he is dizzy. This experience is similar to looking for a key to the box, which is eagerly needed to be opened, but nothing is found. (Song Tianci,2003:60 )The obstacles in Lu Xuns words are the differences between the two languages. Therefore, making an in-depth comparison betw

12、een the two languages is the only way to shed light on these differences and remove these obstacles in translation.It is possible to make a comparison of two languages because there are some universality both in the forms and semantic meanings of different languages. As tools for communication, ther

13、e are some universality in the forms of language, for instance, all the parts of speech can be divided into noun, verb, and adjective, numeral and so on. As for semantic meanings of language, the universalities of them make it possible to use synonym or near-synonym to replace a word that is used to

14、 describe human lives. Making a contrast of two languages is also to illustrate the differences and relationships between the two languages. One of the famous Chinese linguists Lv Shuxiang argues that “There are some similarities as well as some differences between Chinese and English. Similarities

15、do not need much attention, while the differences are needed to be concentrated on.” (Hu Wenzhong,1998:241) That is to say, the differences usually are more important than the similarities and need to be studied. In terms of English and Chinese, most of the obstacles in the translation are caused by the differences between them. Besides, “syntax can be the best embodiment of national characteristics of a language, because it is the rule that governs the formation of a language and are abided by all the ethnic members or all the members of the same language community.”(He Shanfen,2012:181)


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