学术英语 理工unit 2练习答案

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1、,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 c,10 i,1 e,2 h,3 a,4 g,6 b,7 j,8 f,9 d,2 Scanning and skimming,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,2 Scanning and skimming,1 electric power (自动化) equipment 2 (职业的) disease 3 illegal (移民)

2、4 Music can (振奋) your spirits. 5 result in substantial population (转移) 6 the (手工制作的) furniture 7 He has (在牧场工作) in the north for 20 years. 8 eat (有营养的) food 9 be (卷入) in the trouble 10 a new (装配) line 11 (屈服) to the enemy 12 make (难以置信的) progress 13 unrealistic (乐观) 14 in recent (暴徒) violence,automa

3、tion,occupational,immigrant,uplift,displacement,hand-crafted,ranched,nutritious,involved,assembly,yield,incredible,optimism,mob,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the paragraph,2 Scanning and skimming,Robots are playing (越来越重要的作用) in our life. They replaced humans in the assistance of perform

4、ing those repetitive and dangerous tasks, (那些人类不愿做或不能做的事) such as in outer space or at the bottom of the sea (以及诸如此类的事) where humans could not survive the extreme environments. But the important role of robots does not (解决人类的担忧). (问题提了出来): Will robots control man?,increasingly important role,tasks h

5、umans prefer not to do,or are unable to do,and the like,settle mans worries,Some questions are raised,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 5 into Chinese.,1 最近在纽约时报上刊登的一篇文章谈到了一种新计算机软件,该软件在瞬间就能通过数以千计的法律文件筛选并寻找到那些可诉讼的条款,这为律师们节省了在阅读文件上所花费的数百小时。,2 他们主要靠耕种来养活自己,然后再

6、多种一些用以物品交易或卖一些盈余。,3 从事农业和畜牧业者的绝对数量大约在1910年时达到顶峰(约有1,1001,200万),在此之后人数便急剧下降。,2 Scanning and skimming,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 5 into Chinese.,4 这个故事总结了美国几个世纪以来的工作经历,从失业工人的层面上讲是悲剧,但从全国劳动力的层面上讲是件好事。,5 人工智能是一种新的自动化技术吗?是一种削弱了曾经是20世纪末就业标志的脑力工作的技术吗?是一种只会消

7、除更好的工作机会的技术吗?,2 Scanning and skimming,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 h,10 g,1 d,2 f,3 i,4 b,6 c,7 a,8 e,9 j,3 Identifying topic sentences for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,1 Some places are (有问题的) for

8、women traveling alone. 2 I have to make some (推测). 3 go through what he calls a period of political (边缘政策) 4 She reminds us of the famous (格言). 5 enjoy the (垄断) of cigarette business 6 try to (隐藏) his envy 7 If you want a(n) (份额) of the pay, youll have to do your fair share of the work. 8 They threa

9、tened him with a(n) (诉讼). 9 No difficulty can (阻止) us from trying it again. 10 joint together for (相互的) benefits,problematic,presumptions,brinkmanship,dictum,monopoly,conceal,share,lawsuit,deter,mutual,3 Identifying topic sentences for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words wit

10、h their definitions.,11 If you are serious about our relationship, you should make (保证). 12 promise never to (泄露) his secret 13 a(n) (有目的的) decision and action 14 (过得) badly during those days 15 the (相互依赖) between humans and nature 16 The troops were thoroughly (士气低落) by this setback. 17 The childre

11、n helped the old man (共同地). 18 He (规定) payment in advance. 19 The car is sold with a 12-month (担保). 20 The benefits have (超过) the risk. 21 Too much food will (引起) sleepiness. 22 force applied (一致地) over a surface,commitment,reveal,purposive,fare,interdependence,demoralized,collectively,stipulated,wa

12、rranty,outweighed,induce,uniformly,3 Identifying topic sentences for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,23 the (最佳的) method for improving speaking practice 24 refuse to (承认) to his crime 25 Even the best quality rubber will (毁坏) with age. 26 Unless t

13、he employers (采取行动) quickly, there will be a strike. 27 be faced with a(n) (两难境地) 28 remain (中立的) in the war 29 (无法忍受的) temper and attitude 30 The right hand is (占优势的) in most people. 31 His statement doesnt (符合) with the facts. 32 the (结果) of the election 33 (吓退) the man off 34 It is a(n) (直线的) dia

14、gram.,optimal,confess,perish,dilemma,move,neutral,intolerable,dominant,square,bluff,outcome,linear,3 Identifying topic sentences for information,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the paragraph,Few social situations can be modeled by a single interaction. The strategy one uses to (为自己得到最好的结果) depends on his experience in previous interactions. (为了说明这一点), the paper (尝试运用) the example of a game. A player is likely to cooperate only if his opponent previously demonstrated willingness to cooperate,


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