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1、吴淞VTS实用英语汇编一、基础部分字母拼读spelling of letters字母Letter识别码Code字母Letter识别码Code字母Letter识别码CodeAAlfaJJulietSSierraBBravoKKiloTTangoCCharlieLLimaUUniformDDeltaMMikeVVictorEEchoNNovemberWWhiskeyFFoxtrotOOscarXX-rayGGolfPPapaYYankeeHHotelQQuebecZZuluIIndiaRRomeo数字拼读spelling of numbers数字Number拼读Spelling发音Pronunci

2、ation数字Number拼读Spelling发音Pronunciation0ZeroZEERO6SixSIX1OneWUN7SevenSEVEV2TwoTOO8EightAIT3ThreeTREE9NineNINER4FourFOWER1000thousandTOUSAND5fiveFIFEPlease use IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases请使用IMO标准航海通信用语I will use IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases我将使用IMO标准航海通信用语MAYDAY用于发布遇险信文。PAN-P

3、AN用于发布紧急信文。SECURITE用于发布安全信文。数字Numbers数字逐位读出应读作:“一五零”;“One-five-zero”2.5应读作:“二点五”“Two decimal five” or “Two point five”术语 GLOSSARY弃船Abandon vessel漂移Adrift水面高度Air draft风向逆转Backing( of wind)盲区Blind sector登轮船速Boarding speed平舱机Bob-cat倾覆Capsize (to)方位浮标Cardinalbuoy基点(罗经点)Cardinal points伤亡Casualty货物相容性Comp

4、atibility限于吃水的船舶Vessel constrained by her draft航向Course推算航迹向Course made good原油洗舱COWCrude Oil Washing最近会遇点/最近会遇时间CPA/TCPA紧急停车Crash-stop破损控制队Damage control team丧失航行能力Disabled离船Disembark吃水Draughtor draft走锚Dragging (of anchor)拖锚Dredging (of anchor )漂流Drifting进水Flooding (海水不受控制地大量涌入船舶)缠锚Foul (of anchor)缠

5、螺旋桨Foul (of propeller)让路Give away操纵能力受到限制的船Hampered vessel初始航向Initial course抛弃货物Jettison (to) (of cargo)泄漏Leaking下风Leeward偏航Leeway横倾List进水Make water to(船舶由于船壳损坏或舱口受海浪冲击及未关妥而造成海水涌入)应变部署表Muster list失控Not under command受限区域Restricted area点名Roll call安全航速Safe speed货物隔票Segregation (of goods)货物横移Shifting ca

6、rgo溢油Spill风向顺转Veering (of winds)锚松出Veer out (to) (of anchor)倒出锚链Walk out (to)(of anchor)上风windward二、通用部分实用语句和短句:一)、动态报告Movement ReportsM/V:WUSONG VTS, we are passing CJK reporting line,my position is bearing 60 degrees, distance 2 nautical miles from CJK light vessel,over. 吴淞交管中心,我船刚过长江口报告线,我的船位距长江口

7、灯船方位60度,距离2海里处,请回答。VTS: M/V TEST, this is WUSONG VTS ,your information received ,out.“TEST”轮,我是吴淞交管中心,收到你的信息,通话结束。常用短语1、你的船名、呼号是什么? What is your ships name and call sign?2、拼出你的船名。 Spell your ships name.3、你的船旗国是哪个国家? What is your flag state?4、你的位置在哪里? What is your position?5、你现在的航向和速度是多少?What is your

8、 present course and speed?6、你的目的港/出发港是哪里? What is your destination?/What was your last port?7、你预计到达长江口灯船的时间是几点?What is your ETA to CJK light vessel?8、你预计离开长江口灯船的时间是几点?What is your ETD to CJK light vessel?9、你的前/后吃水是多少? What is your draft forward/aft?10、你现在的最大吃水是多少? What is your present maximum draft?

9、11、请你转到09频道。 Please change/switch to Ch09.二)、锚泊Anchoring遇到找不到船舶物标和无法听清船舶呼叫时I cant located you on my radar and I read your very poor.我现在在雷达上捕捉不到你的船位,同时你的信号也很差遇到船舶抵港后要求抛锚时,应询问其相关信息Whats your last port of call? 请问你的上一港口?Whats your L.O.A, Breadth, Gross Tonnage, DWT and deep (Max.) draft请问你船全长、船宽、总吨、载重吨

10、、最大吃水?当船舶询问合适的锚地抛锚时You may choose any safe position to drop anchor in anchorage No.2你可以在长江口2号锚地任何安全的位置抛锚当船舶在锚地航行时应提醒Please keep a wide berth with other anchored vessels请与其他锚泊船保持安全距离在船舶抛锚前的提示Please report your anchor position to me after dropping your anchor on this channel.抛锚后请在这个频道报告你的锚位当船舶抛完锚后Plea

11、se keep listening watch on VHF channel 08 all the time and keep good look-out.请保持高频08频道守听,并保持正规了望。当船舶询问引航信息时If you want to know your pilot boarding time, please change VHF channel to 69如果你想知道你的引航员登船时间,请转到69频道询问当船舶未在锚区水域抛锚Your anchor position is out of the anchorage; please have anther anchor positio

12、n within the anchorage.你的锚位不在锚区内,请你在锚地范围内重新抛锚。当发现船舶走锚现象M/V XXX, maybe you are dragging/dredging anchor, please check your anchor position and stand by your engine if necessary.某某船,我发现你船可能正在走锚,请你核对自己的锚位,如有必要请备车。发现两船锚位过近Your anchor position is close to another vessel, we suggest you that shift 1 nauti

13、cal mile east. 你的锚位太靠近其他船,我们建议你向东移1海里,通话结束常用语句和短语1、不得在航道中抛锚。Do not anchor in the fairway.2、禁止抛锚。 Anchoring is prohibited.3、你必须起锚。 You must heave up anchor.4、引航员上船时,你的船员做好起锚的准备。 Have your crew on stand by for heaving up anchor when the pilot embarks.5、你船正在走锚/拖锚吗? Are you dragging/dredging anchor?6、不得拖锚。 Do not dredge anchor.7、请锚离底再报Please report to me when your anchor is clear of bottom三)、


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